import os import re import shutil import threading import time from random import randint import pytest from helpers.cluster import ClickHouseCluster from import PartitionManager from helpers.test_tools import assert_eq_with_retry, assert_logs_contain test_recover_staled_replica_run = 1 cluster = ClickHouseCluster(__file__) node1 = cluster.add_instance( "node1", main_configs=["configs/config.xml"], user_configs=["configs/users.xml"], with_zookeeper=True, keeper_required_feature_flags=["multi_read", "create_if_not_exists"], macros={"shard": "shard1", "replica": "1"}, stay_alive=True, ) node2 = cluster.add_instance( "node2", main_configs=["configs/config.xml"], user_configs=["configs/users.xml"], with_zookeeper=True, keeper_required_feature_flags=["multi_read", "create_if_not_exists"], macros={"shard": "shard1", "replica": "2"}, ) nodes = [node1, node2] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def started_cluster(): try: cluster.start() yield cluster finally: cluster.shutdown() def test_refreshable_mv_in_replicated_db(started_cluster): for node in nodes: node.query( "create database re engine = Replicated('/test/re', 'shard1', '{replica}');" ) # Table engine check. assert "BAD_ARGUMENTS" in node1.query_and_get_error( "create materialized view re.a refresh every 1 second (x Int64) engine Memory as select 1 as x" ) # Basic refreshing. node1.query( "create materialized view re.a refresh every 1 second (x Int64) engine ReplicatedMergeTree order by x as select number*10 as x from numbers(2)" ) node1.query("system sync database replica re") for node in nodes: node.query("system wait view re.a") assert node.query("select * from re.a order by all") == "0\n10\n" assert ( node.query( "select database, view, last_success_time != 0, last_refresh_time != 0, last_refresh_replica in ('1','2'), exception from system.view_refreshes" ) == "re\ta\t1\t1\t1\t\n" ) # Append mode, with and without coordination. for coordinated in [True, False]: name = "append" if coordinated else "append_uncoordinated" refresh_settings = "" if coordinated else " settings all_replicas = 1" node2.query( f"create materialized view re.{name} refresh every 1 year{refresh_settings} append (x Int64) engine ReplicatedMergeTree order by x as select rand() as x" ) # Stop the clocks. for node in nodes: node.query( f"system test view re.{name} set fake time '2040-01-01 00:00:01'" ) # Wait for quiescence. for node in nodes: # Wait twice to make sure we wait for a refresh that started after we adjusted the clock. # Otherwise another refresh may start right after (because clock moved far forward). node.query( f"system wait view re.{name}; system refresh view re.{name}; system wait view re.{name};" ) rows_before = int(nodes[randint(0, 1)].query(f"select count() from re.{name}")) # Advance the clocks. for node in nodes: node.query( f"system test view re.{name} set fake time '2041-01-01 00:00:01'" ) # Wait for refresh. for node in nodes: assert_eq_with_retry( node, f"select status, last_success_time from system.view_refreshes where view = '{name}'", "Scheduled\t2041-01-01 00:00:01", ) node.query(f"system wait view re.{name}") # Check results. rows_after = int(nodes[randint(0, 1)].query(f"select count() from re.{name}")) expected = 1 if coordinated else 2 assert rows_after - rows_before == expected # Uncoordinated append to unreplicated table. node1.query( "create materialized view re.unreplicated_uncoordinated refresh every 1 second settings all_replicas = 1 append (x String) engine Memory as select 1 as x" ) node2.query("system sync database replica re") for node in nodes: node.query("system wait view re.unreplicated_uncoordinated") assert ( node.query("select distinct x from re.unreplicated_uncoordinated") == "1\n" ) # Rename. node2.query( "create materialized view re.c refresh every 1 year (x Int64) engine ReplicatedMergeTree order by x empty as select rand() as x" ) node1.query("system sync database replica re") node1.query("rename table re.c to re.d") node1.query( "alter table re.d modify query select number + sleepEachRow(1) as x from numbers(5) settings max_block_size = 1" ) # Rename while refreshing. node1.query("system refresh view re.d") assert_eq_with_retry( node2, "select status from system.view_refreshes where view = 'd'", "RunningOnAnotherReplica", ) node2.query("rename table re.d to re.e") node1.query("system wait view re.e") assert node1.query("select * from re.e order by x") == "0\n1\n2\n3\n4\n" # A view that will be stuck refreshing until dropped. node1.query( "create materialized view re.f refresh every 1 second (x Int64) engine ReplicatedMergeTree order by x as select sleepEachRow(1) as x from numbers(1000000) settings max_block_size = 1" ) assert_eq_with_retry( node2, "select status in ('Running', 'RunningOnAnotherReplica') from system.view_refreshes where view = 'f'", "1", ) # Locate coordination znodes. znode_exists = ( lambda uuid: nodes[randint(0, 1)].query( f"select count() from system.zookeeper where path = '/clickhouse/tables/{uuid}' and name = 'shard1'" ) == "1\n" ) tables = [] for row in node1.query( "select table, uuid from system.tables where database = 're'" ).split("\n")[:-1]: name, uuid = row.split("\t") print(f"found table {name} {uuid}") if name.startswith(".") or name.startswith("_tmp_replace_"): continue coordinated = not name.endswith("uncoordinated") tables.append((name, uuid, coordinated)) assert coordinated == znode_exists(uuid) assert sorted([name for (name, _, _) in tables]) == [ "a", "append", "append_uncoordinated", "e", "f", "unreplicated_uncoordinated", ] # Drop all tables and check that coordination znodes were deleted. for name, uuid, coordinated in tables: maybe_sync = " sync" if randint(0, 1) == 0 else "" nodes[randint(0, 1)].query(f"drop table re.{name}{maybe_sync}") # TODO: After is done (for MVs, not ReplicatedMergeTree), check the parent znode instead. assert not znode_exists(uuid) # A little stress test dropping MV while it's refreshing, hoping to hit various cases where the # drop happens while creating/exchanging/dropping the inner table. for i in range(20): maybe_empty = " empty" if randint(0, 2) == 0 else "" nodes[randint(0, 1)].query( f"create materialized view re.g refresh every 1 second (x Int64) engine ReplicatedMergeTree order by x{maybe_empty} as select 1 as x" ) r = randint(0, 5) if r == 0: pass elif r == 1: time.sleep(randint(0, 100) / 1000) else: time.sleep(randint(900, 1100) / 1000) nodes[randint(0, 1)].query("drop table re.g") # Check that inner and temp tables were dropped. for node in nodes: assert node.query("show tables from re") == "" node1.query("drop database re sync") node2.query("drop database re sync") def test_refreshable_mv_in_system_db(started_cluster): node1.query( "create materialized view system.a refresh every 1 second (x Int64) engine Memory as select number+1 as x from numbers(2);" "system refresh view system.a;" ) node1.restart_clickhouse() node1.query("system refresh view system.a") assert node1.query("select count(), sum(x) from system.a") == "2\t3\n" node1.query("drop table system.a")