#include #include #include #include #include namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR; extern const int TIMEOUT_EXCEEDED; extern const int SYSTEM_ERROR; } KeeperDispatcher::KeeperDispatcher() : coordination_settings(std::make_shared()) , responses_queue(std::numeric_limits::max()) , log(&Poco::Logger::get("KeeperDispatcher")) { } void KeeperDispatcher::requestThread() { setThreadName("KeeperReqT"); /// Result of requests batch from previous iteration RaftAppendResult prev_result = nullptr; /// Requests from previous iteration. We store them to be able /// to send errors to the client. KeeperStorage::RequestsForSessions prev_batch; while (!shutdown_called) { KeeperStorage::RequestForSession request; UInt64 max_wait = UInt64(coordination_settings->operation_timeout_ms.totalMilliseconds()); uint64_t max_batch_size = coordination_settings->max_requests_batch_size; /// The code below do a very simple thing: batch all write (quorum) requests into vector until /// previous write batch is not finished or max_batch size achieved. The main complexity goes from /// the ability to process read requests without quorum (from local state). So when we are collecting /// requests into a batch we must check that the new request is not read request. Otherwise we have to /// process all already accumulated write requests, wait them synchronously and only after that process /// read request. So reads are some kind of "separator" for writes. try { if (requests_queue->tryPop(request, max_wait)) { if (shutdown_called) break; KeeperStorage::RequestsForSessions current_batch; bool has_read_request = false; /// If new request is not read request or we must to process it through quorum. /// Otherwise we will process it locally. if (coordination_settings->quorum_reads || !request.request->isReadRequest()) { current_batch.emplace_back(request); /// Waiting until previous append will be successful, or batch is big enough /// has_result == false && get_result_code == OK means that our request still not processed. /// Sometimes NuRaft set errorcode without setting result, so we check both here. while (prev_result && (!prev_result->has_result() && prev_result->get_result_code() == nuraft::cmd_result_code::OK) && current_batch.size() <= max_batch_size) { /// Trying to get batch requests as fast as possible if (requests_queue->tryPop(request, 1)) { /// Don't append read request into batch, we have to process them separately if (!coordination_settings->quorum_reads && request.request->isReadRequest()) { has_read_request = true; break; } else { current_batch.emplace_back(request); } } if (shutdown_called) break; } } else has_read_request = true; if (shutdown_called) break; /// Forcefully process all previous pending requests if (prev_result) forceWaitAndProcessResult(prev_result, prev_batch); /// Process collected write requests batch if (!current_batch.empty()) { auto result = server->putRequestBatch(current_batch); if (result) { if (has_read_request) /// If we will execute read request next, than we have to process result now forceWaitAndProcessResult(result, current_batch); } else { addErrorResponses(current_batch, Coordination::Error::ZCONNECTIONLOSS); current_batch.clear(); } prev_batch = current_batch; prev_result = result; } /// Read request always goes after write batch (last request) if (has_read_request) { if (server->isLeaderAlive()) server->putLocalReadRequest(request); else addErrorResponses({request}, Coordination::Error::ZCONNECTIONLOSS); } } } catch (...) { tryLogCurrentException(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } } } void KeeperDispatcher::responseThread() { setThreadName("KeeperRspT"); while (!shutdown_called) { KeeperStorage::ResponseForSession response_for_session; UInt64 max_wait = UInt64(coordination_settings->operation_timeout_ms.totalMilliseconds()); if (responses_queue.tryPop(response_for_session, max_wait)) { if (shutdown_called) break; try { setResponse(response_for_session.session_id, response_for_session.response); } catch (...) { tryLogCurrentException(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } } } } void KeeperDispatcher::snapshotThread() { setThreadName("KeeperSnpT"); while (!shutdown_called) { CreateSnapshotTask task; if (!snapshots_queue.pop(task)) break; if (shutdown_called) break; try { task.create_snapshot(std::move(task.snapshot)); } catch (...) { tryLogCurrentException(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } } } void KeeperDispatcher::setResponse(int64_t session_id, const Coordination::ZooKeeperResponsePtr & response) { std::lock_guard lock(session_to_response_callback_mutex); /// Special new session response. if (response->xid != Coordination::WATCH_XID && response->getOpNum() == Coordination::OpNum::SessionID) { const Coordination::ZooKeeperSessionIDResponse & session_id_resp = dynamic_cast(*response); /// Nobody waits for this session id if (session_id_resp.server_id != server->getServerID() || !new_session_id_response_callback.count(session_id_resp.internal_id)) return; auto callback = new_session_id_response_callback[session_id_resp.internal_id]; callback(response); new_session_id_response_callback.erase(session_id_resp.internal_id); } else /// Normal response, just write to client { auto session_response_callback = session_to_response_callback.find(session_id); /// Session was disconnected, just skip this response if (session_response_callback == session_to_response_callback.end()) return; session_response_callback->second(response); /// Session closed, no more writes if (response->xid != Coordination::WATCH_XID && response->getOpNum() == Coordination::OpNum::Close) { session_to_response_callback.erase(session_response_callback); } } } bool KeeperDispatcher::putRequest(const Coordination::ZooKeeperRequestPtr & request, int64_t session_id) { { /// If session was already disconnected than we will ignore requests std::lock_guard lock(session_to_response_callback_mutex); if (session_to_response_callback.count(session_id) == 0) return false; } KeeperStorage::RequestForSession request_info; request_info.request = request; request_info.session_id = session_id; std::lock_guard lock(push_request_mutex); if (shutdown_called) return false; /// Put close requests without timeouts if (request->getOpNum() == Coordination::OpNum::Close) { if (!requests_queue->push(std::move(request_info))) throw Exception("Cannot push request to queue", ErrorCodes::SYSTEM_ERROR); } else if (!requests_queue->tryPush(std::move(request_info), coordination_settings->operation_timeout_ms.totalMilliseconds())) { throw Exception("Cannot push request to queue within operation timeout", ErrorCodes::TIMEOUT_EXCEEDED); } return true; } void KeeperDispatcher::initialize(const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config, bool standalone_keeper, bool start_async) { LOG_DEBUG(log, "Initializing storage dispatcher"); int myid = config.getInt("keeper_server.server_id"); coordination_settings->loadFromConfig("keeper_server.coordination_settings", config); requests_queue = std::make_unique(coordination_settings->max_requests_batch_size); request_thread = ThreadFromGlobalPool([this] { requestThread(); }); responses_thread = ThreadFromGlobalPool([this] { responseThread(); }); snapshot_thread = ThreadFromGlobalPool([this] { snapshotThread(); }); server = std::make_unique( myid, coordination_settings, config, responses_queue, snapshots_queue, standalone_keeper); try { LOG_DEBUG(log, "Waiting server to initialize"); server->startup(); LOG_DEBUG(log, "Server initialized, waiting for quorum"); if (!start_async) { server->waitInit(); LOG_DEBUG(log, "Quorum initialized"); } else { LOG_INFO(log, "Starting Keeper asynchronously, server will accept connections to Keeper when it will be ready"); } } catch (...) { tryLogCurrentException(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); throw; } /// Start it after keeper server start session_cleaner_thread = ThreadFromGlobalPool([this] { sessionCleanerTask(); }); update_configuration_thread = ThreadFromGlobalPool([this] { updateConfigurationThread(); }); updateConfiguration(config); LOG_DEBUG(log, "Dispatcher initialized"); } void KeeperDispatcher::shutdown() { try { { std::lock_guard lock(push_request_mutex); if (shutdown_called) return; LOG_DEBUG(log, "Shutting down storage dispatcher"); shutdown_called = true; if (session_cleaner_thread.joinable()) session_cleaner_thread.join(); if (requests_queue) { requests_queue->finish(); if (request_thread.joinable()) request_thread.join(); } responses_queue.finish(); if (responses_thread.joinable()) responses_thread.join(); snapshots_queue.finish(); if (snapshot_thread.joinable()) snapshot_thread.join(); update_configuration_queue.finish(); if (update_configuration_thread.joinable()) update_configuration_thread.join(); } if (server) server->shutdown(); KeeperStorage::RequestForSession request_for_session; /// Set session expired for all pending requests while (requests_queue && requests_queue->tryPop(request_for_session)) { auto response = request_for_session.request->makeResponse(); response->error = Coordination::Error::ZSESSIONEXPIRED; setResponse(request_for_session.session_id, response); } /// Clear all registered sessions std::lock_guard lock(session_to_response_callback_mutex); session_to_response_callback.clear(); } catch (...) { tryLogCurrentException(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } LOG_DEBUG(log, "Dispatcher shut down"); } KeeperDispatcher::~KeeperDispatcher() { shutdown(); } void KeeperDispatcher::registerSession(int64_t session_id, ZooKeeperResponseCallback callback) { std::lock_guard lock(session_to_response_callback_mutex); if (!session_to_response_callback.try_emplace(session_id, callback).second) throw Exception(DB::ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "Session with id {} already registered in dispatcher", session_id); } void KeeperDispatcher::sessionCleanerTask() { while (true) { if (shutdown_called) return; try { /// Only leader node must check dead sessions if (server->checkInit() && isLeader()) { auto dead_sessions = server->getDeadSessions(); for (int64_t dead_session : dead_sessions) { LOG_INFO(log, "Found dead session {}, will try to close it", dead_session); /// Close session == send close request to raft server Coordination::ZooKeeperRequestPtr request = Coordination::ZooKeeperRequestFactory::instance().get(Coordination::OpNum::Close); request->xid = Coordination::CLOSE_XID; KeeperStorage::RequestForSession request_info; request_info.request = request; request_info.session_id = dead_session; { std::lock_guard lock(push_request_mutex); if (!requests_queue->push(std::move(request_info))) LOG_INFO(log, "Cannot push close request to queue while cleaning outdated sessions"); } /// Remove session from registered sessions finishSession(dead_session); LOG_INFO(log, "Dead session close request pushed"); } } } catch (...) { tryLogCurrentException(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(coordination_settings->dead_session_check_period_ms.totalMilliseconds())); } } void KeeperDispatcher::finishSession(int64_t session_id) { std::lock_guard lock(session_to_response_callback_mutex); auto session_it = session_to_response_callback.find(session_id); if (session_it != session_to_response_callback.end()) session_to_response_callback.erase(session_it); } void KeeperDispatcher::addErrorResponses(const KeeperStorage::RequestsForSessions & requests_for_sessions, Coordination::Error error) { for (const auto & [session_id, request] : requests_for_sessions) { KeeperStorage::ResponsesForSessions responses; auto response = request->makeResponse(); response->xid = request->xid; response->zxid = 0; response->error = error; if (!responses_queue.push(DB::KeeperStorage::ResponseForSession{session_id, response})) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::SYSTEM_ERROR, "Could not push error response xid {} zxid {} error message {} to responses queue", response->xid, response->zxid, errorMessage(error)); } } void KeeperDispatcher::forceWaitAndProcessResult(RaftAppendResult & result, KeeperStorage::RequestsForSessions & requests_for_sessions) { if (!result->has_result()) result->get(); /// If we get some errors, than send them to clients if (!result->get_accepted() || result->get_result_code() == nuraft::cmd_result_code::TIMEOUT) addErrorResponses(requests_for_sessions, Coordination::Error::ZOPERATIONTIMEOUT); else if (result->get_result_code() != nuraft::cmd_result_code::OK) addErrorResponses(requests_for_sessions, Coordination::Error::ZCONNECTIONLOSS); result = nullptr; requests_for_sessions.clear(); } int64_t KeeperDispatcher::getSessionID(int64_t session_timeout_ms) { /// New session id allocation is a special request, because we cannot process it in normal /// way: get request -> put to raft -> set response for registered callback. KeeperStorage::RequestForSession request_info; std::shared_ptr request = std::make_shared(); /// Internal session id. It's a temporary number which is unique for each client on this server /// but can be same on different servers. request->internal_id = internal_session_id_counter.fetch_add(1); request->session_timeout_ms = session_timeout_ms; request->server_id = server->getServerID(); request_info.request = request; request_info.session_id = -1; auto promise = std::make_shared>(); auto future = promise->get_future(); { std::lock_guard lock(session_to_response_callback_mutex); new_session_id_response_callback[request->internal_id] = [promise, internal_id = request->internal_id] (const Coordination::ZooKeeperResponsePtr & response) { if (response->getOpNum() != Coordination::OpNum::SessionID) promise->set_exception(std::make_exception_ptr(Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "Incorrect response of type {} instead of SessionID response", Coordination::toString(response->getOpNum())))); auto session_id_response = dynamic_cast(*response); if (session_id_response.internal_id != internal_id) { promise->set_exception(std::make_exception_ptr(Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "Incorrect response with internal id {} instead of {}", session_id_response.internal_id, internal_id))); } if (response->error != Coordination::Error::ZOK) promise->set_exception(std::make_exception_ptr(zkutil::KeeperException("SessionID request failed with error", response->error))); promise->set_value(session_id_response.session_id); }; } /// Push new session request to queue { std::lock_guard lock(push_request_mutex); if (!requests_queue->tryPush(std::move(request_info), session_timeout_ms)) throw Exception("Cannot push session id request to queue within session timeout", ErrorCodes::TIMEOUT_EXCEEDED); } if (future.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(session_timeout_ms)) != std::future_status::ready) throw Exception("Cannot receive session id within session timeout", ErrorCodes::TIMEOUT_EXCEEDED); /// Forcefully wait for request execution because we cannot process any other /// requests for this client until it get new session id. return future.get(); } void KeeperDispatcher::updateConfigurationThread() { while (true) { if (shutdown_called) return; try { if (!server->checkInit()) { LOG_INFO(log, "Server still not initialized, will not apply configuration until initialization finished"); std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(5000)); continue; } ConfigUpdateAction action; if (!update_configuration_queue.pop(action)) break; /// We must wait this update from leader or apply it ourself (if we are leader) bool done = false; while (!done) { if (shutdown_called) return; if (isLeader()) { server->applyConfigurationUpdate(action); done = true; } else { done = server->waitConfigurationUpdate(action); if (!done) LOG_INFO(log, "Cannot wait for configuration update, maybe we become leader, or maybe update is invalid, will try to wait one more time"); } } } catch (...) { tryLogCurrentException(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } } } void KeeperDispatcher::updateConfiguration(const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config) { auto diff = server->getConfigurationDiff(config); if (diff.empty()) LOG_TRACE(log, "Configuration update triggered, but nothing changed for RAFT"); else if (diff.size() > 1) LOG_WARNING(log, "Configuration changed for more than one server ({}) from cluster, it's strictly not recommended", diff.size()); else LOG_DEBUG(log, "Configuration change size ({})", diff.size()); for (auto & change : diff) { bool push_result = update_configuration_queue.push(change); if (!push_result) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::SYSTEM_ERROR, "Cannot push configuration update to queue"); } } }