#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import sys from testflows.core import * append_path(sys.path, "..") from helpers.cluster import Cluster from helpers.argparser import argparser @TestFeature @Name("example") @ArgumentParser(argparser) def regression(self, local, clickhouse_binary_path, stress=None, parallel=None): """Simple example of how you can use TestFlows to test ClickHouse. """ top().terminating = False nodes = { "clickhouse": ("clickhouse1",), } if stress is not None: self.context.stress = stress if parallel is not None: self.context.parallel = parallel with Cluster(local, clickhouse_binary_path, nodes=nodes, docker_compose_project_dir=os.path.join(current_dir(), "example_env")) as cluster: self.context.cluster = cluster Scenario(run=load("example.tests.example", "scenario")) if main(): regression()