#!/bin/bash set -e # Not found column date in block. There are only columns: x. # Test 1. Complex test checking columns.txt chl="clickhouse-client -q" ch_dir=`clickhouse extract-from-config -c /etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml -k path` $chl "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test.partition_428" $chl "CREATE TABLE test.partition_428 (p Date, k Int8, v1 Int8 MATERIALIZED k + 1) ENGINE = MergeTree(p, k, 1)" $chl "INSERT INTO test.partition_428 (p, k) VALUES(toDate(31), 1)" $chl "INSERT INTO test.partition_428 (p, k) VALUES(toDate(1), 2)" for part in `$chl "SELECT name FROM system.parts WHERE database='test' AND table='partition_428'"`; do sudo cat $ch_dir/data/test/partition_428/$part/columns.txt | wc -l # 2 header lines + 3 columns done $chl "ALTER TABLE test.partition_428 DETACH PARTITION 197001" $chl "ALTER TABLE test.partition_428 ATTACH PARTITION 197001" for part in `$chl "SELECT name FROM system.parts WHERE database='test' AND table='partition_428'"`; do sudo cat $ch_dir/data/test/partition_428/$part/columns.txt | wc -l # 2 header lines + 3 columns done $chl "ALTER TABLE test.partition_428 MODIFY COLUMN v1 Int8" $chl "OPTIMIZE TABLE test.partition_428" $chl "SELECT toUInt16(p), k, v1 FROM test.partition_428 ORDER BY k FORMAT CSV" $chl "DROP TABLE test.partition_428" # Test 2. Simple test $chl "drop table if exists test.partition_428" $chl "create table test.partition_428 (date MATERIALIZED toDate(0), x UInt64, sample_key MATERIALIZED intHash64(x)) ENGINE=MergeTree(date,sample_key,(date,x,sample_key),8192)" $chl "insert into test.partition_428 ( x ) VALUES ( now() )" $chl "insert into test.partition_428 ( x ) VALUES ( now()+1 )" $chl "alter table test.partition_428 detach partition 197001" $chl "alter table test.partition_428 attach partition 197001" $chl "optimize table test.partition_428" $chl "drop table test.partition_428"