#!/usr/bin/env bash # Sandbox does not provide CAP_NET_ADMIN capability but does have ProcFS mounted at /proc # This ensures that OS metrics can be collected CURDIR=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd) # shellcheck source=../shell_config.sh . "$CURDIR"/../shell_config.sh # NOTE: netlink taskstruct interface uses rounding to 1KB [1], so we cannot use ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} # # [1]: https://elixir.bootlin.com/linux/v5.18-rc4/source/kernel/tsacct.c#L101 tmp_path=$(mktemp "$CURDIR/01268_procfs_metrics.XXXXXX") trap 'rm -f $tmp_path' EXIT truncate -s1025 "$tmp_path" $CLICKHOUSE_LOCAL --profile-events-delay-ms=-1 --print-profile-events -q "SELECT * FROM file('$tmp_path', 'LineAsString') FORMAT Null" |& grep -m1 -F -o -e OSReadChars # NOTE: that OSCPUVirtualTimeMicroseconds is in microseconds, so 1e6 is not enough. $CLICKHOUSE_LOCAL --profile-events-delay-ms=-1 --print-profile-events -q "SELECT * FROM numbers(1e8) FORMAT Null" |& grep -m1 -F -o -e OSCPUVirtualTimeMicroseconds exit 0