#!/usr/bin/env python3 # In our CI this script runs in style-test containers import argparse import logging import os.path as p import os import re from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta from queue import Empty, Queue from subprocess import CalledProcessError, DEVNULL from threading import Thread from typing import Dict, List, Optional, TextIO from fuzzywuzzy.fuzz import ratio # type: ignore from github import Github from github.NamedUser import NamedUser from github.Issue import Issue from github.PullRequest import PullRequest from github.Repository import Repository from git_helper import is_shallow, git_runner as runner # This array gives the preferred category order, and is also used to # normalize category names. # Categories are used in .github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md, keep comments there # updated accordingly categories_preferred_order = ( "Backward Incompatible Change", "New Feature", "Performance Improvement", "Improvement", "Bug Fix", "Build/Testing/Packaging Improvement", "Other", ) FROM_REF = "" TO_REF = "" SHA_IN_CHANGELOG = [] # type: List[str] GitHub = Github() CACHE_PATH = p.join(p.dirname(p.realpath(__file__)), "gh_cache") class Description: def __init__( self, number: int, user: NamedUser, html_url: str, entry: str, category: str ): self.number = number self.html_url = html_url self.user = user self.entry = entry self.category = category @property def formatted_entry(self) -> str: # Substitute issue links. # 1) issue number w/o markdown link entry = re.sub( r"([^[])#([0-9]{4,})", r"\1[#\2](https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/issues/\2)", self.entry, ) # 2) issue URL w/o markdown link entry = re.sub( r"([^(])https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/issues/([0-9]{4,})", r"\1[#\2](https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/issues/\2)", entry, ) user_name = self.user.name if self.user.name else self.user.login return ( f"* {entry} [#{self.number}]({self.html_url}) " f"([{user_name}]({self.user.html_url}))." ) # Sort PR descriptions by numbers def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: if not isinstance(self, type(other)): return NotImplemented return self.number == other.number def __lt__(self, other: "Description") -> bool: return self.number < other.number class Worker(Thread): def __init__(self, request_queue: Queue, repo: Repository): Thread.__init__(self) self.queue = request_queue self.repo = repo self.response = [] # type: List[Description] def run(self): while not self.queue.empty(): try: issue = self.queue.get() # type: Issue except Empty: break # possible race condition, just continue api_pr = get_pull_cached(self.repo, issue.number, issue.updated_at) in_changelog = False merge_commit = api_pr.merge_commit_sha try: runner.run(f"git rev-parse '{merge_commit}'") except CalledProcessError: # It's possible that commit not in the repo, just continue logging.info("PR %s does not belong to the repo", api_pr.number) continue in_changelog = merge_commit in SHA_IN_CHANGELOG if in_changelog: desc = generate_description(api_pr, self.repo) if desc is not None: self.response.append(desc) self.queue.task_done() def get_pull_cached( repo: Repository, number: int, updated_at: Optional[datetime] = None ) -> PullRequest: pr_cache_file = p.join(CACHE_PATH, f"{number}.pickle") if updated_at is None: updated_at = datetime.now() - timedelta(hours=-1) if p.isfile(pr_cache_file): cache_updated = datetime.fromtimestamp(p.getmtime(pr_cache_file)) if cache_updated > updated_at: with open(pr_cache_file, "rb") as prfd: return GitHub.load(prfd) # type: ignore pr = repo.get_pull(number) with open(pr_cache_file, "wb") as prfd: GitHub.dump(pr, prfd) # type: ignore return pr def get_descriptions( repo: Repository, issues: List[Issue], jobs: int ) -> Dict[str, List[Description]]: workers = [] # type: List[Worker] queue = Queue() # type: Queue[Issue] for issue in issues: queue.put(issue) for _ in range(jobs): worker = Worker(queue, repo) worker.start() workers.append(worker) descriptions = {} # type: Dict[str, List[Description]] for worker in workers: worker.join() for desc in worker.response: if desc.category not in descriptions: descriptions[desc.category] = [] descriptions[desc.category].append(desc) for descs in descriptions.values(): descs.sort() return descriptions def parse_args() -> argparse.Namespace: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, description="Generate a changelog in MD format between given tags. " "It fetches all tags and unshallow the git repositore automatically", ) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", action="count", default=0, help="set the script verbosity, could be used multiple", ) parser.add_argument( "--output", type=argparse.FileType("w"), default="-", help="output file for changelog", ) parser.add_argument( "--repo", default="ClickHouse/ClickHouse", help="a repository to query for pull-requests from GitHub", ) parser.add_argument( "--jobs", type=int, default=10, help="number of jobs to get pull-requests info from GitHub API", ) parser.add_argument( "--gh-user-or-token", help="user name or GH token to authenticate", ) parser.add_argument( "--gh-password", help="a password that should be used when user is given", ) parser.add_argument( "--with-testing-tags", action="store_true", help="by default '*-testing' tags are ignored, this argument enables them too", ) parser.add_argument( "--from", dest="from_ref", help="git ref for a starting point of changelog, by default is calculated " "automatically to match a previous tag in history", ) parser.add_argument( "to_ref", metavar="TO_REF", help="git ref for the changelog end", ) args = parser.parse_args() return args # This function mirrors the PR description checks in ClickhousePullRequestTrigger. # Returns False if the PR should not be mentioned changelog. def generate_description(item: PullRequest, repo: Repository) -> Optional[Description]: backport_number = item.number if item.head.ref.startswith("backport/"): branch_parts = item.head.ref.split("/") if len(branch_parts) == 3: try: item = get_pull_cached(repo, int(branch_parts[-1])) except Exception as e: logging.warning("unable to get backpoted PR, exception: %s", e) else: logging.warning( "The branch %s doesn't match backport template, using PR %s as is", item.head.ref, item.number, ) description = item.body # Don't skip empty lines because they delimit parts of description lines = [x.strip() for x in (description.split("\n") if description else [])] lines = [re.sub(r"\s+", " ", ln) for ln in lines] category = "" entry = "" if lines: i = 0 while i < len(lines): if re.match(r"(?i)^[#>*_ ]*change\s*log\s*category", lines[i]): i += 1 if i >= len(lines): break # Can have one empty line between header and the category itself. # Filter it out. if not lines[i]: i += 1 if i >= len(lines): break category = re.sub(r"^[-*\s]*", "", lines[i]) i += 1 elif re.match( r"(?i)^[#>*_ ]*(short\s*description|change\s*log\s*entry)", lines[i] ): i += 1 # Can have one empty line between header and the entry itself. # Filter it out. if i < len(lines) and not lines[i]: i += 1 # All following lines until empty one are the changelog entry. entry_lines = [] while i < len(lines) and lines[i]: entry_lines.append(lines[i]) i += 1 entry = " ".join(entry_lines) else: i += 1 if not category: # Shouldn't happen, because description check in CI should catch such PRs. # Fall through, so that it shows up in output and the user can fix it. category = "NO CL CATEGORY" # Filter out the PR categories that are not for changelog. if re.match( r"(?i)doc|((non|in|not|un)[-\s]*significant)|(not[ ]*for[ ]*changelog)", category, ): return None if backport_number != item.number: entry = f"Backported in #{backport_number}: {entry}" if not entry: # Shouldn't happen, because description check in CI should catch such PRs. category = "NO CL ENTRY" entry = "NO CL ENTRY: '" + item.title + "'" entry = entry.strip() if entry[-1] != ".": entry += "." for c in categories_preferred_order: if ratio(category.lower(), c.lower()) >= 90: category = c break return Description(item.number, item.user, item.html_url, entry, category) def write_changelog(fd: TextIO, descriptions: Dict[str, List[Description]]): fd.write(f"### ClickHouse release {TO_REF} FIXME as compared to {FROM_REF}\n\n") seen_categories = [] # type: List[str] for category in categories_preferred_order: if category in descriptions: seen_categories.append(category) fd.write(f"#### {category}\n") for desc in descriptions[category]: fd.write(f"{desc.formatted_entry}\n") fd.write("\n") for category in sorted(descriptions): if category not in seen_categories: fd.write(f"#### {category}\n\n") for desc in descriptions[category]: fd.write(f"{desc.formatted_entry}\n") fd.write("\n") def check_refs(from_ref: Optional[str], to_ref: str, with_testing_tags: bool): global FROM_REF, TO_REF TO_REF = to_ref # Check TO_REF runner.run(f"git rev-parse {TO_REF}") # Check from_ref if from_ref is None: # Get all tags pointing to TO_REF tags = runner.run(f"git tag --points-at '{TO_REF}^{{}}'").split("\n") logging.info("All tags pointing to %s:\n%s", TO_REF, tags) if not with_testing_tags: tags.append("*-testing") exclude = " ".join([f"--exclude='{tag}'" for tag in tags]) cmd = f"git describe --abbrev=0 --tags {exclude} '{TO_REF}'" FROM_REF = runner.run(cmd) else: runner.run(f"git rev-parse {FROM_REF}") FROM_REF = from_ref def set_sha_in_changelog(): global SHA_IN_CHANGELOG SHA_IN_CHANGELOG = runner.run( f"git log --format=format:%H {FROM_REF}..{TO_REF}" ).split("\n") def main(): log_levels = [logging.CRITICAL, logging.WARN, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG] args = parse_args() logging.basicConfig( format="%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s [%(filename)s:%(lineno)d]:\n%(message)s", level=log_levels[min(args.verbose, 3)], ) # Create a cache directory if not p.isdir(CACHE_PATH): os.mkdir(CACHE_PATH, 0o700) # Get the full repo if is_shallow(): logging.info("Unshallow repository") runner.run("git fetch --unshallow", stderr=DEVNULL) logging.info("Fetching all tags") runner.run("git fetch --tags", stderr=DEVNULL) check_refs(args.from_ref, args.to_ref, args.with_testing_tags) set_sha_in_changelog() logging.info("Using %s..%s as changelog interval", FROM_REF, TO_REF) # Get starting and ending dates for gathering PRs # Add one day after and before to mitigate TZ possible issues # `tag^{}` format gives commit ref when we have annotated tags # format %cs gives a committer date, works better for cherry-picked commits from_date = runner.run(f"git log -1 --format=format:%cs '{FROM_REF}^{{}}'") from_date = (date.fromisoformat(from_date) - timedelta(1)).isoformat() to_date = runner.run(f"git log -1 --format=format:%cs '{TO_REF}^{{}}'") to_date = (date.fromisoformat(to_date) + timedelta(1)).isoformat() # Get all PRs for the given time frame global GitHub GitHub = Github( args.gh_user_or_token, args.gh_password, per_page=100, pool_size=args.jobs ) query = f"type:pr repo:{args.repo} is:merged merged:{from_date}..{to_date}" repo = GitHub.get_repo(args.repo) api_prs = GitHub.search_issues(query=query, sort="created") logging.info("Found %s PRs for the query: '%s'", api_prs.totalCount, query) pr_numbers = list(api_prs) descriptions = get_descriptions(repo, pr_numbers, args.jobs) write_changelog(args.output, descriptions) if __name__ == "__main__": main()