#include #include #include namespace DB { class URLHierarchyImpl { private: Pos begin; Pos pos; Pos end; public: static constexpr auto name = "URLHierarchy"; static String getName() { return name; } static size_t getNumberOfArguments() { return 1; } static void checkArguments(const DataTypes & arguments) { if (!isString(arguments[0])) throw Exception("Illegal type " + arguments[0]->getName() + " of first argument of function " + getName() + ". Must be String.", ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT); } void init(Block & /*block*/, const ColumnNumbers & /*arguments*/) {} /// Returns the position of the argument that is the column of rows size_t getStringsArgumentPosition() { return 0; } /// Called for each next string. void set(Pos pos_, Pos end_) { begin = pos = pos_; end = end_; } /// Get the next token, if any, or return false. bool get(Pos & token_begin, Pos & token_end) { /// Code from URLParser. if (pos == end) return false; if (pos == begin) { /// Let's parse everything that goes before the path /// Assume that the protocol has already been changed to lowercase. while (pos < end && ((*pos > 'a' && *pos < 'z') || (*pos > '0' && *pos < '9'))) ++pos; /** We will calculate the hierarchy only for URLs in which there is a protocol, and after it there are two slashes. * (http, file - fit, mailto, magnet - do not fit), and after two slashes still at least something is there * For the rest, simply return the full URL as the only element of the hierarchy. */ if (pos == begin || pos == end || !(*pos++ == ':' && pos < end && *pos++ == '/' && pos < end && *pos++ == '/' && pos < end)) { pos = end; token_begin = begin; token_end = end; return true; } /// The domain for simplicity is everything that after the protocol and two slashes, until the next slash or `?` or `#` while (pos < end && !(*pos == '/' || *pos == '?' || *pos == '#')) ++pos; if (pos != end) ++pos; token_begin = begin; token_end = pos; return true; } /// We go to the next `/` or `?` or `#`, skipping all those at the beginning. while (pos < end && (*pos == '/' || *pos == '?' || *pos == '#')) ++pos; if (pos == end) return false; while (pos < end && !(*pos == '/' || *pos == '?' || *pos == '#')) ++pos; if (pos != end) ++pos; token_begin = begin; token_end = pos; return true; } }; struct NameURLHierarchy { static constexpr auto name = "URLHierarchy"; }; using FunctionURLHierarchy = FunctionTokens; void registerFunctionURLHierarchy(FunctionFactory & factory) { factory.registerFunction(); } }