#!/usr/bin/env bash CUR_DIR=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd) # shellcheck source=../shell_config.sh . "$CUR_DIR"/../shell_config.sh DATA_FILE1=$CUR_DIR/data_sqlite/db1 DATA_FILE2=$CUR_DIR/db2 ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query='DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS sqlite_database' ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="select 'create database engine'"; ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="CREATE DATABASE sqlite_database ENGINE = SQLite('${DATA_FILE1}')" ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="select 'show database tables:'"; ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query='SHOW TABLES FROM sqlite_database;' ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="select 'describe table:'"; ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query='DESCRIBE TABLE sqlite_database.table1;' ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query='DESCRIBE TABLE sqlite_database.table2;' ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="select 'describe table:'"; ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query='SHOW CREATE TABLE sqlite_database.table1;' | sed -r 's/(.*SQLite)(.*)/\1/' ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query='SHOW CREATE TABLE sqlite_database.table2;' | sed -r 's/(.*SQLite)(.*)/\1/' ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="select 'select *:'"; ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query='SELECT * FROM sqlite_database.table1 ORDER BY col2' ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query='SELECT * FROM sqlite_database.table2 ORDER BY col1;' sqlite3 $CUR_DIR/db2 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS table3' sqlite3 $CUR_DIR/db2 'CREATE TABLE table3 (col1 text, col2 int)' sqlite3 $CUR_DIR/db2 'INSERT INTO table3 VALUES (NULL, 1)' sqlite3 $CUR_DIR/db2 "INSERT INTO table3 VALUES ('not a null', 2)" sqlite3 $CUR_DIR/db2 'INSERT INTO table3 VALUES (NULL, 3)' sqlite3 $CUR_DIR/db2 "INSERT INTO table3 VALUES ('', 4)" ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query='DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS sqlite_database_2' ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="CREATE DATABASE sqlite_database_2 ENGINE = SQLite('${DATA_FILE2}')" # Do not run these, bacuase requires permissions in ci for write access to the directory of the created file and chmod does not help. # ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="INSERT INTO sqlite_database_2.table3 VALUES (NULL, 3);" # ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="INSERT INTO sqlite_database_2.table3 VALUES (NULL, 4);" # ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="INSERT INTO sqlite_database_2.table3 VALUES ('line5', 5);" ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="select 'test NULLs:'"; ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query='SELECT * FROM sqlite_database_2.table3 ORDER BY col2;' ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="select 'detach'"; ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query='DETACH DATABASE sqlite_database;' ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query='ATTACH DATABASE sqlite_database;' ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query='SELECT * FROM sqlite_database.table1 ORDER BY col2' ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query='SELECT * FROM sqlite_database.table2 ORDER BY col1;' ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query='DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS sqlite_database;' ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="select 'create table engine with table3'"; ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query='DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sqlite_table3' ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="CREATE TABLE sqlite_table3 (col1 String, col2 Int32) ENGINE = SQLite('${DATA_FILE2}', 'table3')" ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query='SHOW CREATE TABLE sqlite_table3;' | sed -r 's/(.*SQLite)(.*)/\1/' # Do not run these, bacuase requires permissions in ci for write access to the directory of the created file and chmod does not help. # ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="INSERT INTO sqlite_table3 VALUES ('line6', 6);" # ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="INSERT INTO sqlite_table3 VALUES (NULL, 7);" ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query='SELECT * FROM sqlite_table3 ORDER BY col2' sqlite3 $CUR_DIR/db2 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS table4' sqlite3 $CUR_DIR/db2 'CREATE TABLE table4 (a int, b integer, c tinyint, d smallint, e mediumint, bigint, int2, int8)' ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="select 'test types'"; ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query='SHOW CREATE TABLE sqlite_database_2.table4;' | sed -r 's/(.*SQLite)(.*)/\1/' sqlite3 $CUR_DIR/db2 'CREATE TABLE table5 (a character(20), b varchar(10), c real, d double, e double precision, f float)' ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query='SHOW CREATE TABLE sqlite_database_2.table5;' | sed -r 's/(.*SQLite)(.*)/\1/' ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="select 'test table function'"; ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="SELECT * FROM sqlite('${DATA_FILE1}', 'table1') ORDER BY col2" rm ${DATA_FILE2}