EXISTS db_01048.t_01048; EXISTS TABLE db_01048.t_01048; EXISTS DICTIONARY db_01048.t_01048; DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS db_01048; EXISTS DATABASE db_01048; CREATE DATABASE db_01048; EXISTS DATABASE db_01048; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS db_01048.t_01048; EXISTS db_01048.t_01048; EXISTS TABLE db_01048.t_01048; EXISTS DICTIONARY db_01048.t_01048; CREATE TABLE db_01048.t_01048 (x UInt8) ENGINE = Memory; EXISTS db_01048.t_01048; EXISTS TABLE db_01048.t_01048; EXISTS DICTIONARY db_01048.t_01048; DROP TABLE db_01048.t_01048; EXISTS db_01048.t_01048; EXISTS TABLE db_01048.t_01048; EXISTS DICTIONARY db_01048.t_01048; DROP DICTIONARY IF EXISTS t_01048; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t_01048 (x UInt8); EXISTS t_01048; -- Does not work for temporary tables. Maybe have to fix. EXISTS TABLE t_01048; EXISTS DICTIONARY t_01048; CREATE DICTIONARY db_01048.t_01048 (k UInt64, v String) PRIMARY KEY k LAYOUT(FLAT()) SOURCE(HTTP(URL 'http://example.test/' FORMAT 'TSV')) LIFETIME(1000); EXISTS db_01048.t_01048; EXISTS TABLE db_01048.t_01048; -- Dictionaries are tables as well. But not all tables are dictionaries. EXISTS DICTIONARY db_01048.t_01048; -- But dictionary-tables cannot be dropped as usual tables. DROP TABLE db_01048.t_01048; -- { serverError 520 } DROP DICTIONARY db_01048.t_01048; EXISTS db_01048.t_01048; EXISTS TABLE db_01048.t_01048; EXISTS DICTIONARY db_01048.t_01048; CREATE TABLE db_01048.t_01048_2 (x UInt8) ENGINE = Memory; CREATE VIEW db_01048.v_01048 AS SELECT * FROM db_01048.t_01048_2; EXISTS VIEW db_01048.v_01048; EXISTS VIEW db_01048.t_01048_2; EXISTS VIEW db_01048.v_not_exist; DROP VIEW db_01048.v_01048; EXISTS VIEW db_01048.v_01048; EXISTS VIEW db_01048.t_01048_2; EXISTS VIEW db_01048.v_not_exist; EXISTS VIEW db_not_exists.v_not_exist; DROP TABLE db_01048.t_01048_2; DROP DATABASE db_01048; EXISTS db_01048.t_01048; EXISTS TABLE db_01048.t_01048; EXISTS DICTIONARY db_01048.t_01048;