import os import pytest import sys import time import grpc from helpers.cluster import ClickHouseCluster, run_and_check from threading import Thread GRPC_PORT = 9100 SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) DEFAULT_ENCODING = 'utf-8' # Use grpcio-tools to generate * files from *.proto. proto_dir = os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, './protos') gen_dir = os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, './_gen') os.makedirs(gen_dir, exist_ok=True) run_and_check( 'python3 -m grpc_tools.protoc -I{proto_dir} --python_out={gen_dir} --grpc_python_out={gen_dir} \ {proto_dir}/clickhouse_grpc.proto'.format(proto_dir=proto_dir, gen_dir=gen_dir), shell=True) sys.path.append(gen_dir) import clickhouse_grpc_pb2 import clickhouse_grpc_pb2_grpc # Utilities config_dir = os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, './configs') cluster = ClickHouseCluster(__file__) node = cluster.add_instance('node', main_configs=['configs/grpc_config.xml']) main_channel = None def create_channel(): node_ip_with_grpc_port = cluster.get_instance_ip('node') + ':' + str(GRPC_PORT) channel = grpc.insecure_channel(node_ip_with_grpc_port) grpc.channel_ready_future(channel).result(timeout=10) global main_channel if not main_channel: main_channel = channel return channel def query_common(query_text, settings={}, input_data=[], input_data_delimiter='', output_format='TabSeparated', external_tables=[], user_name='', password='', query_id='123', session_id='', stream_output=False, channel=None): if type(input_data) is not list: input_data = [input_data] if type(input_data_delimiter) is str: input_data_delimiter=input_data_delimiter.encode(DEFAULT_ENCODING) if not channel: channel = main_channel stub = clickhouse_grpc_pb2_grpc.ClickHouseStub(channel) def query_info(): input_data_part = input_data.pop(0) if input_data else b'' if type(input_data_part) is str: input_data_part = input_data_part.encode(DEFAULT_ENCODING) return clickhouse_grpc_pb2.QueryInfo(query=query_text, settings=settings, input_data=input_data_part, input_data_delimiter=input_data_delimiter, output_format=output_format, external_tables=external_tables, user_name=user_name, password=password, query_id=query_id, session_id=session_id, next_query_info=bool(input_data)) def send_query_info(): yield query_info() while input_data: input_data_part = input_data.pop(0) if type(input_data_part) is str: input_data_part = input_data_part.encode(DEFAULT_ENCODING) yield clickhouse_grpc_pb2.QueryInfo(input_data=input_data_part, next_query_info=bool(input_data)) stream_input = len(input_data) > 1 if stream_input and stream_output: return list(stub.ExecuteQueryWithStreamIO(send_query_info())) elif stream_input: return [stub.ExecuteQueryWithStreamInput(send_query_info())] elif stream_output: return list(stub.ExecuteQueryWithStreamOutput(query_info())) else: return [stub.ExecuteQuery(query_info())] def query_no_errors(*args, **kwargs): results = query_common(*args, **kwargs) if results and results[-1].HasField('exception'): raise Exception(results[-1].exception.display_text) return results def query(*args, **kwargs): output = b'' for result in query_no_errors(*args, **kwargs): output += result.output return output.decode(DEFAULT_ENCODING) def query_and_get_error(*args, **kwargs): results = query_common(*args, **kwargs) if not results or not results[-1].HasField('exception'): raise Exception("Expected to be failed but succeeded!") return results[-1].exception def query_and_get_totals(*args, **kwargs): totals = b'' for result in query_no_errors(*args, **kwargs): totals += result.totals return totals.decode(DEFAULT_ENCODING) def query_and_get_extremes(*args, **kwargs): extremes = b'' for result in query_no_errors(*args, **kwargs): extremes += result.extremes return extremes.decode(DEFAULT_ENCODING) def query_and_get_logs(*args, **kwargs): logs = "" for result in query_no_errors(*args, **kwargs): for log_entry in result.logs: #print(log_entry) logs += log_entry.text + "\n" return logs class QueryThread(Thread): def __init__(self, query_text, expected_output, query_id, use_separate_channel=False): Thread.__init__(self) self.query_text = query_text self.expected_output = expected_output self.use_separate_channel = use_separate_channel self.query_id = query_id def run(self): if self.use_separate_channel: with create_channel() as channel: assert query(self.query_text, query_id=self.query_id, channel=channel) == self.expected_output else: assert query(self.query_text, query_id=self.query_id) == self.expected_output @pytest.fixture(scope="module", autouse=True) def start_cluster(): cluster.start() try: with create_channel() as channel: yield cluster finally: cluster.shutdown() @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def reset_after_test(): yield node.query_with_retry("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t") # Actual tests def test_select_one(): assert query("SELECT 1") == "1\n" def test_ordinary_query(): assert query("SELECT count() FROM numbers(100)") == "100\n" def test_insert_query(): query("CREATE TABLE t (a UInt8) ENGINE = Memory") query("INSERT INTO t VALUES (1),(2),(3)") query("INSERT INTO t FORMAT TabSeparated 4\n5\n6\n") query("INSERT INTO t VALUES", input_data="(7),(8)") query("INSERT INTO t FORMAT TabSeparated", input_data="9\n10\n") assert query("SELECT a FROM t ORDER BY a") == "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n9\n10\n" def test_insert_query_streaming(): query("CREATE TABLE t (a UInt8) ENGINE = Memory") query("INSERT INTO t VALUES", input_data=["(1),(2),(3),", "(5),(4),(6),", "(7),(8),(9)"]) assert query("SELECT a FROM t ORDER BY a") == "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n9\n" def test_insert_query_delimiter(): query("CREATE TABLE t (a UInt8) ENGINE = Memory") query("INSERT INTO t FORMAT CSV 1\n2", input_data=["3", "4\n5"], input_data_delimiter='\n') assert query("SELECT a FROM t ORDER BY a") == "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n" query("DROP TABLE t") query("CREATE TABLE t (a UInt8) ENGINE = Memory") query("INSERT INTO t FORMAT CSV 1\n2", input_data=["3", "4\n5"]) assert query("SELECT a FROM t ORDER BY a") == "1\n5\n234\n" def test_insert_default_column(): query("CREATE TABLE t (a UInt8, b Int32 DEFAULT 100, c String DEFAULT 'c') ENGINE = Memory") query("INSERT INTO t (c, a) VALUES ('x',1),('y',2)") query("INSERT INTO t (a) FORMAT TabSeparated", input_data="3\n4\n") assert query("SELECT * FROM t ORDER BY a") == "1\t100\tx\n" \ "2\t100\ty\n" \ "3\t100\tc\n" \ "4\t100\tc\n" def test_insert_splitted_row(): query("CREATE TABLE t (a UInt8) ENGINE = Memory") query("INSERT INTO t VALUES", input_data=["(1),(2),(", "3),(5),(4),(6)"]) assert query("SELECT a FROM t ORDER BY a") == "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n" def test_output_format(): query("CREATE TABLE t (a UInt8) ENGINE = Memory") query("INSERT INTO t VALUES (1),(2),(3)") assert query("SELECT a FROM t ORDER BY a FORMAT JSONEachRow") == '{"a":1}\n{"a":2}\n{"a":3}\n' assert query("SELECT a FROM t ORDER BY a", output_format="JSONEachRow") == '{"a":1}\n{"a":2}\n{"a":3}\n' def test_totals_and_extremes(): query("CREATE TABLE t (x UInt8, y UInt8) ENGINE = Memory") query("INSERT INTO t VALUES (1, 2), (2, 4), (3, 2), (3, 3), (3, 4)") assert query("SELECT sum(x), y FROM t GROUP BY y WITH TOTALS") == "4\t2\n3\t3\n5\t4\n" assert query_and_get_totals("SELECT sum(x), y FROM t GROUP BY y WITH TOTALS") == "12\t0\n" assert query("SELECT x, y FROM t") == "1\t2\n2\t4\n3\t2\n3\t3\n3\t4\n" assert query_and_get_extremes("SELECT x, y FROM t", settings={"extremes": "1"}) == "1\t2\n3\t4\n" def test_errors_handling(): e = query_and_get_error("") #print(e) assert "Empty query" in e.display_text query("CREATE TABLE t (a UInt8) ENGINE = Memory") e = query_and_get_error("CREATE TABLE t (a UInt8) ENGINE = Memory") assert "Table default.t already exists" in e.display_text def test_authentication(): query("CREATE USER OR REPLACE john IDENTIFIED BY 'qwe123'") assert query("SELECT currentUser()", user_name="john", password="qwe123") == "john\n" query("DROP USER john") def test_logs(): logs = query_and_get_logs("SELECT 1", settings={'send_logs_level':'debug'}) assert "SELECT 1" in logs assert "Read 1 rows" in logs assert "Peak memory usage" in logs def test_progress(): results = query_no_errors("SELECT number, sleep(0.31) FROM numbers(8) SETTINGS max_block_size=2, interactive_delay=100000", stream_output=True) #print(results) assert str(results) ==\ """[progress { read_rows: 2 read_bytes: 16 total_rows_to_read: 8 } , output: "0\\t0\\n1\\t0\\n" , progress { read_rows: 2 read_bytes: 16 } , output: "2\\t0\\n3\\t0\\n" , progress { read_rows: 2 read_bytes: 16 } , output: "4\\t0\\n5\\t0\\n" , progress { read_rows: 2 read_bytes: 16 } , output: "6\\t0\\n7\\t0\\n" , stats { rows: 8 blocks: 4 allocated_bytes: 324 applied_limit: true rows_before_limit: 8 } ]""" def test_session(): session_a = "session A" session_b = "session B" query("SET custom_x=1", session_id=session_a) query("SET custom_y=2", session_id=session_a) query("SET custom_x=3", session_id=session_b) query("SET custom_y=4", session_id=session_b) assert query("SELECT getSetting('custom_x'), getSetting('custom_y')", session_id=session_a) == "1\t2\n" assert query("SELECT getSetting('custom_x'), getSetting('custom_y')", session_id=session_b) == "3\t4\n" def test_no_session(): e = query_and_get_error("SET custom_x=1") assert "There is no session" in e.display_text def test_input_function(): query("CREATE TABLE t (a UInt8) ENGINE = Memory") query("INSERT INTO t SELECT col1 * col2 FROM input('col1 UInt8, col2 UInt8') FORMAT CSV", input_data=["5,4\n", "8,11\n", "10,12\n"]) assert query("SELECT a FROM t ORDER BY a") == "20\n88\n120\n" query("INSERT INTO t SELECT col1 * col2 FROM input('col1 UInt8, col2 UInt8') FORMAT CSV 11,13") assert query("SELECT a FROM t ORDER BY a") == "20\n88\n120\n143\n" query("INSERT INTO t SELECT col1 * col2 FROM input('col1 UInt8, col2 UInt8') FORMAT CSV 20,10\n", input_data="15,15\n") assert query("SELECT a FROM t ORDER BY a") == "20\n88\n120\n143\n200\n225\n" def test_external_table(): columns = [clickhouse_grpc_pb2.NameAndType(name='UserID', type='UInt64'), clickhouse_grpc_pb2.NameAndType(name='UserName', type='String')] ext1 = clickhouse_grpc_pb2.ExternalTable(name='ext1', columns=columns, data=b'1\tAlex\n2\tBen\n3\tCarl\n', format='TabSeparated') assert query("SELECT * FROM ext1 ORDER BY UserID", external_tables=[ext1]) == "1\tAlex\n"\ "2\tBen\n"\ "3\tCarl\n" ext2 = clickhouse_grpc_pb2.ExternalTable(name='ext2', columns=columns, data=b'4,Daniel\n5,Ethan\n', format='CSV') assert query("SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM ext1 UNION ALL SELECT * FROM ext2) ORDER BY UserID", external_tables=[ext1, ext2]) == "1\tAlex\n"\ "2\tBen\n"\ "3\tCarl\n"\ "4\tDaniel\n"\ "5\tEthan\n" unnamed_columns = [clickhouse_grpc_pb2.NameAndType(type='UInt64'), clickhouse_grpc_pb2.NameAndType(type='String')] unnamed_table = clickhouse_grpc_pb2.ExternalTable(columns=unnamed_columns, data=b'6\tGeorge\n7\tFred\n') assert query("SELECT * FROM _data ORDER BY _2", external_tables=[unnamed_table]) == "7\tFred\n"\ "6\tGeorge\n" def test_external_table_streaming(): columns = [clickhouse_grpc_pb2.NameAndType(name='UserID', type='UInt64'), clickhouse_grpc_pb2.NameAndType(name='UserName', type='String')] def send_query_info(): yield clickhouse_grpc_pb2.QueryInfo(query="SELECT * FROM exts ORDER BY UserID", external_tables=[clickhouse_grpc_pb2.ExternalTable(name='exts', columns=columns, data=b'1\tAlex\n2\tBen\n3\tCarl\n')], next_query_info=True) yield clickhouse_grpc_pb2.QueryInfo(external_tables=[clickhouse_grpc_pb2.ExternalTable(name='exts', data=b'4\tDaniel\n5\tEthan\n')]) stub = clickhouse_grpc_pb2_grpc.ClickHouseStub(main_channel) result = stub.ExecuteQueryWithStreamInput(send_query_info()) assert result.output == b'1\tAlex\n'\ b'2\tBen\n'\ b'3\tCarl\n'\ b'4\tDaniel\n'\ b'5\tEthan\n' def test_simultaneous_queries_same_channel(): threads=[] try: for i in range(0, 100): thread = QueryThread("SELECT sum(number) FROM numbers(10)", expected_output="45\n", query_id='sqA'+str(i)) threads.append(thread) thread.start() finally: for thread in threads: thread.join() def test_simultaneous_queries_multiple_channels(): threads=[] try: for i in range(0, 100): thread = QueryThread("SELECT sum(number) FROM numbers(10)", expected_output="45\n", query_id='sqB'+str(i), use_separate_channel=True) threads.append(thread) thread.start() finally: for thread in threads: thread.join() def test_cancel_while_processing_input(): query("CREATE TABLE t (a UInt8) ENGINE = Memory") def send_query_info(): yield clickhouse_grpc_pb2.QueryInfo(query="INSERT INTO t FORMAT TabSeparated", input_data=b'1\n2\n3\n', next_query_info=True) yield clickhouse_grpc_pb2.QueryInfo(input_data=b'4\n5\n6\n', next_query_info=True) yield clickhouse_grpc_pb2.QueryInfo(cancel=True) stub = clickhouse_grpc_pb2_grpc.ClickHouseStub(main_channel) result = stub.ExecuteQueryWithStreamInput(send_query_info()) assert result.cancelled == True assert result.progress.written_rows == 6 assert query("SELECT a FROM t ORDER BY a") == "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n" def test_cancel_while_generating_output(): def send_query_info(): yield clickhouse_grpc_pb2.QueryInfo(query="SELECT number, sleep(0.2) FROM numbers(10) SETTINGS max_block_size=2") time.sleep(0.5) yield clickhouse_grpc_pb2.QueryInfo(cancel=True) stub = clickhouse_grpc_pb2_grpc.ClickHouseStub(main_channel) results = list(stub.ExecuteQueryWithStreamIO(send_query_info())) assert len(results) >= 1 assert results[-1].cancelled == True output = b'' for result in results: output += result.output assert output == b'0\t0\n1\t0\n2\t0\n3\t0\n' def test_result_compression(): query_info = clickhouse_grpc_pb2.QueryInfo(query="SELECT 0 FROM numbers(1000000)", result_compression=clickhouse_grpc_pb2.Compression(algorithm=clickhouse_grpc_pb2.CompressionAlgorithm.GZIP, level=clickhouse_grpc_pb2.CompressionLevel.COMPRESSION_HIGH)) stub = clickhouse_grpc_pb2_grpc.ClickHouseStub(main_channel) result = stub.ExecuteQuery(query_info) assert result.output == (b'0\n')*1000000