#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int STORAGE_REQUIRES_PARAMETER; extern const int RESHARDING_NO_WORKER; extern const int RESHARDING_INVALID_PARAMETERS; extern const int RESHARDING_INITIATOR_CHECK_FAILED; } namespace { /// select query has database and table names as AST pointers /// Creates a copy of query, changes database and table names. ASTPtr rewriteSelectQuery(const ASTPtr & query, const std::string & database, const std::string & table) { auto modified_query_ast = typeid_cast(*query).cloneFirstSelect(); modified_query_ast->replaceDatabaseAndTable(database, table); return modified_query_ast; } /// insert query has database and table names as bare strings /// Creates a copy of query, changes the database and table names. ASTPtr rewriteInsertQuery(const ASTPtr & query, const std::string & database, const std::string & table) { auto modified_query_ast = query->clone(); auto & actual_query = typeid_cast(*modified_query_ast); actual_query.database = database; actual_query.table = table; /// make sure query is not INSERT SELECT actual_query.select = nullptr; return modified_query_ast; } /// Calculate maximum number in file names in directory and all subdirectories. /// To ensure global order of data blocks yet to be sent across server restarts. UInt64 getMaximumFileNumber(const std::string & path) { UInt64 res = 0; boost::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator begin(path); boost::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator end; for (auto it = begin; it != end; ++it) { const auto & path = it->path(); if (it->status().type() != boost::filesystem::regular_file || !endsWith(path.filename().string(), ".bin")) continue; UInt64 num = 0; try { num = parse(path.filename().stem().string()); } catch (Exception & e) { e.addMessage("Unexpected file name " + path.filename().string() + " found at " + path.parent_path().string() + ", should have numeric base name."); throw; } if (num > res) res = num; } return res; } void initializeFileNamesIncrement(const std::string & path, SimpleIncrement & increment) { if (!path.empty()) increment.set(getMaximumFileNumber(path)); } } /// For destruction of std::unique_ptr of type that is incomplete in class definition. StorageDistributed::~StorageDistributed() = default; StorageDistributed::StorageDistributed( const std::string & name_, NamesAndTypesListPtr columns_, const String & remote_database_, const String & remote_table_, const String & cluster_name_, const Context & context_, const ASTPtr & sharding_key_, const String & data_path_) : name(name_), columns(columns_), remote_database(remote_database_), remote_table(remote_table_), context(context_), cluster_name(cluster_name_), has_sharding_key(sharding_key_), sharding_key_expr(sharding_key_ ? ExpressionAnalyzer(sharding_key_, context, nullptr, *columns).getActions(false) : nullptr), sharding_key_column_name(sharding_key_ ? sharding_key_->getColumnName() : String{}), path(data_path_.empty() ? "" : (data_path_ + escapeForFileName(name) + '/')) { } StorageDistributed::StorageDistributed( const std::string & name_, NamesAndTypesListPtr columns_, const NamesAndTypesList & materialized_columns_, const NamesAndTypesList & alias_columns_, const ColumnDefaults & column_defaults_, const String & remote_database_, const String & remote_table_, const String & cluster_name_, const Context & context_, const ASTPtr & sharding_key_, const String & data_path_) : IStorage{materialized_columns_, alias_columns_, column_defaults_}, name(name_), columns(columns_), remote_database(remote_database_), remote_table(remote_table_), context(context_), cluster_name(cluster_name_), has_sharding_key(sharding_key_), sharding_key_expr(sharding_key_ ? ExpressionAnalyzer(sharding_key_, context, nullptr, *columns).getActions(false) : nullptr), sharding_key_column_name(sharding_key_ ? sharding_key_->getColumnName() : String{}), path(data_path_.empty() ? "" : (data_path_ + escapeForFileName(name) + '/')) { } StoragePtr StorageDistributed::createWithOwnCluster( const std::string & name_, NamesAndTypesListPtr columns_, const String & remote_database_, const String & remote_table_, ClusterPtr & owned_cluster_, const Context & context_) { auto res = make_shared( name_, columns_, remote_database_, remote_table_, String{}, context_); res->owned_cluster = owned_cluster_; return res; } BlockInputStreams StorageDistributed::read( const Names & column_names, const SelectQueryInfo & query_info, const Context & context, QueryProcessingStage::Enum & processed_stage, const size_t max_block_size, const unsigned num_streams) { auto cluster = getCluster(); const Settings & settings = context.getSettingsRef(); size_t result_size = (cluster->getRemoteShardCount() * settings.max_parallel_replicas) + cluster->getLocalShardCount(); processed_stage = result_size == 1 || settings.distributed_group_by_no_merge ? QueryProcessingStage::Complete : QueryProcessingStage::WithMergeableState; const auto & modified_query_ast = rewriteSelectQuery( query_info.query, remote_database, remote_table); Tables external_tables; if (settings.global_subqueries_method == GlobalSubqueriesMethod::PUSH) external_tables = context.getExternalTables(); ClusterProxy::SelectStreamFactory select_stream_factory( processed_stage, QualifiedTableName{remote_database, remote_table}, external_tables); return ClusterProxy::executeQuery( select_stream_factory, cluster, modified_query_ast, context, settings); } BlockOutputStreamPtr StorageDistributed::write(const ASTPtr & query, const Settings & settings) { auto cluster = context.getCluster(cluster_name); /// TODO: !path.empty() can be replaced by !owned_cluster or !cluster_name.empty() ? bool write_enabled = !path.empty() && (((cluster->getLocalShardCount() + cluster->getRemoteShardCount()) < 2) || has_sharding_key); if (!write_enabled) throw Exception{ "Method write is not supported by storage " + getName() + " with more than one shard and no sharding key provided", ErrorCodes::STORAGE_REQUIRES_PARAMETER}; /// DistributedBlockOutputStream will not own cluster, but will own ConnectionPools of the cluster return std::make_shared( *this, rewriteInsertQuery(query, remote_database, remote_table), cluster, settings.insert_distributed_sync, settings.insert_distributed_timeout); } void StorageDistributed::alter(const AlterCommands & params, const String & database_name, const String & table_name, const Context & context) { for (const auto & param : params) if (param.type == AlterCommand::MODIFY_PRIMARY_KEY) throw Exception("Storage engine " + getName() + " doesn't support primary key.", ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED); auto lock = lockStructureForAlter(); params.apply(*columns, materialized_columns, alias_columns, column_defaults); context.getDatabase(database_name)->alterTable( context, table_name, *columns, materialized_columns, alias_columns, column_defaults, {}); } void StorageDistributed::startup() { createDirectoryMonitors(); initializeFileNamesIncrement(path, file_names_increment); } void StorageDistributed::shutdown() { cluster_nodes_data.clear(); } void StorageDistributed::reshardPartitions( const ASTPtr & query, const String & database_name, const Field & partition, const WeightedZooKeeperPaths & weighted_zookeeper_paths, const ASTPtr & sharding_key_expr, bool do_copy, const Field & coordinator, Context & context) { auto & resharding_worker = context.getReshardingWorker(); if (!resharding_worker.isStarted()) throw Exception{"Resharding background thread is not running", ErrorCodes::RESHARDING_NO_WORKER}; if (!coordinator.isNull()) throw Exception{"Use of COORDINATE WITH is forbidden in ALTER TABLE ... RESHARD" " queries for distributed tables", ErrorCodes::RESHARDING_INVALID_PARAMETERS}; auto cluster = getCluster(); /// resharding_worker doesn't need to own cluster, here only meta-information of cluster is used std::string coordinator_id = resharding_worker.createCoordinator(*cluster); std::atomic has_notified_error{false}; std::string dumped_coordinator_state; auto handle_exception = [&](const std::string & msg = "") { try { if (!has_notified_error) resharding_worker.setStatus(coordinator_id, ReshardingWorker::STATUS_ERROR, msg); dumped_coordinator_state = resharding_worker.dumpCoordinatorState(coordinator_id); resharding_worker.deleteCoordinator(coordinator_id); } catch (...) { tryLogCurrentException(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } }; try { /// Create query ALTER TABLE ... RESHARD [COPY] PARTITION ... COORDINATE WITH ... ASTPtr alter_query_ptr = std::make_shared(); auto & alter_query = static_cast(*alter_query_ptr); alter_query.database = remote_database; alter_query.table = remote_table; alter_query.parameters.emplace_back(); ASTAlterQuery::Parameters & parameters = alter_query.parameters.back(); parameters.type = ASTAlterQuery::RESHARD_PARTITION; if (!partition.isNull()) parameters.partition = std::make_shared(StringRange(), partition); ASTPtr expr_list = std::make_shared(); for (const auto & entry : weighted_zookeeper_paths) { ASTPtr weighted_path_ptr = std::make_shared(); auto & weighted_path = static_cast(*weighted_path_ptr); weighted_path.path = entry.first; weighted_path.weight = entry.second; expr_list->children.push_back(weighted_path_ptr); } parameters.weighted_zookeeper_paths = expr_list; parameters.sharding_key_expr = sharding_key_expr; parameters.do_copy = do_copy; parameters.coordinator = std::make_shared(StringRange(), Field(coordinator_id)); resharding_worker.registerQuery(coordinator_id, queryToString(alter_query_ptr)); ClusterProxy::AlterStreamFactory alter_stream_factory; BlockInputStreams streams = ClusterProxy::executeQuery( alter_stream_factory, cluster, alter_query_ptr, context, context.getSettingsRef()); /// This callback is called if an exception has occurred while attempting to read /// a block from a shard. This is to avoid a potential deadlock if other shards are /// waiting inside a barrier. Actually, even without this solution, we would avoid /// such a deadlock because we would eventually time out while trying to get remote /// blocks. Nevertheless this is not the ideal way of sorting out this issue since /// we would then not get to know the actual cause of the failure. auto exception_callback = [&resharding_worker, coordinator_id, &has_notified_error]() { try { resharding_worker.setStatus(coordinator_id, ReshardingWorker::STATUS_ERROR); has_notified_error = true; } catch (...) { tryLogCurrentException(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } }; streams[0] = std::make_shared>( streams, nullptr, context.getSettingsRef().max_distributed_connections, exception_callback); streams.resize(1); auto stream_ptr = dynamic_cast(&*streams[0]); if (stream_ptr == nullptr) throw Exception{"StorageDistributed: Internal error", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR}; auto & stream = *stream_ptr; stream.readPrefix(); while (!stream.isCancelled() && stream.read()) ; if (!stream.isCancelled()) stream.readSuffix(); } catch (const Exception & ex) { handle_exception(ex.message()); LOG_ERROR(log, dumped_coordinator_state); throw; } catch (const std::exception & ex) { handle_exception(ex.what()); LOG_ERROR(log, dumped_coordinator_state); throw; } catch (...) { handle_exception(); LOG_ERROR(log, dumped_coordinator_state); throw; } } BlockInputStreams StorageDistributed::describe(const Context & context, const Settings & settings) { /// Create DESCRIBE TABLE query. auto cluster = getCluster(); ASTPtr describe_query_ptr = std::make_shared(); auto & describe_query = static_cast(*describe_query_ptr); describe_query.database = remote_database; describe_query.table = remote_table; ClusterProxy::DescribeStreamFactory describe_stream_factory; return ClusterProxy::executeQuery( describe_stream_factory, cluster, describe_query_ptr, context, settings); } NameAndTypePair StorageDistributed::getColumn(const String & column_name) const { if (const auto & type = VirtualColumnFactory::tryGetType(column_name)) return { column_name, type }; return getRealColumn(column_name); } bool StorageDistributed::hasColumn(const String & column_name) const { return VirtualColumnFactory::hasColumn(column_name) || IStorage::hasColumn(column_name); } void StorageDistributed::createDirectoryMonitors() { if (path.empty()) return; Poco::File{path}.createDirectory(); boost::filesystem::directory_iterator begin(path); boost::filesystem::directory_iterator end; for (auto it = begin; it != end; ++it) if (it->status().type() == boost::filesystem::directory_file) requireDirectoryMonitor(it->path().filename().string()); } void StorageDistributed::requireDirectoryMonitor(const std::string & name) { cluster_nodes_data[name].requireDirectoryMonitor(name, *this); } ConnectionPoolPtr StorageDistributed::requireConnectionPool(const std::string & name) { auto & node_data = cluster_nodes_data[name]; node_data.requireConnectionPool(name, *this); return node_data.conneciton_pool; } size_t StorageDistributed::getShardCount() const { return getCluster()->getRemoteShardCount(); } ClusterPtr StorageDistributed::getCluster() const { return (owned_cluster) ? owned_cluster : context.getCluster(cluster_name); } void StorageDistributed::ClusterNodeData::requireConnectionPool(const std::string & name, const StorageDistributed & storage) { if (!conneciton_pool) conneciton_pool = StorageDistributedDirectoryMonitor::createPool(name, storage); } void StorageDistributed::ClusterNodeData::requireDirectoryMonitor(const std::string & name, StorageDistributed & storage) { requireConnectionPool(name, storage); if (!directory_monitor) directory_monitor = std::make_unique(storage, name, conneciton_pool); } }