#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int BAD_ARGUMENTS; extern const int ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT; extern const int SIZES_OF_ARRAYS_DONT_MATCH; extern const int TOO_FEW_ARGUMENTS_FOR_FUNCTION; } namespace { class FunctionNested : public IFunction { public: static constexpr auto name = "nested"; static FunctionPtr create(ContextPtr) { return std::make_shared(); } String getName() const override { return name; } bool isVariadic() const override { return true; } size_t getNumberOfArguments() const override { return 0; } bool useDefaultImplementationForConstants() const override { return true; } ColumnNumbers getArgumentsThatAreAlwaysConstant() const override { return {0}; } bool isSuitableForShortCircuitArgumentsExecution(const DataTypesWithConstInfo & /*arguments*/) const override { return false; } DataTypePtr getReturnTypeImpl(const ColumnsWithTypeAndName & arguments) const override { size_t arguments_size = arguments.size(); if (arguments_size < 2) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::TOO_FEW_ARGUMENTS_FOR_FUNCTION, "Number of arguments for function {} doesn't match: passed {}, should be at least 2", getName(), arguments_size); Names nested_names = extractNestedNames(arguments[0].column); if (nested_names.empty()) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS, "First argument for function {} must be constant column with array of strings", getName()); if (nested_names.size() != arguments_size - 1) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS, "Size of nested names array for function {} does not match arrays arguments size. Actual {}. Expected {}", getName(), nested_names.size(), arguments_size - 1); DataTypes nested_types; nested_types.reserve(arguments_size); for (size_t i = 1; i < arguments_size; ++i) { const auto & argument = arguments[i]; const auto * argument_type_array = typeid_cast(argument.type.get()); if (!argument_type_array) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT, "Argument {} for function {} must be array. Actual {}", i + 1, getName(), argument.type->getName()); nested_types.push_back(argument_type_array->getNestedType()); } return std::make_shared(std::make_shared(nested_types, nested_names)); } ColumnPtr executeImpl(const ColumnsWithTypeAndName & arguments, const DataTypePtr &, size_t) const override { size_t arguments_size = arguments.size(); const auto * lhs_array = assert_cast(arguments.at(1).column.get()); Columns data_columns; data_columns.reserve(arguments_size); data_columns.push_back(lhs_array->getDataPtr()); for (size_t i = 2; i < arguments_size; ++i) { const auto * rhs_array = assert_cast(arguments[i].column.get()); if (!lhs_array->hasEqualOffsets(*rhs_array)) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::SIZES_OF_ARRAYS_DONT_MATCH, "The argument 2 and argument {} of function {} have different array offsets", i + 1, getName()); data_columns.push_back(rhs_array->getDataPtr()); } auto tuple_column = ColumnTuple::create(std::move(data_columns)); auto array_column = ColumnArray::create(std::move(tuple_column), lhs_array->getOffsetsPtr()); return array_column; } private: static Names extractNestedNames(const ColumnPtr & column) { const auto * const_column = typeid_cast(column.get()); if (!const_column) return {}; Field nested_names_field; const_column->get(0, nested_names_field); if (nested_names_field.getType() != Field::Types::Array) return {}; const auto & nested_names_array = nested_names_field.get(); Names nested_names; nested_names.reserve(nested_names_array.size()); for (const auto & nested_name_field : nested_names_array) { if (nested_name_field.getType() != Field::Types::String) return {}; nested_names.push_back(nested_name_field.get()); } return nested_names; } }; } REGISTER_FUNCTION(Nested) { factory.registerFunction(FunctionDocumentation{ .description=R"( Returns the array of tuples from multiple arrays. )", .examples{{"nested", "SELECT nested(['keys', 'values'], ['key_1', 'key_2'], ['value_1','value_2'])", ""}}, .categories{"OtherFunctions"} }); } }