// // AbstractNode.h // // Library: XML // Package: DOM // Module: DOM // // Definition of the AbstractNode class. // // Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH. // and Contributors. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0 // #ifndef DOM_AbstractNode_INCLUDED #define DOM_AbstractNode_INCLUDED #include "Poco/DOM/MutationEvent.h" #include "Poco/DOM/Node.h" #include "Poco/XML/XML.h" #include "Poco/XML/XMLString.h" namespace Poco { namespace XML { class AbstractContainerNode; class Attr; class EventDispatcher; class XML_API AbstractNode : public Node /// AbstractNode provides a basic implementation /// of the Node interface for all types of nodes /// that do not contain other nodes. { public: // Node const XMLString & nodeName() const; const XMLString & getNodeValue() const; void setNodeValue(const XMLString & value); Node * parentNode() const; NodeList * childNodes() const; Node * firstChild() const; Node * lastChild() const; Node * previousSibling() const; Node * nextSibling() const; NamedNodeMap * attributes() const; Document * ownerDocument() const; Node * insertBefore(Node * newChild, Node * refChild); Node * replaceChild(Node * newChild, Node * oldChild); Node * removeChild(Node * oldChild); Node * appendChild(Node * newChild); bool hasChildNodes() const; Node * cloneNode(bool deep) const; void normalize(); bool isSupported(const XMLString & feature, const XMLString & version) const; const XMLString & namespaceURI() const; XMLString prefix() const; const XMLString & localName() const; bool hasAttributes() const; // EventTarget void addEventListener(const XMLString & type, EventListener * listener, bool useCapture); void removeEventListener(const XMLString & type, EventListener * listener, bool useCapture); bool dispatchEvent(Event * evt); // Extensions XMLString innerText() const; Node * getNodeByPath(const XMLString & path) const; Node * getNodeByPathNS(const XMLString & path, const NSMap & nsMap) const; virtual void autoRelease(); protected: AbstractNode(Document * pOwnerDocument); AbstractNode(Document * pOwnerDocument, const AbstractNode & node); ~AbstractNode(); virtual Node * copyNode(bool deep, Document * pOwnerDocument) const = 0; virtual bool events() const; virtual bool eventsSuspended() const; void captureEvent(Event * evt); void bubbleEvent(Event * evt); void dispatchSubtreeModified(); void dispatchNodeInserted(); void dispatchNodeRemoved(); virtual void dispatchNodeRemovedFromDocument(); virtual void dispatchNodeInsertedIntoDocument(); void dispatchAttrModified( Attr * pAttr, MutationEvent::AttrChangeType changeType, const XMLString & prevValue, const XMLString & newValue); void dispatchCharacterDataModified(const XMLString & prevValue, const XMLString & newValue); void setOwnerDocument(Document * pOwnerDocument); static const XMLString EMPTY_STRING; private: AbstractNode(); AbstractContainerNode * _pParent; AbstractNode * _pNext; Document * _pOwner; EventDispatcher * _pEventDispatcher; static const XMLString NODE_NAME; friend class AbstractContainerNode; friend class Document; friend class DocumentFragment; friend class Element; friend class Attr; friend class CharacterData; friend class DOMBuilder; friend class NodeAppender; }; } } // namespace Poco::XML #endif // DOM_AbstractNode_INCLUDED