## sudo -H pip install PyMySQL import warnings import pymysql.cursors import pytest from helpers.cluster import ClickHouseCluster import time import logging DICTS = ["configs/dictionaries/mysql_dict1.xml", "configs/dictionaries/mysql_dict2.xml"] CONFIG_FILES = ["configs/remote_servers.xml", "configs/named_collections.xml"] USER_CONFIGS = ["configs/users.xml"] cluster = ClickHouseCluster(__file__) instance = cluster.add_instance( "instance", main_configs=CONFIG_FILES, user_configs=USER_CONFIGS, with_mysql8=True, dictionaries=DICTS, ) create_table_mysql_template = """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `test`.`{}` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `value` varchar(50) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB; """ create_clickhouse_dictionary_table_template = """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `test`.`dict_table_{}` (`id` UInt64, `value` String) ENGINE = Dictionary({}) """ @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def started_cluster(): try: # time.sleep(30) cluster.start() # Create a MySQL database mysql_connection = get_mysql_conn(cluster) create_mysql_db(mysql_connection, "test") mysql_connection.close() # Create database in ClickHouse instance.query("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS test") # Create database in ClickChouse using MySQL protocol (will be used for data insertion) instance.query( "CREATE DATABASE clickhouse_mysql ENGINE = MySQL('mysql80:3306', 'test', 'root', 'clickhouse')" ) yield cluster finally: cluster.shutdown() def test_mysql_dictionaries_custom_query_full_load(started_cluster): mysql_connection = get_mysql_conn(started_cluster) execute_mysql_query( mysql_connection, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test.test_table_1 (id Integer, value_1 Text);", ) execute_mysql_query( mysql_connection, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test.test_table_2 (id Integer, value_2 Text);", ) execute_mysql_query( mysql_connection, "INSERT INTO test.test_table_1 VALUES (1, 'Value_1');" ) execute_mysql_query( mysql_connection, "INSERT INTO test.test_table_2 VALUES (1, 'Value_2');" ) query = instance.query query( """ CREATE DICTIONARY test_dictionary_custom_query ( id UInt64, value_1 String, value_2 String ) PRIMARY KEY id LAYOUT(FLAT()) SOURCE(MYSQL( HOST 'mysql80' PORT 3306 USER 'root' PASSWORD 'clickhouse' QUERY $doc$SELECT id, value_1, value_2 FROM test.test_table_1 INNER JOIN test.test_table_2 USING (id);$doc$)) LIFETIME(0) """ ) result = query("SELECT id, value_1, value_2 FROM test_dictionary_custom_query") assert result == "1\tValue_1\tValue_2\n" query("DROP DICTIONARY test_dictionary_custom_query;") execute_mysql_query(mysql_connection, "DROP TABLE test.test_table_1;") execute_mysql_query(mysql_connection, "DROP TABLE test.test_table_2;") def test_mysql_dictionaries_custom_query_partial_load_simple_key(started_cluster): mysql_connection = get_mysql_conn(started_cluster) execute_mysql_query( mysql_connection, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test.test_table_1 (id Integer, value_1 Text);", ) execute_mysql_query( mysql_connection, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test.test_table_2 (id Integer, value_2 Text);", ) execute_mysql_query( mysql_connection, "INSERT INTO test.test_table_1 VALUES (1, 'Value_1');" ) execute_mysql_query( mysql_connection, "INSERT INTO test.test_table_2 VALUES (1, 'Value_2');" ) query = instance.query query( """ CREATE DICTIONARY test_dictionary_custom_query ( id UInt64, value_1 String, value_2 String ) PRIMARY KEY id LAYOUT(DIRECT()) SOURCE(MYSQL( HOST 'mysql80' PORT 3306 USER 'root' PASSWORD 'clickhouse' QUERY $doc$SELECT id, value_1, value_2 FROM test.test_table_1 INNER JOIN test.test_table_2 USING (id) WHERE {condition};$doc$)) """ ) result = query( "SELECT dictGet('test_dictionary_custom_query', ('value_1', 'value_2'), toUInt64(1))" ) assert result == "('Value_1','Value_2')\n" query("DROP DICTIONARY test_dictionary_custom_query;") execute_mysql_query(mysql_connection, "DROP TABLE test.test_table_1;") execute_mysql_query(mysql_connection, "DROP TABLE test.test_table_2;") def test_mysql_dictionaries_custom_query_partial_load_complex_key(started_cluster): mysql_connection = get_mysql_conn(started_cluster) execute_mysql_query( mysql_connection, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test.test_table_1 (id Integer, id_key Text, value_1 Text);", ) execute_mysql_query( mysql_connection, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test.test_table_2 (id Integer, id_key Text, value_2 Text);", ) execute_mysql_query( mysql_connection, "INSERT INTO test.test_table_1 VALUES (1, 'Key', 'Value_1');" ) execute_mysql_query( mysql_connection, "INSERT INTO test.test_table_2 VALUES (1, 'Key', 'Value_2');" ) query = instance.query query( """ CREATE DICTIONARY test_dictionary_custom_query ( id UInt64, id_key String, value_1 String, value_2 String ) PRIMARY KEY id, id_key LAYOUT(COMPLEX_KEY_DIRECT()) SOURCE(MYSQL( HOST 'mysql80' PORT 3306 USER 'root' PASSWORD 'clickhouse' QUERY $doc$SELECT id, id_key, value_1, value_2 FROM test.test_table_1 INNER JOIN test.test_table_2 USING (id, id_key) WHERE {condition};$doc$)) """ ) result = query( "SELECT dictGet('test_dictionary_custom_query', ('value_1', 'value_2'), (toUInt64(1), 'Key'))" ) assert result == "('Value_1','Value_2')\n" query("DROP DICTIONARY test_dictionary_custom_query;") execute_mysql_query(mysql_connection, "DROP TABLE test.test_table_1;") execute_mysql_query(mysql_connection, "DROP TABLE test.test_table_2;") def test_predefined_connection_configuration(started_cluster): mysql_connection = get_mysql_conn(started_cluster) execute_mysql_query(mysql_connection, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test.test_table") execute_mysql_query( mysql_connection, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test.test_table (id Integer, value Integer);", ) execute_mysql_query( mysql_connection, "INSERT INTO test.test_table VALUES (100, 200);" ) instance.query( """ DROP DICTIONARY IF EXISTS dict; CREATE DICTIONARY dict (id UInt32, value UInt32) PRIMARY KEY id SOURCE(MYSQL(NAME mysql1)) LIFETIME(MIN 1 MAX 2) LAYOUT(HASHED()); """ ) result = instance.query("SELECT dictGetUInt32(dict, 'value', toUInt64(100))") assert int(result) == 200 instance.query( """ DROP DICTIONARY dict; CREATE DICTIONARY dict (id UInt32, value UInt32) PRIMARY KEY id SOURCE(MYSQL(NAME mysql2)) LIFETIME(MIN 1 MAX 2) LAYOUT(HASHED()); """ ) result = instance.query_and_get_error( "SELECT dictGetUInt32(dict, 'value', toUInt64(100))" ) instance.query( """ DROP DICTIONARY dict; CREATE DICTIONARY dict (id UInt32, value UInt32) PRIMARY KEY id SOURCE(MYSQL(NAME unknown_collection)) LIFETIME(MIN 1 MAX 2) LAYOUT(HASHED()); """ ) result = instance.query_and_get_error( "SELECT dictGetUInt32(dict, 'value', toUInt64(100))" ) instance.query( """ DROP DICTIONARY dict; CREATE DICTIONARY dict (id UInt32, value UInt32) PRIMARY KEY id SOURCE(MYSQL(NAME mysql3 PORT 3306)) LIFETIME(MIN 1 MAX 2) LAYOUT(HASHED()); """ ) result = instance.query("SELECT dictGetUInt32(dict, 'value', toUInt64(100))") assert int(result) == 200 instance.query( """ DROP DICTIONARY IF EXISTS dict; CREATE DICTIONARY dict (id UInt32, value UInt32) PRIMARY KEY id SOURCE(MYSQL(NAME mysql1 connection_pool_size 0)) LIFETIME(MIN 1 MAX 2) LAYOUT(HASHED()); """ ) result = instance.query_and_get_error( "SELECT dictGetUInt32(dict, 'value', toUInt64(100))" ) assert "Connection pool cannot have zero size" in result instance.query( """ DROP DICTIONARY IF EXISTS dict; CREATE DICTIONARY dict (id UInt32, value UInt32) PRIMARY KEY id SOURCE(MYSQL(NAME mysql4)) LIFETIME(MIN 1 MAX 2) LAYOUT(HASHED()); """ ) result = instance.query_and_get_error( "SELECT dictGetUInt32(dict, 'value', toUInt64(100))" ) assert "Connection pool cannot have zero size" in result instance.query( """ DROP DICTIONARY IF EXISTS dict; CREATE DICTIONARY dict (id UInt32, value UInt32) PRIMARY KEY id SOURCE(MYSQL(NAME mysql4 connection_pool_size 1)) LIFETIME(MIN 1 MAX 2) LAYOUT(HASHED()); """ ) result = instance.query("SELECT dictGetUInt32(dict, 'value', toUInt64(100))") assert int(result) == 200 instance.query( """ DROP DICTIONARY IF EXISTS dict; CREATE DICTIONARY dict (id UInt32, value UInt32) PRIMARY KEY id SOURCE(MYSQL(NAME mysql4 connection_pool_size 1 close_connection 1 share_connection 1)) LIFETIME(MIN 1 MAX 2) LAYOUT(HASHED()); """ ) result = instance.query("SELECT dictGetUInt32(dict, 'value', toUInt64(100))") assert int(result) == 200 def create_mysql_db(mysql_connection, name): with mysql_connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS {}".format(name)) cursor.execute("CREATE DATABASE {} DEFAULT CHARACTER SET 'utf8'".format(name)) def prepare_mysql_table(started_cluster, table_name, index): mysql_connection = get_mysql_conn(started_cluster) # Create table create_mysql_table(mysql_connection, table_name + str(index)) # Insert rows using CH query = instance.query query( "INSERT INTO `clickhouse_mysql`.{}(id, value) select number, concat('{} value ', toString(number)) from numbers(10000) ".format( table_name + str(index), table_name + str(index) ) ) assert ( query( "SELECT count() FROM `clickhouse_mysql`.{}".format(table_name + str(index)) ).rstrip() == "10000" ) mysql_connection.close() # Create CH Dictionary tables based on MySQL tables query( create_clickhouse_dictionary_table_template.format( table_name + str(index), "dict" + str(index) ) ) def get_mysql_conn(started_cluster): errors = [] conn = None for _ in range(5): try: if conn is None: conn = pymysql.connect( user="root", password="clickhouse", host=started_cluster.mysql8_ip, port=started_cluster.mysql8_port, ) else: conn.ping(reconnect=True) logging.debug( f"MySQL Connection establised: {started_cluster.mysql8_ip}:{started_cluster.mysql8_port}" ) return conn except Exception as e: errors += [str(e)] time.sleep(1) raise Exception("Connection not establised, {}".format(errors)) def execute_mysql_query(connection, query): logging.debug("Execute MySQL query:{}".format(query)) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(query) connection.commit() def create_mysql_table(conn, table_name): with conn.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(create_table_mysql_template.format(table_name))