// // SAXParserTest.h // // $Id: //poco/1.4/XML/testsuite/src/SAXParserTest.h#1 $ // // Definition of the SAXParserTest class. // // Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH. // and Contributors. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0 // #ifndef SAXParserTest_INCLUDED #define SAXParserTest_INCLUDED #include "Poco/XML/XML.h" #include "CppUnit/TestCase.h" #include "Poco/SAX/XMLReader.h" class SAXParserTest: public CppUnit::TestCase { public: SAXParserTest(const std::string& name); ~SAXParserTest(); void testSimple1(); void testSimple2(); void testAttributes(); void testCDATA(); void testComment(); void testPI(); void testDTD(); void testInternalEntity(); void testNotation(); void testExternalUnparsed(); void testExternalParsed(); void testDefaultNamespace(); void testNamespaces(); void testNamespacesNoPrefixes(); void testNoNamespaces(); void testUndeclaredNamespace(); void testUndeclaredNamespaceNoPrefixes(); void testUndeclaredNoNamespace(); void testRSS(); void testEncoding(); void testParseMemory(); void testCharacters(); void testParsePartialReads(); void setUp(); void tearDown(); std::string parse(Poco::XML::XMLReader& reader, int options, const std::string& data); std::string parseMemory(Poco::XML::XMLReader& reader, int options, const std::string& data); static CppUnit::Test* suite(); static const std::string SIMPLE1; static const std::string SIMPLE2; static const std::string ATTRIBUTES; static const std::string CDATA; static const std::string COMMENT; static const std::string PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION; static const std::string DTD; static const std::string INTERNAL_ENTITY; static const std::string NOTATION; static const std::string EXTERNAL_UNPARSED; static const std::string EXTERNAL_PARSED; static const std::string INCLUDE; static const std::string DEFAULT_NAMESPACE; static const std::string NAMESPACES; static const std::string UNDECLARED_NAMESPACE; static const std::string XHTML_LATIN1_ENTITIES; static const std::string RSS; static const std::string ENCODING; static const std::string WSDL; }; #endif // SAXParserTest_INCLUDED