# NOTE: should be macro to export RUST_CXXFLAGS/RUST_CFLAGS for subfolders macro(configure_rustc) # NOTE: this can also be done by overriding rustc, but it not trivial with rustup. set(RUST_CFLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}") set(CXX_INCLUDE_DIR "${ClickHouse_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/llvm-project/libcxx/include") set(RUST_CXXFLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -isystem ${CXX_INCLUDE_DIR} -nostdinc++") if (CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT) set(RUST_CXXFLAGS "${RUST_CXXFLAGS} -isysroot ${CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT}") set(RUST_CFLAGS "${RUST_CFLAGS} -isysroot ${CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT}") elseif(CMAKE_SYSROOT) set(RUST_CXXFLAGS "${RUST_CXXFLAGS} --sysroot ${CMAKE_SYSROOT}") set(RUST_CFLAGS "${RUST_CFLAGS} --sysroot ${CMAKE_SYSROOT}") endif() message(STATUS "RUST_CFLAGS: ${RUST_CFLAGS}") message(STATUS "RUST_CXXFLAGS: ${RUST_CXXFLAGS}") # NOTE: requires RW access for the source dir configure_file("${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/.cargo/config.toml.in" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/.cargo/config.toml" @ONLY) endmacro() configure_rustc() function(clickhouse_import_crate) # This is a workaround for Corrosion case sensitive build type matching in # _generator_add_cargo_targets(), that leads to different paths in # IMPORTED_LOCATION and real path of the library. # # It uses CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES and $, so here we preserve the # case of ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} in ${CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES}. if ("${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE_UC}" STREQUAL "DEBUG") set(CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES "${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE};release") else() set(CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES "${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE};debug") endif() # NOTE: we may use LTO for rust too corrosion_import_crate(NO_STD ${ARGN}) endfunction() # Add crate from the build directory. # # Our crates has configuration files: # - config for cargo (see config.toml.in) # - and possibly config for build (build.rs.in) # # And to avoid overlaps different builds for one source directory, crate will # be copied from source directory to the binary directory. file(COPY ".cargo" DESTINATION "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}") function(add_rust_subdirectory src) set(dst "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${src}") message(STATUS "Copy ${src} to ${dst}") file(COPY "${src}" DESTINATION "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}") add_subdirectory("${dst}" "${dst}") endfunction() add_rust_subdirectory (BLAKE3) add_rust_subdirectory (skim)