SET insert_keeper_max_retries=100; SET insert_keeper_retry_max_backoff_ms=10; SELECT 'simple partition key:'; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS table1 SYNC; CREATE TABLE table1 (id Int64, v UInt64) ENGINE = ReplicatedReplacingMergeTree('/clickhouse/tables/{database}/test_table12', '1', v) PARTITION BY id % 200 ORDER BY id; INSERT INTO table1 SELECT number-205, number FROM numbers(10); INSERT INTO table1 SELECT number-205, number FROM numbers(400, 10); SELECT toInt64(partition) as p FROM WHERE table='table1' and database=currentDatabase() ORDER BY p; select 'where id % 200 = +-2:'; select id from table1 where id % 200 = 2 OR id % 200 = -2 order by id; select 'where id % 200 > 0:'; select id from table1 where id % 200 > 0 order by id; select 'where id % 200 < 0:'; select id from table1 where id % 200 < 0 order by id; SELECT 'tuple as partition key:'; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS table2 SYNC; CREATE TABLE table2 (id Int64, v UInt64) ENGINE = MergeTree() PARTITION BY (toInt32(id / 2) % 3, id % 200) ORDER BY id; INSERT INTO table2 SELECT number-205, number FROM numbers(10); INSERT INTO table2 SELECT number-205, number FROM numbers(400, 10); SELECT partition as p FROM WHERE table='table2' and database=currentDatabase() ORDER BY p; SELECT 'recursive modulo partition key:'; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS table3 SYNC; CREATE TABLE table3 (id Int64, v UInt64) ENGINE = MergeTree() PARTITION BY (id % 200, (id % 200) % 10, toInt32(round((id % 200) / 2, 0))) ORDER BY id; INSERT INTO table3 SELECT number-205, number FROM numbers(10); INSERT INTO table3 SELECT number-205, number FROM numbers(400, 10); SELECT partition as p FROM WHERE table='table3' and database=currentDatabase() ORDER BY p; DETACH TABLE table3; ATTACH TABLE table3; SELECT 'After detach:'; SELECT partition as p FROM WHERE table='table3' and database=currentDatabase() ORDER BY p; SELECT 'Indexes:'; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS table4 SYNC; CREATE TABLE table4 (id Int64, v UInt64, s String, INDEX a (id * 2, s) TYPE minmax GRANULARITY 3 ) ENGINE = MergeTree() PARTITION BY id % 10 ORDER BY v; INSERT INTO table4 SELECT number, number, toString(number) FROM numbers(1000); SELECT count() FROM table4 WHERE id % 10 = 7; SELECT 'comparison:'; SELECT v, v-205 as vv, modulo(vv, 200), moduloLegacy(vv, 200) FROM table1 ORDER BY v; DROP TABLE table1 SYNC; DROP TABLE table2 SYNC; DROP TABLE table3 SYNC; DROP TABLE table4 SYNC;