-- -- Simple key -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS simple_key_source_table_01862; CREATE TABLE simple_key_source_table_01862 ( id UInt64, value String ) ENGINE = Memory(); INSERT INTO simple_key_source_table_01862 VALUES (1, 'First'); INSERT INTO simple_key_source_table_01862 VALUES (1, 'First'); -- simple flat DROP DICTIONARY IF EXISTS simple_key_flat_dictionary_01862; CREATE DICTIONARY simple_key_flat_dictionary_01862 ( id UInt64, value String ) PRIMARY KEY id SOURCE(CLICKHOUSE(HOST 'localhost' PORT tcpPort() TABLE 'simple_key_source_table_01862')) LAYOUT(FLAT()) LIFETIME(MIN 0 MAX 1000); SELECT * FROM simple_key_flat_dictionary_01862 FORMAT Null; SELECT name, found_rate FROM system.dictionaries WHERE database = currentDatabase() AND name = 'simple_key_flat_dictionary_01862'; SELECT * FROM simple_key_flat_dictionary_01862 WHERE id = 0 FORMAT Null; SELECT name, found_rate FROM system.dictionaries WHERE database = currentDatabase() AND name = 'simple_key_flat_dictionary_01862'; SELECT dictGet('simple_key_flat_dictionary_01862', 'value', toUInt64(2)) FORMAT Null; SELECT name, round(found_rate, 2) FROM system.dictionaries WHERE database = currentDatabase() AND name = 'simple_key_flat_dictionary_01862'; DROP DICTIONARY simple_key_flat_dictionary_01862; -- simple direct DROP DICTIONARY IF EXISTS simple_key_direct_dictionary_01862; CREATE DICTIONARY simple_key_direct_dictionary_01862 ( id UInt64, value String ) PRIMARY KEY id SOURCE(CLICKHOUSE(HOST 'localhost' PORT tcpPort() TABLE 'simple_key_source_table_01862')) LAYOUT(DIRECT()); -- check that found_rate is 0, not nan SELECT name, found_rate FROM system.dictionaries WHERE database = currentDatabase() AND name = 'simple_key_direct_dictionary_01862'; SELECT * FROM simple_key_direct_dictionary_01862 FORMAT Null; SELECT name, found_rate FROM system.dictionaries WHERE database = currentDatabase() AND name = 'simple_key_direct_dictionary_01862'; SELECT dictGet('simple_key_direct_dictionary_01862', 'value', toUInt64(1)) FORMAT Null; SELECT name, found_rate FROM system.dictionaries WHERE database = currentDatabase() AND name = 'simple_key_direct_dictionary_01862'; SELECT dictGet('simple_key_direct_dictionary_01862', 'value', toUInt64(2)) FORMAT Null; SELECT name, found_rate FROM system.dictionaries WHERE database = currentDatabase() AND name = 'simple_key_direct_dictionary_01862'; DROP DICTIONARY simple_key_direct_dictionary_01862; -- simple hashed DROP DICTIONARY IF EXISTS simple_key_hashed_dictionary_01862; CREATE DICTIONARY simple_key_hashed_dictionary_01862 ( id UInt64, value String ) PRIMARY KEY id SOURCE(CLICKHOUSE(HOST 'localhost' PORT tcpPort() TABLE 'simple_key_source_table_01862')) LAYOUT(HASHED()) LIFETIME(MIN 0 MAX 1000); SELECT name, found_rate FROM system.dictionaries WHERE database = currentDatabase() AND name = 'simple_key_hashed_dictionary_01862'; SELECT dictGet('simple_key_hashed_dictionary_01862', 'value', toUInt64(1)) FORMAT Null; SELECT name, found_rate FROM system.dictionaries WHERE database = currentDatabase() AND name = 'simple_key_hashed_dictionary_01862'; SELECT dictGet('simple_key_hashed_dictionary_01862', 'value', toUInt64(2)) FORMAT Null; SELECT name, found_rate FROM system.dictionaries WHERE database = currentDatabase() AND name = 'simple_key_hashed_dictionary_01862'; DROP DICTIONARY simple_key_hashed_dictionary_01862; -- simple sparse_hashed DROP DICTIONARY IF EXISTS simple_key_sparse_hashed_dictionary_01862; CREATE DICTIONARY simple_key_sparse_hashed_dictionary_01862 ( id UInt64, value String ) PRIMARY KEY id SOURCE(CLICKHOUSE(HOST 'localhost' PORT tcpPort() TABLE 'simple_key_source_table_01862')) LAYOUT(SPARSE_HASHED()) LIFETIME(MIN 0 MAX 1000); SELECT name, found_rate FROM system.dictionaries WHERE database = currentDatabase() AND name = 'simple_key_sparse_hashed_dictionary_01862'; SELECT dictGet('simple_key_sparse_hashed_dictionary_01862', 'value', toUInt64(1)) FORMAT Null; SELECT name, found_rate FROM system.dictionaries WHERE database = currentDatabase() AND name = 'simple_key_sparse_hashed_dictionary_01862'; SELECT dictGet('simple_key_sparse_hashed_dictionary_01862', 'value', toUInt64(2)) FORMAT Null; SELECT name, found_rate FROM system.dictionaries WHERE database = currentDatabase() AND name = 'simple_key_sparse_hashed_dictionary_01862'; DROP DICTIONARY simple_key_sparse_hashed_dictionary_01862; -- simple cache DROP DICTIONARY IF EXISTS simple_key_cache_dictionary_01862; CREATE DICTIONARY simple_key_cache_dictionary_01862 ( id UInt64, value String ) PRIMARY KEY id SOURCE(CLICKHOUSE(HOST 'localhost' PORT tcpPort() TABLE 'simple_key_source_table_01862')) LAYOUT(CACHE(SIZE_IN_CELLS 100000)) LIFETIME(MIN 0 MAX 1000); SELECT name, found_rate FROM system.dictionaries WHERE database = currentDatabase() AND name = 'simple_key_cache_dictionary_01862'; SELECT toUInt64(1) as key, dictGet('simple_key_cache_dictionary_01862', 'value', key) FORMAT Null; SELECT name, found_rate FROM system.dictionaries WHERE database = currentDatabase() AND name = 'simple_key_cache_dictionary_01862'; SELECT toUInt64(2) as key, dictGet('simple_key_cache_dictionary_01862', 'value', key) FORMAT Null; SELECT name, found_rate FROM system.dictionaries WHERE database = currentDatabase() AND name = 'simple_key_cache_dictionary_01862'; DROP DICTIONARY simple_key_cache_dictionary_01862; DROP TABLE simple_key_source_table_01862; -- -- Complex key -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS complex_key_source_table_01862; CREATE TABLE complex_key_source_table_01862 ( id UInt64, id_key String, value String ) ENGINE = Memory(); INSERT INTO complex_key_source_table_01862 VALUES (1, 'FirstKey', 'First'); INSERT INTO complex_key_source_table_01862 VALUES (1, 'FirstKey', 'First'); -- complex hashed DROP DICTIONARY IF EXISTS complex_key_hashed_dictionary_01862; CREATE DICTIONARY complex_key_hashed_dictionary_01862 ( id UInt64, id_key String, value String ) PRIMARY KEY id, id_key SOURCE(CLICKHOUSE(HOST 'localhost' PORT tcpPort() TABLE 'complex_key_source_table_01862')) LAYOUT(COMPLEX_KEY_HASHED()) LIFETIME(MIN 0 MAX 1000); SELECT name, found_rate FROM system.dictionaries WHERE database = currentDatabase() AND name = 'complex_key_hashed_dictionary_01862'; SELECT dictGet('complex_key_hashed_dictionary_01862', 'value', (toUInt64(1), 'FirstKey')) FORMAT Null; SELECT name, found_rate FROM system.dictionaries WHERE database = currentDatabase() AND name = 'complex_key_hashed_dictionary_01862'; SELECT dictGet('complex_key_hashed_dictionary_01862', 'value', (toUInt64(2), 'FirstKey')) FORMAT Null; SELECT name, found_rate FROM system.dictionaries WHERE database = currentDatabase() AND name = 'complex_key_hashed_dictionary_01862'; DROP DICTIONARY complex_key_hashed_dictionary_01862; -- complex direct DROP DICTIONARY IF EXISTS complex_key_direct_dictionary_01862; CREATE DICTIONARY complex_key_direct_dictionary_01862 ( id UInt64, id_key String, value String ) PRIMARY KEY id, id_key SOURCE(CLICKHOUSE(HOST 'localhost' PORT tcpPort() TABLE 'complex_key_source_table_01862')) LAYOUT(COMPLEX_KEY_DIRECT()); SELECT name, found_rate FROM system.dictionaries WHERE database = currentDatabase() AND name = 'complex_key_direct_dictionary_01862'; SELECT dictGet('complex_key_direct_dictionary_01862', 'value', (toUInt64(1), 'FirstKey')) FORMAT Null; SELECT name, found_rate FROM system.dictionaries WHERE database = currentDatabase() AND name = 'complex_key_direct_dictionary_01862'; SELECT dictGet('complex_key_direct_dictionary_01862', 'value', (toUInt64(2), 'FirstKey')) FORMAT Null; SELECT name, found_rate FROM system.dictionaries WHERE database = currentDatabase() AND name = 'complex_key_direct_dictionary_01862'; DROP DICTIONARY complex_key_direct_dictionary_01862; -- complex cache DROP DICTIONARY IF EXISTS complex_key_cache_dictionary_01862; CREATE DICTIONARY complex_key_cache_dictionary_01862 ( id UInt64, id_key String, value String ) PRIMARY KEY id, id_key SOURCE(CLICKHOUSE(HOST 'localhost' PORT tcpPort() TABLE 'complex_key_source_table_01862')) LAYOUT(COMPLEX_KEY_CACHE(SIZE_IN_CELLS 100000)) LIFETIME(MIN 0 MAX 1000); SELECT name, found_rate FROM system.dictionaries WHERE database = currentDatabase() AND name = 'complex_key_cache_dictionary_01862'; SELECT dictGet('complex_key_cache_dictionary_01862', 'value', (toUInt64(1), 'FirstKey')) FORMAT Null; SELECT name, found_rate FROM system.dictionaries WHERE database = currentDatabase() AND name = 'complex_key_cache_dictionary_01862'; SELECT dictGet('complex_key_cache_dictionary_01862', 'value', (toUInt64(2), 'FirstKey')) FORMAT Null; SELECT name, found_rate FROM system.dictionaries WHERE database = currentDatabase() AND name = 'complex_key_cache_dictionary_01862'; DROP DICTIONARY complex_key_cache_dictionary_01862; DROP TABLE complex_key_source_table_01862; -- -- Range -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS range_key_source_table_01862; CREATE TABLE range_key_source_table_01862 ( id UInt64, value String, first Date, last Date ) ENGINE = Memory(); INSERT INTO range_key_source_table_01862 VALUES (1, 'First', today(), today()); INSERT INTO range_key_source_table_01862 VALUES (1, 'First', today(), today()); -- simple range_hashed DROP DICTIONARY IF EXISTS simple_key_range_hashed_dictionary_01862; CREATE DICTIONARY simple_key_range_hashed_dictionary_01862 ( id UInt64, value String, first Date, last Date ) PRIMARY KEY id SOURCE(CLICKHOUSE(HOST 'localhost' PORT tcpPort() TABLE 'range_key_source_table_01862')) LAYOUT(RANGE_HASHED()) RANGE(MIN first MAX last) LIFETIME(MIN 0 MAX 1000); SELECT name, found_rate FROM system.dictionaries WHERE database = currentDatabase() AND name = 'simple_key_range_hashed_dictionary_01862'; SELECT dictGet('simple_key_range_hashed_dictionary_01862', 'value', toUInt64(1), today()) FORMAT Null; SELECT name, found_rate FROM system.dictionaries WHERE database = currentDatabase() AND name = 'simple_key_range_hashed_dictionary_01862'; SELECT dictGet('simple_key_range_hashed_dictionary_01862', 'value', toUInt64(2), today()) FORMAT Null; SELECT name, found_rate FROM system.dictionaries WHERE database = currentDatabase() AND name = 'simple_key_range_hashed_dictionary_01862'; DROP DICTIONARY simple_key_range_hashed_dictionary_01862; DROP TABLE range_key_source_table_01862; -- -- IP Trie -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ip_trie_source_table_01862; CREATE TABLE ip_trie_source_table_01862 ( prefix String, value String ) ENGINE = Memory(); INSERT INTO ip_trie_source_table_01862 VALUES ('', 'First'); INSERT INTO ip_trie_source_table_01862 VALUES ('', 'First'); -- ip_trie DROP DICTIONARY IF EXISTS ip_trie_dictionary_01862; CREATE DICTIONARY ip_trie_dictionary_01862 ( prefix String, value String ) PRIMARY KEY prefix SOURCE(CLICKHOUSE(HOST 'localhost' PORT tcpPort() TABLE 'ip_trie_source_table_01862')) LAYOUT(IP_TRIE()) LIFETIME(MIN 0 MAX 1000); SELECT name, found_rate FROM system.dictionaries WHERE database = currentDatabase() AND name = 'ip_trie_dictionary_01862'; SELECT dictGet('ip_trie_dictionary_01862', 'value', tuple(toIPv4(''))) FORMAT Null; SELECT name, found_rate FROM system.dictionaries WHERE database = currentDatabase() AND name = 'ip_trie_dictionary_01862'; SELECT dictGet('ip_trie_dictionary_01862', 'value', tuple(toIPv4(''))) FORMAT Null; SELECT name, found_rate FROM system.dictionaries WHERE database = currentDatabase() AND name = 'ip_trie_dictionary_01862'; DROP DICTIONARY ip_trie_dictionary_01862; DROP TABLE ip_trie_source_table_01862; -- Polygon DROP TABLE IF EXISTS polygons_01862; CREATE TABLE polygons_01862 ( key Array(Array(Array(Tuple(Float64, Float64)))), name String ) ENGINE = Memory; INSERT INTO polygons_01862 VALUES ([[[(3, 1), (0, 1), (0, -1), (3, -1)]]], 'Click East'); INSERT INTO polygons_01862 VALUES ([[[(-1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 3), (-1, 3)]]], 'Click North'); INSERT INTO polygons_01862 VALUES ([[[(-3, 1), (-3, -1), (0, -1), (0, 1)]]], 'Click South'); INSERT INTO polygons_01862 VALUES ([[[(-1, -1), (1, -1), (1, -3), (-1, -3)]]], 'Click West'); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS points_01862; CREATE TABLE points_01862 (x Float64, y Float64) ENGINE = Memory; INSERT INTO points_01862 VALUES ( 0.1, 0.0); INSERT INTO points_01862 VALUES (-0.1, 0.0); INSERT INTO points_01862 VALUES ( 0.0, 1.1); INSERT INTO points_01862 VALUES ( 0.0, -1.1); INSERT INTO points_01862 VALUES ( 3.0, 3.0); DROP DICTIONARY IF EXISTS polygon_dictionary_01862; CREATE DICTIONARY polygon_dictionary_01862 ( key Array(Array(Array(Tuple(Float64, Float64)))), name String ) PRIMARY KEY key SOURCE(CLICKHOUSE(HOST 'localhost' PORT tcpPort() USER 'default' TABLE 'polygons_01862')) LIFETIME(0) LAYOUT(POLYGON()); SELECT name, found_rate FROM system.dictionaries WHERE database = currentDatabase() AND name = 'polygon_dictionary_01862'; SELECT tuple(x, y) as key, dictGet('polygon_dictionary_01862', 'name', key) FROM points_01862 FORMAT Null; SELECT name, found_rate FROM system.dictionaries WHERE database = currentDatabase() AND name = 'polygon_dictionary_01862'; DROP TABLE polygons_01862; DROP TABLE points_01862; DROP DICTIONARY polygon_dictionary_01862;