import os import random import string import struct import pytest from helpers.cluster import ClickHouseCluster from import PartitionManager from helpers.test_tools import TSV from helpers.test_tools import assert_eq_with_retry cluster = ClickHouseCluster(__file__) def get_random_array(): return [random.randint(0, 1000) % 1000 for _ in range(random.randint(0, 1000))] def get_random_string(): length = random.randint(0, 1000) return ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(length)) def insert_random_data(table, node, size): data = [ '(' + ','.join(( "'2019-10-11'", str(i), "'" + get_random_string() + "'", str(get_random_array()))) + ')' for i in range(size) ] node.query("INSERT INTO {} VALUES {}".format(table, ','.join(data))) def create_tables(name, nodes, node_settings, shard): for i, (node, settings) in enumerate(zip(nodes, node_settings)): node.query( ''' CREATE TABLE {name}(date Date, id UInt32, s String, arr Array(Int32)) ENGINE = ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/tables/test/{shard}/{name}', '{repl}') PARTITION BY toYYYYMM(date) ORDER BY id SETTINGS index_granularity = 64, index_granularity_bytes = {index_granularity_bytes}, min_rows_for_wide_part = {min_rows_for_wide_part}, min_rows_for_compact_part = {min_rows_for_compact_part}, min_bytes_for_wide_part = 0, min_bytes_for_compact_part = 0, in_memory_parts_enable_wal = 1 '''.format(name=name, shard=shard, repl=i, **settings)) def create_tables_old_format(name, nodes, shard): for i, node in enumerate(nodes): node.query( ''' CREATE TABLE {name}(date Date, id UInt32, s String, arr Array(Int32)) ENGINE = ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/tables/test/{shard}/{name}', '{repl}', date, id, 64) '''.format(name=name, shard=shard, repl=i)) node1 = cluster.add_instance('node1', main_configs=[], user_configs=["configs/users.d/not_optimize_count.xml"], with_zookeeper=True) node2 = cluster.add_instance('node2', main_configs=[], user_configs=["configs/users.d/not_optimize_count.xml"], with_zookeeper=True) settings_default = {'index_granularity_bytes': 10485760, 'min_rows_for_wide_part': 512, 'min_rows_for_compact_part': 0} settings_compact_only = {'index_granularity_bytes': 10485760, 'min_rows_for_wide_part': 1000000, 'min_rows_for_compact_part': 0} settings_not_adaptive = {'index_granularity_bytes': 0, 'min_rows_for_wide_part': 512, 'min_rows_for_compact_part': 0} node3 = cluster.add_instance('node3', main_configs=[], user_configs=["configs/users.d/not_optimize_count.xml"], with_zookeeper=True) node4 = cluster.add_instance('node4', user_configs=["configs/users.d/not_optimize_count.xml"], main_configs=['configs/no_leader.xml'], with_zookeeper=True) settings_compact = {'index_granularity_bytes': 10485760, 'min_rows_for_wide_part': 512, 'min_rows_for_compact_part': 0} settings_wide = {'index_granularity_bytes': 10485760, 'min_rows_for_wide_part': 0, 'min_rows_for_compact_part': 0} node5 = cluster.add_instance('node5', main_configs=['configs/compact_parts.xml'], with_zookeeper=True) node6 = cluster.add_instance('node6', main_configs=['configs/compact_parts.xml'], with_zookeeper=True) settings_in_memory = {'index_granularity_bytes': 10485760, 'min_rows_for_wide_part': 512, 'min_rows_for_compact_part': 256} node9 = cluster.add_instance('node9', with_zookeeper=True, stay_alive=True) node10 = cluster.add_instance('node10', with_zookeeper=True) node11 = cluster.add_instance('node11', main_configs=['configs/do_not_merge.xml'], with_zookeeper=True, stay_alive=True) node12 = cluster.add_instance('node12', main_configs=['configs/do_not_merge.xml'], with_zookeeper=True, stay_alive=True) @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def start_cluster(): try: cluster.start() create_tables('polymorphic_table', [node1, node2], [settings_default, settings_default], "shard1") create_tables('compact_parts_only', [node1, node2], [settings_compact_only, settings_compact_only], "shard1") create_tables('non_adaptive_table', [node1, node2], [settings_not_adaptive, settings_not_adaptive], "shard1") create_tables('polymorphic_table_compact', [node3, node4], [settings_compact, settings_wide], "shard2") create_tables('polymorphic_table_wide', [node3, node4], [settings_wide, settings_compact], "shard2") create_tables_old_format('polymorphic_table', [node5, node6], "shard3") create_tables('in_memory_table', [node9, node10], [settings_in_memory, settings_in_memory], "shard4") create_tables('wal_table', [node11, node12], [settings_in_memory, settings_in_memory], "shard4") create_tables('restore_table', [node11, node12], [settings_in_memory, settings_in_memory], "shard5") create_tables('deduplication_table', [node9, node10], [settings_in_memory, settings_in_memory], "shard5") create_tables('sync_table', [node9, node10], [settings_in_memory, settings_in_memory], "shard5") create_tables('alters_table', [node9, node10], [settings_in_memory, settings_in_memory], "shard5") yield cluster finally: cluster.shutdown() @pytest.mark.parametrize( ('first_node', 'second_node'), [ (node1, node2), # compact parts (node5, node6), # compact parts, old-format ] ) def test_polymorphic_parts_basics(start_cluster, first_node, second_node): first_node.query("SYSTEM STOP MERGES") second_node.query("SYSTEM STOP MERGES") for size in [300, 300, 600]: insert_random_data('polymorphic_table', first_node, size) second_node.query("SYSTEM SYNC REPLICA polymorphic_table", timeout=20) assert first_node.query("SELECT count() FROM polymorphic_table") == "1200\n" assert second_node.query("SELECT count() FROM polymorphic_table") == "1200\n" expected = "Compact\t2\nWide\t1\n" assert TSV(first_node.query("SELECT part_type, count() FROM " \ "WHERE table = 'polymorphic_table' AND active GROUP BY part_type ORDER BY part_type")) == TSV( expected) assert TSV(second_node.query("SELECT part_type, count() FROM " \ "WHERE table = 'polymorphic_table' AND active GROUP BY part_type ORDER BY part_type")) == TSV( expected) first_node.query("SYSTEM START MERGES") second_node.query("SYSTEM START MERGES") for _ in range(40): insert_random_data('polymorphic_table', first_node, 10) insert_random_data('polymorphic_table', second_node, 10) first_node.query("SYSTEM SYNC REPLICA polymorphic_table", timeout=20) second_node.query("SYSTEM SYNC REPLICA polymorphic_table", timeout=20) assert first_node.query("SELECT count() FROM polymorphic_table") == "2000\n" assert second_node.query("SELECT count() FROM polymorphic_table") == "2000\n" first_node.query("OPTIMIZE TABLE polymorphic_table FINAL") second_node.query("SYSTEM SYNC REPLICA polymorphic_table", timeout=20) assert first_node.query("SELECT count() FROM polymorphic_table") == "2000\n" assert second_node.query("SELECT count() FROM polymorphic_table") == "2000\n" assert first_node.query( "SELECT DISTINCT part_type FROM WHERE table = 'polymorphic_table' AND active") == "Wide\n" assert second_node.query( "SELECT DISTINCT part_type FROM WHERE table = 'polymorphic_table' AND active") == "Wide\n" # Check alters and mutations also work first_node.query("ALTER TABLE polymorphic_table ADD COLUMN ss String") first_node.query("ALTER TABLE polymorphic_table UPDATE ss = toString(id) WHERE 1") second_node.query("SYSTEM SYNC REPLICA polymorphic_table", timeout=20) first_node.query("SELECT count(ss) FROM polymorphic_table") == "2000\n" first_node.query("SELECT uniqExact(ss) FROM polymorphic_table") == "600\n" second_node.query("SELECT count(ss) FROM polymorphic_table") == "2000\n" second_node.query("SELECT uniqExact(ss) FROM polymorphic_table") == "600\n" # Checks mostly that merge from compact part to compact part works. def test_compact_parts_only(start_cluster): for i in range(20): insert_random_data('compact_parts_only', node1, 100) insert_random_data('compact_parts_only', node2, 100) node1.query("SYSTEM SYNC REPLICA compact_parts_only", timeout=20) node2.query("SYSTEM SYNC REPLICA compact_parts_only", timeout=20) assert node1.query("SELECT count() FROM compact_parts_only") == "4000\n" assert node2.query("SELECT count() FROM compact_parts_only") == "4000\n" assert node1.query( "SELECT DISTINCT part_type FROM WHERE table = 'compact_parts_only' AND active") == "Compact\n" assert node2.query( "SELECT DISTINCT part_type FROM WHERE table = 'compact_parts_only' AND active") == "Compact\n" node1.query("OPTIMIZE TABLE compact_parts_only FINAL") node2.query("SYSTEM SYNC REPLICA compact_parts_only", timeout=20) assert node2.query("SELECT count() FROM compact_parts_only") == "4000\n" expected = "Compact\t1\n" assert TSV(node1.query("SELECT part_type, count() FROM " \ "WHERE table = 'compact_parts_only' AND active GROUP BY part_type ORDER BY part_type")) == TSV( expected) assert TSV(node2.query("SELECT part_type, count() FROM " \ "WHERE table = 'compact_parts_only' AND active GROUP BY part_type ORDER BY part_type")) == TSV( expected) # Check that follower replicas create parts of the same type, which leader has chosen at merge. @pytest.mark.parametrize( ('table', 'part_type'), [ ('polymorphic_table_compact', 'Compact'), ('polymorphic_table_wide', 'Wide') ] ) def test_different_part_types_on_replicas(start_cluster, table, part_type): leader = node3 follower = node4 assert leader.query("SELECT is_leader FROM system.replicas WHERE table = '{}'".format(table)) == "1\n" assert node4.query("SELECT is_leader FROM system.replicas WHERE table = '{}'".format(table)) == "0\n" for _ in range(3): insert_random_data(table, leader, 100) leader.query("OPTIMIZE TABLE {} FINAL".format(table)) follower.query("SYSTEM SYNC REPLICA {}".format(table), timeout=20) expected = "{}\t1\n".format(part_type) assert TSV(leader.query("SELECT part_type, count() FROM " \ "WHERE table = '{}' AND active GROUP BY part_type ORDER BY part_type".format( table))) == TSV(expected) assert TSV(follower.query("SELECT part_type, count() FROM " \ "WHERE table = '{}' AND active GROUP BY part_type ORDER BY part_type".format( table))) == TSV(expected) node7 = cluster.add_instance('node7', user_configs=["configs_old/users.d/not_optimize_count.xml"], with_zookeeper=True, image='yandex/clickhouse-server', tag='', stay_alive=True, with_installed_binary=True) node8 = cluster.add_instance('node8', user_configs=["configs/users.d/not_optimize_count.xml"], with_zookeeper=True) settings7 = {'index_granularity_bytes': 10485760} settings8 = {'index_granularity_bytes': 10485760, 'min_rows_for_wide_part': 512, 'min_rows_for_compact_part': 0} @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def start_cluster_diff_versions(): try: for name in ['polymorphic_table', 'polymorphic_table_2']: cluster.start() node7.query( ''' CREATE TABLE {name}(date Date, id UInt32, s String, arr Array(Int32)) ENGINE = ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/tables/test/shard5/{name}', '1') PARTITION BY toYYYYMM(date) ORDER BY id SETTINGS index_granularity = 64, index_granularity_bytes = {index_granularity_bytes} '''.format(name=name, **settings7) ) node8.query( ''' CREATE TABLE {name}(date Date, id UInt32, s String, arr Array(Int32)) ENGINE = ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/tables/test/shard5/{name}', '2') PARTITION BY toYYYYMM(date) ORDER BY id SETTINGS index_granularity = 64, index_granularity_bytes = {index_granularity_bytes}, min_rows_for_wide_part = {min_rows_for_wide_part}, min_bytes_for_wide_part = {min_bytes_for_wide_part} '''.format(name=name, **settings8) ) yield cluster finally: cluster.shutdown() @pytest.mark.skip(reason="compatability is temporary broken") def test_polymorphic_parts_diff_versions(start_cluster_diff_versions): # Check that replication with Wide parts works between different versions. node_old = node7 node_new = node8 insert_random_data('polymorphic_table', node7, 100) node8.query("SYSTEM SYNC REPLICA polymorphic_table", timeout=20) assert node8.query("SELECT count() FROM polymorphic_table") == "100\n" assert node8.query( "SELECT DISTINCT part_type FROM WHERE table = 'polymorphic_table' and active") == "Wide\n" @pytest.mark.skip(reason="compatability is temporary broken") def test_polymorphic_parts_diff_versions_2(start_cluster_diff_versions): # Replication doesn't work on old version if part is created in compact format, because # this version doesn't know anything about it. It's considered to be ok. node_old = node7 node_new = node8 insert_random_data('polymorphic_table_2', node_new, 100) assert node_new.query("SELECT count() FROM polymorphic_table_2") == "100\n" assert node_old.query("SELECT count() FROM polymorphic_table_2") == "0\n" with pytest.raises(Exception): node_old.query("SYSTEM SYNC REPLICA polymorphic_table_2", timeout=3) node_old.restart_with_latest_version() node_old.query("SYSTEM SYNC REPLICA polymorphic_table_2", timeout=20) # Works after update assert node_old.query("SELECT count() FROM polymorphic_table_2") == "100\n" assert node_old.query( "SELECT DISTINCT part_type FROM WHERE table = 'polymorphic_table_2' and active") == "Compact\n" def test_polymorphic_parts_non_adaptive(start_cluster): node1.query("SYSTEM STOP MERGES") node2.query("SYSTEM STOP MERGES") insert_random_data('non_adaptive_table', node1, 100) node2.query("SYSTEM SYNC REPLICA non_adaptive_table", timeout=20) insert_random_data('non_adaptive_table', node2, 100) node1.query("SYSTEM SYNC REPLICA non_adaptive_table", timeout=20) assert TSV(node1.query("SELECT part_type, count() FROM " \ "WHERE table = 'non_adaptive_table' AND active GROUP BY part_type ORDER BY part_type")) == TSV( "Wide\t2\n") assert TSV(node2.query("SELECT part_type, count() FROM " \ "WHERE table = 'non_adaptive_table' AND active GROUP BY part_type ORDER BY part_type")) == TSV( "Wide\t2\n") assert node1.contains_in_log( " default.non_adaptive_table ([0-9a-f-]*): Table can't create parts with adaptive granularity") def test_in_memory(start_cluster): node9.query("SYSTEM STOP MERGES") node10.query("SYSTEM STOP MERGES") for size in [200, 200, 300, 600]: insert_random_data('in_memory_table', node9, size) node10.query("SYSTEM SYNC REPLICA in_memory_table", timeout=20) assert node9.query("SELECT count() FROM in_memory_table") == "1300\n" assert node10.query("SELECT count() FROM in_memory_table") == "1300\n" expected = "Compact\t1\nInMemory\t2\nWide\t1\n" assert TSV(node9.query("SELECT part_type, count() FROM " \ "WHERE table = 'in_memory_table' AND active GROUP BY part_type ORDER BY part_type")) == TSV( expected) assert TSV(node10.query("SELECT part_type, count() FROM " \ "WHERE table = 'in_memory_table' AND active GROUP BY part_type ORDER BY part_type")) == TSV( expected) node9.query("SYSTEM START MERGES") node10.query("SYSTEM START MERGES") assert_eq_with_retry(node9, "OPTIMIZE TABLE in_memory_table FINAL SETTINGS optimize_throw_if_noop = 1", "") node10.query("SYSTEM SYNC REPLICA in_memory_table", timeout=20) assert node9.query("SELECT count() FROM in_memory_table") == "1300\n" assert node10.query("SELECT count() FROM in_memory_table") == "1300\n" assert TSV(node9.query("SELECT part_type, count() FROM " \ "WHERE table = 'in_memory_table' AND active GROUP BY part_type ORDER BY part_type")) == TSV( "Wide\t1\n") assert TSV(node10.query("SELECT part_type, count() FROM " \ "WHERE table = 'in_memory_table' AND active GROUP BY part_type ORDER BY part_type")) == TSV( "Wide\t1\n") def test_in_memory_wal(start_cluster): # Merges are disabled in config for i in range(5): insert_random_data('wal_table', node11, 50) node12.query("SYSTEM SYNC REPLICA wal_table", timeout=20) def check(node, rows, parts): node.query("SELECT count() FROM wal_table") == "{}\n".format(rows) node.query( "SELECT count() FROM WHERE table = 'wal_table' AND part_type = 'InMemory'") == "{}\n".format( parts) check(node11, 250, 5) check(node12, 250, 5) # WAL works at inserts node11.restart_clickhouse(kill=True) check(node11, 250, 5) # WAL works at fetches node12.restart_clickhouse(kill=True) check(node12, 250, 5) insert_random_data('wal_table', node11, 50) node12.query("SYSTEM SYNC REPLICA wal_table", timeout=20) # Disable replication with PartitionManager() as pm: pm.partition_instances(node11, node12) check(node11, 300, 6) wal_file = "/var/lib/clickhouse/data/default/wal_table/wal.bin" # Corrupt wal file # Truncate it to it's size minus 10 bytes node11.exec_in_container(['bash', '-c', 'truncate --size="$(($(stat -c "%s" {}) - 10))" {}'.format(wal_file, wal_file)], privileged=True, user='root') node11.restart_clickhouse(kill=True) # Broken part is lost, but other restored successfully check(node11, 250, 5) # WAL with blocks from 0 to 4 broken_wal_file = "/var/lib/clickhouse/data/default/wal_table/wal_0_4.bin" # Check file exists node11.exec_in_container(['bash', '-c', 'test -f {}'.format(broken_wal_file)]) # Fetch lost part from replica node11.query("SYSTEM SYNC REPLICA wal_table", timeout=20) check(node11, 300, 6) # Check that new data is written to new wal, but old is still exists for restoring # Check file not empty node11.exec_in_container(['bash', '-c', 'test -s {}'.format(wal_file)]) # Check file exists node11.exec_in_container(['bash', '-c', 'test -f {}'.format(broken_wal_file)]) # Data is lost without WAL node11.query("ALTER TABLE wal_table MODIFY SETTING in_memory_parts_enable_wal = 0") with PartitionManager() as pm: pm.partition_instances(node11, node12) insert_random_data('wal_table', node11, 50) check(node11, 350, 7) node11.restart_clickhouse(kill=True) check(node11, 300, 6) def test_in_memory_wal_rotate(start_cluster): # Write every part to single wal node11.query("ALTER TABLE restore_table MODIFY SETTING write_ahead_log_max_bytes = 10") for i in range(5): insert_random_data('restore_table', node11, 50) for i in range(5): # Check file exists node11.exec_in_container(['bash', '-c', 'test -f /var/lib/clickhouse/data/default/restore_table/wal_{0}_{0}.bin'.format(i)]) for node in [node11, node12]: node.query( "ALTER TABLE restore_table MODIFY SETTING number_of_free_entries_in_pool_to_lower_max_size_of_merge = 0") node.query("ALTER TABLE restore_table MODIFY SETTING max_bytes_to_merge_at_max_space_in_pool = 10000000") assert_eq_with_retry(node11, "OPTIMIZE TABLE restore_table FINAL SETTINGS optimize_throw_if_noop = 1", "") # Restart to be sure, that clearing stale logs task was ran node11.restart_clickhouse(kill=True) for i in range(5): # check file doesn't exist node11.exec_in_container(['bash', '-c', 'test ! -e /var/lib/clickhouse/data/default/restore_table/wal_{0}_{0}.bin'.format(i)]) # New wal file was created and ready to write part to it # Check file exists node11.exec_in_container(['bash', '-c', 'test -f /var/lib/clickhouse/data/default/restore_table/wal.bin']) # Chech file empty node11.exec_in_container(['bash', '-c', 'test ! -s /var/lib/clickhouse/data/default/restore_table/wal.bin']) def test_in_memory_deduplication(start_cluster): for i in range(3): node9.query("INSERT INTO deduplication_table (date, id, s) VALUES (toDate('2020-03-03'), 1, 'foo')") node10.query("INSERT INTO deduplication_table (date, id, s) VALUES (toDate('2020-03-03'), 1, 'foo')") node9.query("SYSTEM SYNC REPLICA deduplication_table", timeout=20) node10.query("SYSTEM SYNC REPLICA deduplication_table", timeout=20) assert node9.query("SELECT date, id, s FROM deduplication_table") == "2020-03-03\t1\tfoo\n" assert node10.query("SELECT date, id, s FROM deduplication_table") == "2020-03-03\t1\tfoo\n" # Checks that restoring from WAL works after table schema changed def test_in_memory_alters(start_cluster): def check_parts_type(parts_num): assert node9.query("SELECT part_type, count() FROM WHERE table = 'alters_table' \ AND active GROUP BY part_type") == "InMemory\t{}\n".format(parts_num) node9.query( "INSERT INTO alters_table (date, id, s) VALUES (toDate('2020-10-10'), 1, 'ab'), (toDate('2020-10-10'), 2, 'cd')") node9.query("ALTER TABLE alters_table ADD COLUMN col1 UInt32") node9.restart_clickhouse(kill=True) expected = "1\tab\t0\n2\tcd\t0\n" assert node9.query("SELECT id, s, col1 FROM alters_table") == expected check_parts_type(1) node9.query("INSERT INTO alters_table (date, id, col1) VALUES (toDate('2020-10-10'), 3, 100)") node9.query("ALTER TABLE alters_table MODIFY COLUMN col1 String") node9.query("ALTER TABLE alters_table DROP COLUMN s") node9.restart_clickhouse(kill=True) check_parts_type(2) with pytest.raises(Exception): node9.query("SELECT id, s, col1 FROM alters_table") expected = expected = "1\t0_foo\n2\t0_foo\n3\t100_foo\n" assert node9.query("SELECT id, col1 || '_foo' FROM alters_table") def test_polymorphic_parts_index(start_cluster): node1.query('CREATE DATABASE test_index ENGINE=Ordinary') # Different paths with Atomic node1.query(''' CREATE TABLE test_index.index_compact(a UInt32, s String) ENGINE = MergeTree ORDER BY a SETTINGS min_rows_for_wide_part = 1000, index_granularity = 128, merge_max_block_size = 100''') node1.query("INSERT INTO test_index.index_compact SELECT number, toString(number) FROM numbers(100)") node1.query("INSERT INTO test_index.index_compact SELECT number, toString(number) FROM numbers(30)") node1.query("OPTIMIZE TABLE test_index.index_compact FINAL") assert node1.query("SELECT part_type FROM WHERE table = 'index_compact' AND active") == "Compact\n" assert node1.query("SELECT marks FROM WHERE table = 'index_compact' AND active") == "2\n" index_path = os.path.join(node1.path, "database/data/test_index/index_compact/all_1_2_1/primary.idx") f = open(index_path, 'rb') assert os.path.getsize(index_path) == 8 assert struct.unpack('I',[0] == 0 assert struct.unpack('I',[0] == 99