#!/usr/bin/env python3 # A trivial stateless slack bot that notifies about new broken tests in ClickHouse CI. # It checks what happened to our CI during the last check_period hours (1 hour) and notifies us in slack if necessary. # This script should be executed once each check_period hours (1 hour). # It will post duplicate messages if you run it more often; it will lose some messages if you run it less often. # # You can run it locally with no arguments, it will work in a dry-run mode. Or you can set your own SLACK_URL_DEFAULT. # Feel free to add more checks, more details to messages, or better heuristics. # NOTE There's no deployment automation for now, # an AWS Lambda (slack-ci-bot-test lambda in CI-CD) has to be updated manually after changing this script. # # See also: https://aretestsgreenyet.com/ import os import json import base64 import random if os.environ.get("AWS_LAMBDA_ENV", "0") == "1": # For AWS labmda (python 3.7) from botocore.vendored import requests else: # For running locally import requests DRY_RUN_MARK = "" MAX_FAILURES_DEFAULT = 30 SLACK_URL_DEFAULT = DRY_RUN_MARK FLAKY_ALERT_PROBABILITY = 0.50 REPORT_NO_FAILURES_PROBABILITY = 0.99 MAX_TESTS_TO_REPORT = 4 # Slack has a stupid limitation on message size, it splits long messages into multiple ones breaking formatting MESSAGE_LENGTH_LIMIT = 4000 # Find tests that failed in master during the last check_period * 24 hours, # but did not fail during the last 2 weeks. Assuming these tests were broken recently. # Counts number of failures in check_period and check_period * 24 time windows # to distinguish rare flaky tests from completely broken tests NEW_BROKEN_TESTS_QUERY = """ WITH 1 AS check_period, check_period * 24 AS extended_check_period, now() as now SELECT test_name, any(report_url), countIf((check_start_time + check_duration_ms / 1000) < now - INTERVAL check_period HOUR) AS count_prev_periods, countIf((check_start_time + check_duration_ms / 1000) >= now - INTERVAL check_period HOUR) AS count FROM checks WHERE 1 AND check_start_time BETWEEN now - INTERVAL 1 WEEK AND now AND (check_start_time + check_duration_ms / 1000) >= now - INTERVAL extended_check_period HOUR AND pull_request_number = 0 AND test_status LIKE 'F%' AND check_status != 'success' AND test_name NOT IN ( SELECT test_name FROM checks WHERE 1 AND check_start_time >= now - INTERVAL 1 MONTH AND (check_start_time + check_duration_ms / 1000) BETWEEN now - INTERVAL 2 WEEK AND now - INTERVAL extended_check_period HOUR AND pull_request_number = 0 AND check_status != 'success' AND test_status LIKE 'F%') AND test_context_raw NOT LIKE '%CannotSendRequest%' and test_context_raw NOT LIKE '%Server does not respond to health check%' GROUP BY test_name ORDER BY (count_prev_periods + count) DESC """ # Returns total number of failed checks during the last 24 hours # and previous value of that metric (check_period hours ago) COUNT_FAILURES_QUERY = """ WITH 1 AS check_period, '%' AS check_name_pattern, now() as now SELECT countIf((check_start_time + check_duration_ms / 1000) >= now - INTERVAL 24 HOUR) AS new_val, countIf((check_start_time + check_duration_ms / 1000) <= now - INTERVAL check_period HOUR) AS prev_val FROM checks WHERE 1 AND check_start_time >= now - INTERVAL 1 WEEK AND (check_start_time + check_duration_ms / 1000) >= now - INTERVAL 24 + check_period HOUR AND pull_request_number = 0 AND test_status LIKE 'F%' AND check_status != 'success' AND check_name ILIKE check_name_pattern """ # Returns percentage of failed checks (once per day, at noon) FAILED_CHECKS_PERCENTAGE_QUERY = """ SELECT if(toHour(now('Europe/Amsterdam')) = 12, v, 0) FROM ( SELECT countDistinctIf((commit_sha, check_name), (test_status LIKE 'F%') AND (check_status != 'success')) / countDistinct((commit_sha, check_name)) AS v FROM checks WHERE 1 AND (pull_request_number = 0) AND (test_status != 'SKIPPED') AND (check_start_time > (now() - toIntervalDay(1))) ) """ # It shows all recent failures of the specified test (helps to find when it started) ALL_RECENT_FAILURES_QUERY = """ WITH '{}' AS name_substr, 90 AS interval_days, ('Stateless tests (asan)', 'Stateless tests (address)', 'Stateless tests (address, actions)') AS backport_and_release_specific_checks SELECT toStartOfDay(check_start_time) AS d, count(), groupUniqArray(pull_request_number) AS prs, any(report_url) FROM checks WHERE ((now() - toIntervalDay(interval_days)) <= check_start_time) AND (pull_request_number NOT IN ( SELECT pull_request_number AS prn FROM checks WHERE (prn != 0) AND ((now() - toIntervalDay(interval_days)) <= check_start_time) AND (check_name IN (backport_and_release_specific_checks)) )) AND (position(test_name, name_substr) > 0) AND (test_status IN ('FAIL', 'ERROR', 'FLAKY')) GROUP BY d ORDER BY d DESC """ SLACK_MESSAGE_JSON = {"type": "mrkdwn", "text": None} def get_play_url(query): return ( "https://play.clickhouse.com/play?user=play#" + base64.b64encode(query.encode()).decode() ) def run_clickhouse_query(query): url = "https://play.clickhouse.com/?user=play&query=" + requests.utils.quote(query) res = requests.get(url) if res.status_code != 200: print("Failed to execute query: ", res.status_code, res.content) raise Exception( "Failed to execute query: {}: {}".format(res.status_code, res.content) ) lines = res.text.strip().splitlines() return [x.split("\t") for x in lines] def split_broken_and_flaky_tests(failed_tests): if not failed_tests: return None broken_tests = [] flaky_tests = [] for name, report, count_prev_str, count_str in failed_tests: count_prev, count = int(count_prev_str), int(count_str) if (2 <= count and count_prev < 2) or (count_prev == 1 and count == 1): # It failed 2 times or more within extended time window, it's definitely broken. # 2 <= count_prev means that it was not reported as broken on previous runs broken_tests.append([name, report]) elif 0 < count and count_prev == 0: # It failed only once, can be a rare flaky test flaky_tests.append([name, report]) return broken_tests, flaky_tests def format_failed_tests_list(failed_tests, failure_type): if len(failed_tests) == 1: res = "There is a new {} test:\n".format(failure_type) else: res = "There are {} new {} tests:\n".format(len(failed_tests), failure_type) for name, report in failed_tests[:MAX_TESTS_TO_REPORT]: cidb_url = get_play_url(ALL_RECENT_FAILURES_QUERY.format(name)) res += "- *{}* - <{}|Report> - <{}|CI DB> \n".format( name, report, cidb_url ) if MAX_TESTS_TO_REPORT < len(failed_tests): res += "- and {} other tests... :this-is-fine-fire:".format( len(failed_tests) - MAX_TESTS_TO_REPORT ) return res def get_new_broken_tests_message(failed_tests): if not failed_tests: return None broken_tests, flaky_tests = split_broken_and_flaky_tests(failed_tests) if len(broken_tests) == 0 and len(flaky_tests) == 0: return None msg = "" if len(broken_tests) > 0: msg += format_failed_tests_list(broken_tests, "*BROKEN*") elif random.random() > FLAKY_ALERT_PROBABILITY: looks_like_fuzzer = [x[0].count(" ") > 2 for x in flaky_tests] if not any(looks_like_fuzzer): print("Will not report flaky tests to avoid noise: ", flaky_tests) return None if len(flaky_tests) > 0: if len(msg) > 0: msg += "\n" msg += format_failed_tests_list(flaky_tests, "flaky") return msg def get_too_many_failures_message_impl(failures_count): MAX_FAILURES = int(os.environ.get("MAX_FAILURES", MAX_FAILURES_DEFAULT)) curr_failures = int(failures_count[0][0]) prev_failures = int(failures_count[0][1]) if curr_failures == 0 and prev_failures != 0: if random.random() < REPORT_NO_FAILURES_PROBABILITY: return None return "Wow, there are *no failures* at all... 0_o" if curr_failures < MAX_FAILURES: return None if prev_failures < MAX_FAILURES: return ":alert: *CI is broken: there are {} failures during the last 24 hours*".format( curr_failures ) if curr_failures < prev_failures: return None if (curr_failures - prev_failures) / prev_failures < 0.2: return None return "CI is broken and it's getting worse: there are {} failures during the last 24 hours".format( curr_failures ) def get_too_many_failures_message(failures_count): msg = get_too_many_failures_message_impl(failures_count) if msg: msg += "\nSee https://aretestsgreenyet.com/" return msg def get_failed_checks_percentage_message(percentage): p = float(percentage[0][0]) * 100 # Always report more than 1% of failed checks # For <= 1%: higher percentage of failures == higher probability if p <= random.random(): return None msg = ":alert: " if p > 1 else "Only " if p < 0.5 else "" msg += "*{0:.2f}%* of all checks in master have failed yesterday".format(p) return msg def split_slack_message(long_message): lines = long_message.split("\n") messages = [] curr_msg = "" for line in lines: if len(curr_msg) + len(line) < MESSAGE_LENGTH_LIMIT: curr_msg += "\n" curr_msg += line else: messages.append(curr_msg) curr_msg = line messages.append(curr_msg) return messages def send_to_slack_impl(message): SLACK_URL = os.environ.get("SLACK_URL", SLACK_URL_DEFAULT) if SLACK_URL == DRY_RUN_MARK: return payload = SLACK_MESSAGE_JSON.copy() payload["text"] = message res = requests.post(SLACK_URL, json.dumps(payload)) if res.status_code != 200: print("Failed to send a message to Slack: ", res.status_code, res.content) raise Exception( "Failed to send a message to Slack: {}: {}".format( res.status_code, res.content ) ) def send_to_slack(message): messages = split_slack_message(message) for msg in messages: send_to_slack_impl(msg) def query_and_alert_if_needed(query, get_message_func): query_res = run_clickhouse_query(query) print("Got result {} for query {}", query_res, query) msg = get_message_func(query_res) if msg is None: return msg += "\nCI DB query: <{}|link>".format(get_play_url(query)) print("Sending message to slack:", msg) send_to_slack(msg) def check_and_alert(): query_and_alert_if_needed(NEW_BROKEN_TESTS_QUERY, get_new_broken_tests_message) query_and_alert_if_needed(COUNT_FAILURES_QUERY, get_too_many_failures_message) query_and_alert_if_needed( FAILED_CHECKS_PERCENTAGE_QUERY, get_failed_checks_percentage_message ) def lambda_handler(event, context): try: check_and_alert() return {"statusCode": 200, "body": "OK"} except Exception as e: send_to_slack( "I failed, please help me (see ClickHouse/utils/ci-slack-bot/ci-slack-bot.py): " + str(e) ) return {"statusCode": 200, "body": "FAIL"} if __name__ == "__main__": check_and_alert()