#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace ProfileEvents { extern const Event MergeTreePrefetchedReadPoolInit; extern const Event WaitPrefetchTaskMicroseconds; } namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR; extern const int BAD_ARGUMENTS; } namespace FailPoints { extern const char prefetched_reader_pool_failpoint[]; } bool MergeTreePrefetchedReadPool::TaskHolder::operator<(const TaskHolder & other) const { chassert(task->priority >= 0); chassert(other.task->priority >= 0); /// With default std::priority_queue, top() returns largest element. /// So closest to 0 will be on top with this comparator. return task->priority > other.task->priority; /// Less is better. } MergeTreePrefetchedReadPool::PrefetchedReaders::~PrefetchedReaders() { for (auto & prefetch_future : prefetch_futures) if (prefetch_future.valid()) prefetch_future.wait(); } MergeTreePrefetchedReadPool::PrefetchedReaders::PrefetchedReaders( MergeTreeReadTask::Readers readers_, Priority priority_, MergeTreePrefetchedReadPool & pool_) : is_valid(true) , readers(std::move(readers_)) { try { prefetch_futures.reserve(1 + readers.prewhere.size()); prefetch_futures.push_back(pool_.createPrefetchedFuture(readers.main.get(), priority_)); for (const auto & reader : readers.prewhere) prefetch_futures.push_back(pool_.createPrefetchedFuture(reader.get(), priority_)); fiu_do_on(FailPoints::prefetched_reader_pool_failpoint, { throw Exception(ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS, "Failpoint for prefetched reader enabled"); }); } catch (...) /// in case of memory exceptions we have to wait { for (auto & prefetch_future : prefetch_futures) if (prefetch_future.valid()) prefetch_future.wait(); throw; } } void MergeTreePrefetchedReadPool::PrefetchedReaders::wait() { ProfileEventTimeIncrement watch(ProfileEvents::WaitPrefetchTaskMicroseconds); for (auto & prefetch_future : prefetch_futures) prefetch_future.wait(); } MergeTreeReadTask::Readers MergeTreePrefetchedReadPool::PrefetchedReaders::get() { SCOPE_EXIT({ is_valid = false; }); ProfileEventTimeIncrement watch(ProfileEvents::WaitPrefetchTaskMicroseconds); /// First wait for completion of all futures. for (auto & prefetch_future : prefetch_futures) prefetch_future.wait(); /// Then rethrow first exception if any. for (auto & prefetch_future : prefetch_futures) prefetch_future.get(); return std::move(readers); } MergeTreePrefetchedReadPool::MergeTreePrefetchedReadPool( RangesInDataParts && parts_, const StorageSnapshotPtr & storage_snapshot_, const PrewhereInfoPtr & prewhere_info_, const ExpressionActionsSettings & actions_settings_, const MergeTreeReaderSettings & reader_settings_, const Names & column_names_, const Names & virtual_column_names_, const PoolSettings & settings_, const ContextPtr & context_) : MergeTreeReadPoolBase( std::move(parts_), storage_snapshot_, prewhere_info_, actions_settings_, reader_settings_, column_names_, virtual_column_names_, settings_, context_) , WithContext(context_) , prefetch_threadpool(getContext()->getPrefetchThreadpool()) , log(&Poco::Logger::get("MergeTreePrefetchedReadPool(" + (parts_ranges.empty() ? "" : parts_ranges.front().data_part->storage.getStorageID().getNameForLogs()) + ")")) { /// Tasks creation might also create a lost of readers - check they do not /// do any time consuming operations in ctor. ProfileEventTimeIncrement watch(ProfileEvents::MergeTreePrefetchedReadPoolInit); fillPerPartStatistics(); fillPerThreadTasks(pool_settings.threads, pool_settings.sum_marks); } std::future MergeTreePrefetchedReadPool::createPrefetchedFuture(IMergeTreeReader * reader, Priority priority) { /// In order to make a prefetch we need to wait for marks to be loaded. But we just created /// a reader (which starts loading marks in its constructor), then if we do prefetch right /// after creating a reader, it will be very inefficient. We can do prefetch for all parts /// only inside this MergeTreePrefetchedReadPool, where read tasks are created and distributed, /// and we cannot block either, therefore make prefetch inside the pool and put the future /// into the thread task. When a thread calls getTask(), it will wait for it is not ready yet. auto task = [=, context = getContext()]() mutable { /// For async read metrics in system.query_log. PrefetchIncrement watch(context->getAsyncReadCounters()); reader->prefetchBeginOfRange(priority); }; return scheduleFromThreadPool(std::move(task), prefetch_threadpool, "ReadPrepare", priority); } void MergeTreePrefetchedReadPool::createPrefetchedReadersForTask(ThreadTask & task) { if (task.isValidReadersFuture()) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "Task already has a reader"); auto extras = getExtras(); auto readers = MergeTreeReadTask::createReaders(task.read_info, extras, task.ranges); task.readers_future = std::make_unique(std::move(readers), task.priority, *this); } void MergeTreePrefetchedReadPool::startPrefetches() { if (prefetch_queue.empty()) return; [[maybe_unused]] TaskHolder prev; [[maybe_unused]] const Priority highest_priority{reader_settings.read_settings.priority.value + 1}; assert(prefetch_queue.top().task->priority == highest_priority); while (!prefetch_queue.empty()) { const auto & top = prefetch_queue.top(); createPrefetchedReadersForTask(*top.task); #ifndef NDEBUG if (prev.task) { assert(top.task->priority >= highest_priority); if (prev.thread_id == top.thread_id) assert(prev.task->priority < top.task->priority); } prev = top; #endif prefetch_queue.pop(); } } MergeTreeReadTaskPtr MergeTreePrefetchedReadPool::getTask(size_t task_idx, MergeTreeReadTask * previous_task) { std::lock_guard lock(mutex); if (per_thread_tasks.empty()) return nullptr; if (!started_prefetches) { started_prefetches = true; startPrefetches(); } auto it = per_thread_tasks.find(task_idx); if (it == per_thread_tasks.end()) return stealTask(task_idx, previous_task); auto & thread_tasks = it->second; assert(!thread_tasks.empty()); auto thread_task = std::move(thread_tasks.front()); thread_tasks.pop_front(); if (thread_tasks.empty()) per_thread_tasks.erase(it); return createTask(*thread_task, previous_task); } MergeTreeReadTaskPtr MergeTreePrefetchedReadPool::stealTask(size_t thread, MergeTreeReadTask * previous_task) { auto non_prefetched_tasks_to_steal = per_thread_tasks.end(); auto prefetched_tasks_to_steal = per_thread_tasks.end(); int64_t best_prefetched_task_priority = -1; /// There is no point stealing in order (like in MergeTreeReadPool, where tasks can be stolen /// only from the next thread). Even if we steal task from the next thread, which reads from /// the same part as we just read, it might seem that we can reuse our own reader, do some /// seek avoiding and it will have a good result as we avoided seek (new request). But it is /// not so, because this next task will most likely have its own reader a prefetch already on /// the fly. (Not to mention that in fact we cannot reuse our own reader if initially we did /// not accounted this range into range request to object storage). for (auto thread_tasks_it = per_thread_tasks.begin(); thread_tasks_it != per_thread_tasks.end(); ++thread_tasks_it) { /// Prefer to steal tasks which have an initialized reader (with prefetched data). Thus we avoid /// losing a prefetch by creating our own reader (or resusing our own reader if the part /// is the same as last read by this thread). auto & thread_tasks = thread_tasks_it->second; auto task_it = std::find_if( thread_tasks.begin(), thread_tasks.end(), [](const auto & task) { return task->isValidReadersFuture(); }); if (task_it == thread_tasks.end()) { /// The follow back to non-prefetched task should lie on the thread which /// has more tasks than others. if (non_prefetched_tasks_to_steal == per_thread_tasks.end() || non_prefetched_tasks_to_steal->second.size() < thread_tasks.size()) non_prefetched_tasks_to_steal = thread_tasks_it; } /// Try to steal task with the best (lowest) priority (because it will be executed faster). else if (prefetched_tasks_to_steal == per_thread_tasks.end() || (*task_it)->priority < best_prefetched_task_priority) { best_prefetched_task_priority = (*task_it)->priority; chassert(best_prefetched_task_priority >= 0); prefetched_tasks_to_steal = thread_tasks_it; } } if (prefetched_tasks_to_steal != per_thread_tasks.end()) { auto & thread_tasks = prefetched_tasks_to_steal->second; assert(!thread_tasks.empty()); auto task_it = std::find_if( thread_tasks.begin(), thread_tasks.end(), [](const auto & task) { return task->isValidReadersFuture(); }); assert(task_it != thread_tasks.end()); auto thread_task = std::move(*task_it); thread_tasks.erase(task_it); if (thread_tasks.empty()) per_thread_tasks.erase(prefetched_tasks_to_steal); return createTask(*thread_task, previous_task); } /// TODO: it also makes sense to first try to steal from the next thread if it has ranges /// from the same part as current thread last read - to reuse the reader. if (non_prefetched_tasks_to_steal != per_thread_tasks.end()) { auto & thread_tasks = non_prefetched_tasks_to_steal->second; assert(!thread_tasks.empty()); /// Get second half of the tasks. const size_t total_tasks = thread_tasks.size(); const size_t half = total_tasks / 2; auto half_it = thread_tasks.begin() + half; assert(half_it != thread_tasks.end()); /// Give them to current thread, as current thread's tasks list is empty. auto & current_thread_tasks = per_thread_tasks[thread]; current_thread_tasks.insert( current_thread_tasks.end(), make_move_iterator(half_it), make_move_iterator(thread_tasks.end())); /// Erase them from the thread from which we steal. thread_tasks.resize(half); if (thread_tasks.empty()) per_thread_tasks.erase(non_prefetched_tasks_to_steal); auto thread_task = std::move(current_thread_tasks.front()); current_thread_tasks.erase(current_thread_tasks.begin()); if (current_thread_tasks.empty()) per_thread_tasks.erase(thread); return createTask(*thread_task, previous_task); } return nullptr; } MergeTreeReadTaskPtr MergeTreePrefetchedReadPool::createTask(ThreadTask & task, MergeTreeReadTask * previous_task) { if (task.isValidReadersFuture()) { auto size_predictor = task.read_info->shared_size_predictor ? std::make_unique(*task.read_info->shared_size_predictor) : nullptr; return std::make_unique(task.read_info, task.readers_future->get(), task.ranges, std::move(size_predictor)); } return MergeTreeReadPoolBase::createTask(task.read_info, task.ranges, previous_task); } size_t getApproximateSizeOfGranule(const IMergeTreeDataPart & part, const Names & columns_to_read) { ColumnSize columns_size{}; for (const auto & col_name : columns_to_read) columns_size.add(part.getColumnSize(col_name)); return columns_size.data_compressed / part.getMarksCount(); } void MergeTreePrefetchedReadPool::fillPerPartStatistics() { per_part_statistics.clear(); per_part_statistics.reserve(parts_ranges.size()); const auto & settings = getContext()->getSettingsRef(); for (size_t i = 0; i < parts_ranges.size(); ++i) { auto & part_stat = per_part_statistics.emplace_back(); const auto & read_info = *per_part_infos[i]; /// Sum up total size of all mark ranges in a data part. for (const auto & range : parts_ranges[i].ranges) part_stat.sum_marks += range.end - range.begin; const auto & columns = settings.merge_tree_determine_task_size_by_prewhere_columns && prewhere_info ? prewhere_info->prewhere_actions->getRequiredColumnsNames() : column_names; part_stat.approx_size_of_mark = getApproximateSizeOfGranule(*read_info.data_part, columns); auto update_stat_for_column = [&](const auto & column_name) { size_t column_size = read_info.data_part->getColumnSize(column_name).data_compressed; part_stat.estimated_memory_usage_for_single_prefetch += std::min(column_size, settings.prefetch_buffer_size); ++part_stat.required_readers_num; }; /// adjustBufferSize(), which is done in MergeTreeReaderStream and MergeTreeReaderCompact, /// lowers buffer size if file size (or required read range) is less. So we know that the /// settings.prefetch_buffer_size will be lowered there, therefore we account it here as well. /// But here we make a more approximate lowering (because we do not have loaded marks yet), /// while in adjustBufferSize it will be presize. for (const auto & column : read_info.task_columns.columns) update_stat_for_column(column.name); if (reader_settings.apply_deleted_mask && read_info.data_part->hasLightweightDelete()) update_stat_for_column(LightweightDeleteDescription::FILTER_COLUMN.name); for (const auto & pre_columns : read_info.task_columns.pre_columns) for (const auto & column : pre_columns) update_stat_for_column(column.name); } } void MergeTreePrefetchedReadPool::fillPerThreadTasks(size_t threads, size_t sum_marks) { if (per_part_infos.empty()) return; const auto & context = getContext(); const auto & settings = context->getSettingsRef(); size_t total_size_approx = 0; for (const auto & part : per_part_statistics) total_size_approx += part.sum_marks * part.approx_size_of_mark; size_t min_prefetch_step_marks = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < per_part_infos.size(); ++i) { auto & part_stat = per_part_statistics[i]; if (settings.filesystem_prefetch_step_marks) { part_stat.prefetch_step_marks = settings.filesystem_prefetch_step_marks; } else if (settings.filesystem_prefetch_step_bytes && part_stat.approx_size_of_mark) { part_stat.prefetch_step_marks = std::max( 1, static_cast(std::round(static_cast(settings.filesystem_prefetch_step_bytes) / part_stat.approx_size_of_mark))); } /// This limit is important to avoid spikes of slow aws getObject requests when parallelizing within one file. /// (The default is taken from here https://docs.aws.amazon.com/whitepapers/latest/s3-optimizing-performance-best-practices/use-byte-range-fetches.html). if (part_stat.approx_size_of_mark && settings.filesystem_prefetch_min_bytes_for_single_read_task && part_stat.approx_size_of_mark < settings.filesystem_prefetch_min_bytes_for_single_read_task) { const size_t min_prefetch_step_marks_by_total_cols = static_cast( std::ceil(static_cast(settings.filesystem_prefetch_min_bytes_for_single_read_task) / part_stat.approx_size_of_mark)); /// At least one task to start working on it right now and another one to prefetch in the meantime. const size_t new_min_prefetch_step_marks = std::min(min_prefetch_step_marks_by_total_cols, sum_marks / threads / 2); if (min_prefetch_step_marks < new_min_prefetch_step_marks) { LOG_DEBUG(log, "Increasing min prefetch step from {} to {}", min_prefetch_step_marks, new_min_prefetch_step_marks); min_prefetch_step_marks = new_min_prefetch_step_marks; } } if (part_stat.prefetch_step_marks < min_prefetch_step_marks) { LOG_DEBUG(log, "Increasing prefetch step from {} to {}", part_stat.prefetch_step_marks, min_prefetch_step_marks); part_stat.prefetch_step_marks = min_prefetch_step_marks; } LOG_DEBUG( log, "Part: {}, sum_marks: {}, approx mark size: {}, prefetch_step_bytes: {}, prefetch_step_marks: {}, (ranges: {})", parts_ranges[i].data_part->name, part_stat.sum_marks, part_stat.approx_size_of_mark, settings.filesystem_prefetch_step_bytes, part_stat.prefetch_step_marks, toString(parts_ranges[i].ranges)); } const size_t min_marks_per_thread = (sum_marks - 1) / threads + 1; LOG_DEBUG( log, "Sum marks: {}, threads: {}, min_marks_per_thread: {}, min prefetch step marks: {}, prefetches limit: {}, total_size_approx: {}", sum_marks, threads, min_marks_per_thread, min_prefetch_step_marks, settings.filesystem_prefetches_limit, total_size_approx); size_t allowed_memory_usage = settings.filesystem_prefetch_max_memory_usage; if (!allowed_memory_usage) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS, "Setting `filesystem_prefetch_max_memory_usage` must be non-zero"); std::optional allowed_prefetches_num = settings.filesystem_prefetches_limit ? std::optional(settings.filesystem_prefetches_limit) : std::nullopt; per_thread_tasks.clear(); size_t total_tasks = 0; /// Make a copy to modify ranges. std::vector per_part_ranges; per_part_ranges.reserve(parts_ranges.size()); for (const auto & part_with_ranges : parts_ranges) { auto & part_ranges = per_part_ranges.emplace_back(part_with_ranges.ranges); std::sort(part_ranges.begin(), part_ranges.end()); } for (size_t i = 0, part_idx = 0; i < threads && part_idx < per_part_infos.size(); ++i) { int64_t need_marks = min_marks_per_thread; /// Priority is given according to the prefetch number for each thread, /// e.g. the first task of each thread has the same priority and is greater /// than the second task of each thread, and so on. /// Add 1 to query read priority because higher priority should be given to /// reads from pool which are from reader. Priority priority{reader_settings.read_settings.priority.value + 1}; while (need_marks > 0 && part_idx < per_part_infos.size()) { auto & part_stat = per_part_statistics[part_idx]; auto & part_ranges = per_part_ranges[part_idx]; if (part_stat.sum_marks == 0) { ++part_idx; continue; } MarkRanges ranges_to_get_from_part; size_t marks_to_get_from_part = std::min(need_marks, part_stat.sum_marks); /// Split by prefetch step even if !allow_prefetch below. Because it will allow /// to make a better distribution of tasks which did not fill into memory limit /// or prefetches limit through tasks stealing. if (part_stat.prefetch_step_marks) { marks_to_get_from_part = std::min(marks_to_get_from_part, part_stat.prefetch_step_marks); } if (part_stat.sum_marks == marks_to_get_from_part) { ranges_to_get_from_part = part_ranges; } else { if (part_stat.sum_marks < marks_to_get_from_part) { throw Exception( ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "Requested {} marks from part {}, but part has only {} marks", marks_to_get_from_part, per_part_infos[part_idx]->data_part->name, part_stat.sum_marks); } size_t num_marks_to_get = marks_to_get_from_part; while (num_marks_to_get > 0) { MarkRange & range = part_ranges.front(); const size_t marks_in_range = range.end - range.begin; const size_t marks_to_get_from_range = std::min(marks_in_range, num_marks_to_get); num_marks_to_get -= marks_to_get_from_range; ranges_to_get_from_part.emplace_back(range.begin, range.begin + marks_to_get_from_range); range.begin += marks_to_get_from_range; if (range.begin == range.end) { part_ranges.pop_front(); } else if (!num_marks_to_get && part_stat.prefetch_step_marks && range.end - range.begin < part_stat.prefetch_step_marks) { /// We already have `num_marks_to_get` marks, but current mark range has /// less than `prefetch_step_marks` marks, then add them too. ranges_to_get_from_part.emplace_back(range.begin, range.end); marks_to_get_from_part += range.end - range.begin; part_ranges.pop_front(); } } } need_marks -= marks_to_get_from_part; sum_marks -= marks_to_get_from_part; part_stat.sum_marks -= marks_to_get_from_part; bool allow_prefetch = false; if (allowed_memory_usage && (!allowed_prefetches_num.has_value() || allowed_prefetches_num.value() > 0)) { allow_prefetch = part_stat.estimated_memory_usage_for_single_prefetch <= allowed_memory_usage && (!allowed_prefetches_num.has_value() || part_stat.required_readers_num <= allowed_prefetches_num.value()); if (allow_prefetch) { allowed_memory_usage -= part_stat.estimated_memory_usage_for_single_prefetch; if (allowed_prefetches_num.has_value()) *allowed_prefetches_num -= part_stat.required_readers_num; } } auto thread_task = std::make_unique(per_part_infos[part_idx], ranges_to_get_from_part, priority); if (allow_prefetch) prefetch_queue.emplace(TaskHolder{thread_task.get(), i}); per_thread_tasks[i].push_back(std::move(thread_task)); ++priority.value; ++total_tasks; } } LOG_TEST(log, "Result tasks {} for {} threads: {}", total_tasks, threads, dumpTasks(per_thread_tasks)); } std::string MergeTreePrefetchedReadPool::dumpTasks(const TasksPerThread & tasks) { WriteBufferFromOwnString result; for (const auto & [thread_id, thread_tasks] : tasks) { result << "\tthread id: " << toString(thread_id) << ", tasks: " << toString(thread_tasks.size()); if (!thread_tasks.empty()) { size_t no = 0; for (const auto & task : thread_tasks) { result << '\t'; result << ++no << ": "; result << "reader future: " << task->isValidReadersFuture() << ", "; result << "part: " << task->read_info->data_part->name << ", "; result << "ranges: " << toString(task->ranges); } } } return result.str(); } bool MergeTreePrefetchedReadPool::checkReadMethodAllowed(LocalFSReadMethod method) { return method == LocalFSReadMethod::pread_threadpool || method == LocalFSReadMethod::pread_fake_async; } bool MergeTreePrefetchedReadPool::checkReadMethodAllowed(RemoteFSReadMethod method) { return method == RemoteFSReadMethod::threadpool; } }