#include "Runner.h" #include #include "Common/ZooKeeper/ZooKeeperCommon.h" #include "Common/ZooKeeper/ZooKeeperConstants.h" #include #include #include "IO/ReadBufferFromString.h" #include #include #include namespace CurrentMetrics { extern const Metric LocalThread; extern const Metric LocalThreadActive; } namespace DB::ErrorCodes { extern const int CANNOT_BLOCK_SIGNAL; extern const int BAD_ARGUMENTS; } Runner::Runner( std::optional concurrency_, const std::string & config_path, const Strings & hosts_strings_, std::optional max_time_, std::optional delay_, std::optional continue_on_error_, std::optional max_iterations_) : info(std::make_shared()) { DB::ConfigProcessor config_processor(config_path, true, false); auto config = config_processor.loadConfig().configuration; generator.emplace(*config); if (!hosts_strings_.empty()) { for (const auto & host : hosts_strings_) connection_infos.push_back({.host = host}); } else { if (!config) throw DB::Exception(DB::ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS, "No config file or hosts defined"); parseHostsFromConfig(*config); } std::cerr << "---- Run options ---- " << std::endl; static constexpr uint64_t DEFAULT_CONCURRENCY = 1; if (concurrency_) concurrency = *concurrency_; else concurrency = config->getUInt64("concurrency", DEFAULT_CONCURRENCY); std::cerr << "Concurrency: " << concurrency << std::endl; static constexpr uint64_t DEFAULT_ITERATIONS = 0; if (max_iterations_) max_iterations = *max_iterations_; else max_iterations = config->getUInt64("iterations", DEFAULT_ITERATIONS); std::cerr << "Iterations: " << max_iterations << std::endl; static constexpr double DEFAULT_DELAY = 1.0; if (delay_) delay = *delay_; else delay = config->getDouble("report_delay", DEFAULT_DELAY); std::cerr << "Report delay: " << delay << std::endl; static constexpr double DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT = 0.0; if (max_time_) max_time = *max_time_; else max_time = config->getDouble("timelimit", DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT); std::cerr << "Time limit: " << max_time << std::endl; if (continue_on_error_) continue_on_error = *continue_on_error_; else continue_on_error = config->getBool("continue_on_error", false); std::cerr << "Continue on error: " << continue_on_error << std::endl; static const std::string output_key = "output"; print_to_stdout = config->getBool(output_key + ".stdout", false); std::cerr << "Printing output to stdout: " << print_to_stdout << std::endl; static const std::string output_file_key = output_key + ".file"; if (config->has(output_file_key)) { if (config->has(output_file_key + ".path")) { file_output = config->getString(output_file_key + ".path"); output_file_with_timestamp = config->getBool(output_file_key + ".with_timestamp"); } else file_output = config->getString(output_file_key); std::cerr << "Result file path: " << file_output->string() << std::endl; } std::cerr << "---- Run options ----\n" << std::endl; pool.emplace(CurrentMetrics::LocalThread, CurrentMetrics::LocalThreadActive, concurrency); queue.emplace(concurrency); } void Runner::parseHostsFromConfig(const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config) { ConnectionInfo default_connection_info; const auto fill_connection_details = [&](const std::string & key, auto & connection_info) { if (config.has(key + ".secure")) connection_info.secure = config.getBool(key + ".secure"); if (config.has(key + ".session_timeout_ms")) connection_info.session_timeout_ms = config.getInt(key + ".session_timeout_ms"); if (config.has(key + ".operation_timeout_ms")) connection_info.operation_timeout_ms = config.getInt(key + ".operation_timeout_ms"); if (config.has(key + ".connection_timeout_ms")) connection_info.connection_timeout_ms = config.getInt(key + ".connection_timeout_ms"); }; fill_connection_details("connections", default_connection_info); Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration::Keys connections_keys; config.keys("connections", connections_keys); for (const auto & key : connections_keys) { std::string connection_key = "connections." + key; auto connection_info = default_connection_info; if (key.starts_with("host")) { connection_info.host = config.getString(connection_key); connection_infos.push_back(std::move(connection_info)); } else if (key.starts_with("connection") && key != "connection_timeout_ms") { connection_info.host = config.getString(connection_key + ".host"); if (config.has(connection_key + ".sessions")) connection_info.sessions = config.getUInt64(connection_key + ".sessions"); fill_connection_details(connection_key, connection_info); connection_infos.push_back(std::move(connection_info)); } } } void Runner::thread(std::vector> zookeepers) { Coordination::ZooKeeperRequestPtr request; /// Randomly choosing connection index pcg64 rng(randomSeed()); std::uniform_int_distribution distribution(0, zookeepers.size() - 1); /// In these threads we do not accept INT signal. sigset_t sig_set; if (sigemptyset(&sig_set) || sigaddset(&sig_set, SIGINT) || pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &sig_set, nullptr)) { DB::throwFromErrno("Cannot block signal.", DB::ErrorCodes::CANNOT_BLOCK_SIGNAL); } while (true) { bool extracted = false; while (!extracted) { extracted = queue->tryPop(request, 100); if (shutdown || (max_iterations && requests_executed >= max_iterations)) { return; } } const auto connection_index = distribution(rng); auto & zk = zookeepers[connection_index]; auto promise = std::make_shared>(); auto future = promise->get_future(); Coordination::ResponseCallback callback = [&request, promise](const Coordination::Response & response) { bool set_exception = true; if (response.error == Coordination::Error::ZOK) { set_exception = false; } else if (response.error == Coordination::Error::ZNONODE) { /// remove can fail with ZNONODE because of different order of execution /// of generated create and remove requests /// this is okay for concurrent runs if (dynamic_cast(&response)) set_exception = false; else if (const auto * multi_response = dynamic_cast(&response)) { const auto & responses = multi_response->responses; size_t i = 0; while (responses[i]->error != Coordination::Error::ZNONODE) ++i; const auto & multi_request = dynamic_cast(*request); if (dynamic_cast(&*multi_request.requests[i])) set_exception = false; } } if (set_exception) promise->set_exception(std::make_exception_ptr(zkutil::KeeperException(response.error))); else promise->set_value(response.bytesSize()); }; Stopwatch watch; zk->executeGenericRequest(request, callback); try { auto response_size = future.get(); auto microseconds = watch.elapsedMicroseconds(); std::lock_guard lock(mutex); if (request->isReadRequest()) info->addRead(microseconds, 1, request->bytesSize() + response_size); else info->addWrite(microseconds, 1, request->bytesSize() + response_size); } catch (...) { if (!continue_on_error) { shutdown = true; throw; } std::cerr << DB::getCurrentExceptionMessage(true, true /*check embedded stack trace*/) << std::endl; bool got_expired = false; for (const auto & connection : zookeepers) { if (connection->isExpired()) { got_expired = true; break; } } if (got_expired) { while (true) { try { zookeepers = refreshConnections(); break; } catch (...) { std::cerr << DB::getCurrentExceptionMessage(true, true /*check embedded stack trace*/) << std::endl; } } } } ++requests_executed; } } bool Runner::tryPushRequestInteractively(Coordination::ZooKeeperRequestPtr && request, DB::InterruptListener & interrupt_listener) { bool inserted = false; while (!inserted) { inserted = queue->tryPush(std::move(request), 100); if (shutdown) { /// An exception occurred in a worker return false; } if (max_time > 0 && total_watch.elapsedSeconds() >= max_time) { std::cerr << "Stopping launch of queries. Requested time limit is exhausted.\n"; return false; } if (interrupt_listener.check()) { std::cerr << "Stopping launch of queries. SIGINT received." << std::endl; return false; } if (delay > 0 && delay_watch.elapsedSeconds() > delay) { printNumberOfRequestsExecuted(requests_executed); std::lock_guard lock(mutex); info->report(concurrency); delay_watch.restart(); } } return true; } void Runner::runBenchmark() { createConnections(); std::cerr << "Preparing to run\n"; generator->startup(*connections[0]); std::cerr << "Prepared\n"; auto start_timestamp_ms = Poco::Timestamp().epochMicroseconds() / 1000; try { for (size_t i = 0; i < concurrency; ++i) { auto thread_connections = connections; pool->scheduleOrThrowOnError([this, connections_ = std::move(thread_connections)]() mutable { thread(connections_); }); } } catch (...) { shutdown = true; pool->wait(); throw; } DB::InterruptListener interrupt_listener; delay_watch.restart(); /// Push queries into queue for (size_t i = 0; !max_iterations || i < max_iterations; ++i) { if (!tryPushRequestInteractively(generator->generate(), interrupt_listener)) { shutdown = true; break; } } pool->wait(); total_watch.stop(); printNumberOfRequestsExecuted(requests_executed); std::lock_guard lock(mutex); info->report(concurrency); DB::WriteBufferFromOwnString out; info->writeJSON(out, concurrency, start_timestamp_ms); auto output_string = std::move(out.str()); if (print_to_stdout) std::cout << output_string << std::endl; if (file_output) { auto path = *file_output; if (output_file_with_timestamp) { auto filename = file_output->filename(); filename = fmt::format("{}_{}{}", filename.stem().generic_string(), start_timestamp_ms, filename.extension().generic_string()); path = file_output->parent_path() / filename; } std::cerr << "Storing output to " << path << std::endl; DB::WriteBufferFromFile file_output_buffer(path); DB::ReadBufferFromString read_buffer(output_string); DB::copyData(read_buffer, file_output_buffer); } } void Runner::createConnections() { DB::EventNotifier::init(); std::cerr << "---- Creating connections ---- " << std::endl; for (size_t connection_info_idx = 0; connection_info_idx < connection_infos.size(); ++connection_info_idx) { const auto & connection_info = connection_infos[connection_info_idx]; std::cerr << fmt::format("Creating {} session(s) for:\n" "- host: {}\n" "- secure: {}\n" "- session timeout: {}ms\n" "- operation timeout: {}ms\n" "- connection timeout: {}ms", connection_info.sessions, connection_info.host, connection_info.secure, connection_info.session_timeout_ms, connection_info.operation_timeout_ms, connection_info.connection_timeout_ms) << std::endl; for (size_t session = 0; session < connection_info.sessions; ++session) { connections.emplace_back(getConnection(connection_info, connection_info_idx)); connections_to_info_map[connections.size() - 1] = connection_info_idx; } } std::cerr << "---- Done creating connections ----\n" << std::endl; } std::shared_ptr Runner::getConnection(const ConnectionInfo & connection_info, size_t connection_info_idx) { Coordination::ZooKeeper::Node node{Poco::Net::SocketAddress{connection_info.host}, static_cast(connection_info_idx), connection_info.secure}; std::vector nodes; nodes.push_back(node); zkutil::ZooKeeperArgs args; args.session_timeout_ms = connection_info.session_timeout_ms; args.connection_timeout_ms = connection_info.operation_timeout_ms; args.operation_timeout_ms = connection_info.connection_timeout_ms; return std::make_shared(nodes, args, nullptr); } std::vector> Runner::refreshConnections() { std::lock_guard lock(connection_mutex); for (size_t connection_idx = 0; connection_idx < connections.size(); ++connection_idx) { auto & connection = connections[connection_idx]; if (connection->isExpired()) { const auto & connection_info = connection_infos[connections_to_info_map[connection_idx]]; connection = getConnection(connection_info, connection_idx); } } return connections; } Runner::~Runner() { queue->clearAndFinish(); shutdown = true; pool->wait(); generator->cleanup(*connections[0]); }