--- sidebar_position: 106 --- # argMax Calculates the `arg` value for a maximum `val` value. If there are several different values of `arg` for maximum values of `val`, returns the first of these values encountered. **Syntax** ``` sql argMax(arg, val) ``` **Arguments** - `arg` — Argument. - `val` — Value. **Returned value** - `arg` value that corresponds to maximum `val` value. Type: matches `arg` type. **Example** Input table: ``` text ┌─user─────┬─salary─┐ │ director │ 5000 │ │ manager │ 3000 │ │ worker │ 1000 │ └──────────┴────────┘ ``` Query: ``` sql SELECT argMax(user, salary) FROM salary; ``` Result: ``` text ┌─argMax(user, salary)─┐ │ director │ └──────────────────────┘ ```