onlyif ClickHouse statement ok CREATE TABLE t1(a INTEGER, b INTEGER) ENGINE = MergeTree() PRIMARY KEY tuple() skipif ClickHouse statement ok CREATE TABLE t1(a INTEGER, b INTEGER) statement ok INSERT INTO t1(a,b) VALUES(1,2) statement ok INSERT INTO t1(a,b) VALUES(3,4) statement ok INSERT INTO t1(a,b) VALUES(5,6) # just ok request query II nosort SELECT a, b FROM t1 ORDER BY 2,1 ---- # will fail and write exception as a result query II nosort SELECT a, c FROM t1 ORDER BY 2,1 ---- # expect to fail onlyif ClickHouse query error UNKNOWN_IDENTIFIER SELECT a, c FROM t1 ---- # expect to fail onlyif sqlite query error No such column SELECT a, c FROM t1 ---- # expect to fail in a different way query error expect to fail in a different way SELECT a, c FROM t1 ---- # print empty as (empty) query T nosort SELECT '' ---- (empty) # without result set query T nosort SELECT '' ---- # without result and saparator query T nosort SELECT '' # just ok with REAL query R nosort SELECT -1.0 ---- -1.000 # just ok with signed query I nosort SELECT -1 ---- -1 # just ok query RI nosort SELECT 1.0, 1 ---- 1.000 1 # mess with columns count query R nosort SELECT 1.0, 1 ---- 1.000 1 # mess with columns count query RT nosort SELECT 1.0 ---- 1.000 # empty result set query II nosort select a, b from t1 where a = b ---- # precise is 3 digits query R nosort SELECT 1.0013 ---- 1.001 query T nosort SELECT NULL as a ---- NULL onlyif ClickHouse query I nosort SELECT CAST(NULL AS Nullable(INTEGER)) ---- NULL query T nosort SELECT NULL ---- NULL NULL # thish check how result hashing works query IIIIIIIIIIIIIII nosort SELECT 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ---- skipif ClickHouse query I nosort WITH RECURSIVE cnt(x) AS ( SELECT 1 UNION ALL SELECT x+1 FROM cnt LIMIT 20 ) SELECT x FROM cnt; ---- 20 values hashing to 52c46dff81346ead02fcf6245c762b1a onlyif ClickHouse query I nosort SELECT number+1 from system.numbers LIMIT 20 ---- 20 values hashing to 52c46dff81346ead02fcf6245c762b1a # Debug how incorrect result type parses statement ok CREATE TABLE tab0(pk INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, col0 INTEGER, col1 FLOAT, col2 TEXT, col3 INTEGER, col4 FLOAT, col5 TEXT) statement ok INSERT INTO tab0 VALUES(0,535,860.48,'uxbns',253,640.58,'jvqkl') skipif ClickHouse query I rowsort label-20 SELECT + col2 AS col5 FROM tab0 WHERE NOT ( col0 ) * - - col4 IS NULL