import inspect import pytest import time import os.path from helpers.cluster import ClickHouseCluster from helpers.test_tools import assert_eq_with_retry, TSV SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) cluster = ClickHouseCluster(__file__, zookeeper_config_path="configs/zookeeper.xml") node1 = cluster.add_instance( "node1", main_configs=["configs/config.xml"], with_zookeeper=True, stay_alive=True, ) node2 = cluster.add_instance( "node2", main_configs=["configs/config.xml"], with_zookeeper=True, stay_alive=True, ) all_nodes = [node1, node2] @pytest.fixture(scope="module", autouse=True) def started_cluster(): try: cluster.start() yield cluster finally: cluster.shutdown() def wait_zookeeper_node_to_start(zk_nodes, timeout=60): start = time.time() while time.time() - start < timeout: try: for instance in zk_nodes: conn = cluster.get_kazoo_client(instance) conn.get_children("/") print("All instances of ZooKeeper started") return except Exception as ex: print(("Can't connect to ZooKeeper " + str(ex))) time.sleep(0.5) def replace_zookeeper_config(new_config): node1.replace_config("/etc/clickhouse-server/conf.d/zookeeper.xml", new_config) node2.replace_config("/etc/clickhouse-server/conf.d/zookeeper.xml", new_config) node1.query("SYSTEM RELOAD CONFIG") node2.query("SYSTEM RELOAD CONFIG") def revert_zookeeper_config(): with open(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, "configs/zookeeper.xml"), "r") as f: replace_zookeeper_config( def get_active_zk_connections(): return str( node1.exec_in_container( [ "bash", "-c", "lsof -a -i4 -i6 -itcp -w | grep 2181 | grep ESTABLISHED | wc -l", ], privileged=True, user="root", ) ).strip() def test_create_and_drop(): node1.query("CREATE FUNCTION f1 AS (x, y) -> x + y") assert node1.query("SELECT f1(12, 3)") == "15\n" node1.query("DROP FUNCTION f1") def test_create_and_replace(): node1.query("CREATE FUNCTION f1 AS (x, y) -> x + y") assert node1.query("SELECT f1(12, 3)") == "15\n" expected_error = "User-defined function 'f1' already exists" assert expected_error in node1.query_and_get_error( "CREATE FUNCTION f1 AS (x, y) -> x + 2 * y" ) node1.query("CREATE FUNCTION IF NOT EXISTS f1 AS (x, y) -> x + 3 * y") assert node1.query("SELECT f1(12, 3)") == "15\n" node1.query("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f1 AS (x, y) -> x + 4 * y") assert node1.query("SELECT f1(12, 3)") == "24\n" node1.query("DROP FUNCTION f1") def test_drop_if_exists(): node1.query("CREATE FUNCTION f1 AS (x, y) -> x + y") node1.query("DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS f1") node1.query("DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS f1") expected_error = "User-defined function 'f1' doesn't exist" assert expected_error in node1.query_and_get_error("DROP FUNCTION f1") def test_replication(): node1.query("CREATE FUNCTION f2 AS (x, y) -> x - y") assert ( node1.query("SELECT create_query FROM system.functions WHERE name='f2'") == "CREATE FUNCTION f2 AS (x, y) -> (x - y)\n" ) assert_eq_with_retry( node2, "SELECT create_query FROM system.functions WHERE name='f2'", "CREATE FUNCTION f2 AS (x, y) -> (x - y)\n", ) assert node1.query("SELECT f2(12,3)") == "9\n" assert node2.query("SELECT f2(12,3)") == "9\n" node1.query("DROP FUNCTION f2") assert ( node1.query("SELECT create_query FROM system.functions WHERE name='f2'") == "" ) assert_eq_with_retry( node2, "SELECT create_query FROM system.functions WHERE name='f2'", "" ) def test_replication_replace_by_another_node_after_creation(): node1.query("CREATE FUNCTION f2 AS (x, y) -> x - y") assert_eq_with_retry( node2, "SELECT create_query FROM system.functions WHERE name='f2'", "CREATE FUNCTION f2 AS (x, y) -> (x - y)\n", ) node2.query("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f2 AS (x, y) -> x + y") assert_eq_with_retry( node1, "SELECT create_query FROM system.functions WHERE name='f2'", "CREATE FUNCTION f2 AS (x, y) -> (x + y)\n", ) node1.query("DROP FUNCTION f2") assert_eq_with_retry( node1, "SELECT create_query FROM system.functions WHERE name='f2'", "" ) assert_eq_with_retry( node2, "SELECT create_query FROM system.functions WHERE name='f2'", "" ) # UserDefinedSQLObjectsLoaderFromZooKeeper must be able to continue working after reloading ZooKeeper. def test_reload_zookeeper(): node1.query("CREATE FUNCTION f1 AS (x, y) -> x + y") assert_eq_with_retry( node2, "SELECT name FROM system.functions WHERE name ='f1'", "f1\n" ) # remove zoo2, zoo3 from configs replace_zookeeper_config( inspect.cleandoc( """ zoo1 2181 2000 """ ) ) # config reloads, but can still work node1.query("CREATE FUNCTION f2 AS (x, y) -> x - y") assert_eq_with_retry( node2, "SELECT name FROM system.functions WHERE name IN ['f1', 'f2'] ORDER BY name", TSV(["f1", "f2"]), ) # stop all zookeepers, user-defined functions will be readonly cluster.stop_zookeeper_nodes(["zoo1", "zoo2", "zoo3"]) assert node2.query( "SELECT name FROM system.functions WHERE name IN ['f1', 'f2'] ORDER BY name" ) == TSV(["f1", "f2"]) assert "ZooKeeper" in node1.query_and_get_error( "CREATE FUNCTION f3 AS (x, y) -> x * y" ) # start zoo2, zoo3, user-defined functions will be readonly too, because it only connect to zoo1 cluster.start_zookeeper_nodes(["zoo2", "zoo3"]) wait_zookeeper_node_to_start(["zoo2", "zoo3"]) assert node2.query( "SELECT name FROM system.functions WHERE name IN ['f1', 'f2', 'f3'] ORDER BY name" ) == TSV(["f1", "f2"]) assert "ZooKeeper" in node1.query_and_get_error( "CREATE FUNCTION f3 AS (x, y) -> x * y" ) # set config to zoo2, server will be normal replace_zookeeper_config( inspect.cleandoc( """ zoo2 2181 2000 """ ) ) active_zk_connections = get_active_zk_connections() assert ( active_zk_connections == "1" ), "Total connections to ZooKeeper not equal to 1, {}".format(active_zk_connections) node1.query("CREATE FUNCTION f3 AS (x, y) -> x / y") assert_eq_with_retry( node2, "SELECT name FROM system.functions WHERE name IN ['f1', 'f2', 'f3'] ORDER BY name", TSV(["f1", "f2", "f3"]), ) assert node2.query("SELECT f1(12, 3), f2(12, 3), f3(12, 3)") == TSV([[15, 9, 4]]) active_zk_connections = get_active_zk_connections() assert ( active_zk_connections == "1" ), "Total connections to ZooKeeper not equal to 1, {}".format(active_zk_connections) node1.query("DROP FUNCTION f1") node1.query("DROP FUNCTION f2") node1.query("DROP FUNCTION f3") # switch to the original version of zookeeper config cluster.start_zookeeper_nodes(["zoo1", "zoo2", "zoo3"]) revert_zookeeper_config() # Start without ZooKeeper must be possible, user-defined functions will be loaded after connecting to ZooKeeper. def test_start_without_zookeeper(): node2.stop_clickhouse() node1.query("CREATE FUNCTION f1 AS (x, y) -> x + y") cluster.stop_zookeeper_nodes(["zoo1", "zoo2", "zoo3"]) node2.start_clickhouse() assert ( node2.query("SELECT create_query FROM system.functions WHERE name='f1'") == "" ) cluster.start_zookeeper_nodes(["zoo1", "zoo2", "zoo3"]) wait_zookeeper_node_to_start(["zoo1", "zoo2", "zoo3"]) assert_eq_with_retry( node2, "SELECT create_query FROM system.functions WHERE name='f1'", "CREATE FUNCTION f1 AS (x, y) -> (x + y)\n", ) node1.query("DROP FUNCTION f1")