#!/usr/bin/env python3 import subprocess import logging import os def compress_file_fast(path, archive_path): if archive_path.endswith(".zst"): subprocess.check_call("zstd < {} > {}".format(path, archive_path), shell=True) elif os.path.exists("/usr/bin/pigz"): subprocess.check_call("pigz < {} > {}".format(path, archive_path), shell=True) else: subprocess.check_call("gzip < {} > {}".format(path, archive_path), shell=True) def compress_fast(path, archive_path, exclude=None): program_part = "" if archive_path.endswith(".zst"): logging.info("zstd will be used for compression") program_part = "--use-compress-program='zstd --threads=0'" elif os.path.exists("/usr/bin/pigz"): logging.info("pigz found, will compress and decompress faster") program_part = "--use-compress-program='pigz'" else: program_part = "-z" logging.info("no pigz, compressing with default tar") if exclude is None: exclude_part = "" elif isinstance(exclude, list): exclude_part = " ".join(["--exclude {}".format(x) for x in exclude]) else: exclude_part = "--exclude {}".format(str(exclude)) fname = os.path.basename(path) if os.path.isfile(path): path = os.path.dirname(path) else: path += "/.." cmd = "tar {} {} -cf {} -C {} {}".format( program_part, exclude_part, archive_path, path, fname ) logging.debug("compress_fast cmd: %s", cmd) subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True) def decompress_fast(archive_path, result_path=None): program_part = "" if archive_path.endswith(".zst"): logging.info("zstd will be used for decompression ('%s' -> '%s')", archive_path, result_path, ) program_part = "--use-compress-program='zstd --threads=0'" elif os.path.exists("/usr/bin/pigz"): logging.info( "pigz found, will compress and decompress faster ('%s' -> '%s')", archive_path, result_path, ) program_part = "--use-compress-program='pigz'" else: program_part = "-z" logging.info( "no pigz, decompressing with default tar ('%s' -> '%s')", archive_path, result_path, ) if result_path is None: subprocess.check_call( "tar {} -xf {}".format(program_part, archive_path), shell=True ) else: subprocess.check_call( "tar {} -xf {} -C {}".format(program_part, archive_path, result_path), shell=True, )