#include "PerformanceTest.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "executeQuery.h" namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } namespace { void waitQuery(Connection & connection) { bool finished = false; while (true) { if (!connection.poll(1000000)) continue; Packet packet = connection.receivePacket(); switch (packet.type) { case Protocol::Server::EndOfStream: finished = true; break; case Protocol::Server::Exception: throw *packet.exception; } if (finished) break; } } } namespace fs = std::filesystem; PerformanceTest::PerformanceTest( const XMLConfigurationPtr & config_, Connection & connection_, const ConnectionTimeouts & timeouts_, InterruptListener & interrupt_listener_, const PerformanceTestInfo & test_info_, Context & context_, const std::vector & queries_to_run_) : config(config_) , connection(connection_) , timeouts(timeouts_) , interrupt_listener(interrupt_listener_) , test_info(test_info_) , context(context_) , queries_to_run(queries_to_run_) , log(&Poco::Logger::get("PerformanceTest")) { } bool PerformanceTest::checkPreconditions() const { if (!config->has("preconditions")) return true; Strings preconditions; config->keys("preconditions", preconditions); size_t table_precondition_index = 0; size_t cpu_precondition_index = 0; for (const std::string & precondition : preconditions) { if (precondition == "ram_size") { size_t ram_size_needed = config->getUInt64("preconditions.ram_size"); size_t actual_ram = getMemoryAmount(); if (!actual_ram) throw Exception("ram_size precondition not available on this platform", ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED); if (ram_size_needed > actual_ram) { LOG_WARNING(log, "Not enough RAM: need = " << ram_size_needed << ", present = " << actual_ram); return false; } } if (precondition == "table_exists") { std::string precondition_key = "preconditions.table_exists[" + std::to_string(table_precondition_index++) + "]"; std::string table_to_check = config->getString(precondition_key); std::string query = "EXISTS TABLE " + table_to_check + ";"; size_t exist = 0; connection.sendQuery(timeouts, query, "", QueryProcessingStage::Complete, &test_info.settings, nullptr, false); while (true) { Packet packet = connection.receivePacket(); if (packet.type == Protocol::Server::Data) { for (const ColumnWithTypeAndName & column : packet.block) { if (column.name == "result" && column.column->size() > 0) { exist = column.column->get64(0); if (exist) break; } } } if (packet.type == Protocol::Server::Exception || packet.type == Protocol::Server::EndOfStream) break; } if (!exist) { LOG_WARNING(log, "Table " << backQuote(table_to_check) << " doesn't exist"); return false; } } if (precondition == "cpu") { std::string precondition_key = "preconditions.cpu[" + std::to_string(cpu_precondition_index++) + "]"; std::string flag_to_check = config->getString(precondition_key); #define CHECK_CPU_PRECONDITION(OP) \ if (flag_to_check == #OP) \ { \ if (!Cpu::CpuFlagsCache::have_##OP) \ { \ LOG_WARNING(log, "CPU doesn't support " << #OP); \ return false; \ } \ } else CPU_ID_ENUMERATE(CHECK_CPU_PRECONDITION) { LOG_WARNING(log, "CPU doesn't support " << flag_to_check); return false; } #undef CHECK_CPU_PRECONDITION } } return true; } UInt64 PerformanceTest::calculateMaxExecTime() const { UInt64 result = 0; for (const auto & stop_conditions : test_info.stop_conditions_by_run) { UInt64 condition_max_time = stop_conditions.getMaxExecTime(); if (condition_max_time == 0) return 0; result += condition_max_time; } return result; } void PerformanceTest::prepare() const { for (const auto & query : test_info.create_and_fill_queries) { LOG_INFO(log, "Executing create or fill query \"" << query << '\"'); connection.sendQuery(timeouts, query, "", QueryProcessingStage::Complete, &test_info.settings, nullptr, false); waitQuery(connection); LOG_INFO(log, "Query finished"); } } void PerformanceTest::finish() const { for (const auto & query : test_info.drop_queries) { LOG_INFO(log, "Executing drop query \"" << query << '\"'); connection.sendQuery(timeouts, query, "", QueryProcessingStage::Complete, &test_info.settings, nullptr, false); waitQuery(connection); LOG_INFO(log, "Query finished"); } } std::vector PerformanceTest::execute() { std::vector statistics_by_run; size_t query_count; if (queries_to_run.empty()) query_count = test_info.queries.size(); else query_count = queries_to_run.size(); size_t total_runs = test_info.times_to_run * test_info.queries.size(); statistics_by_run.resize(total_runs); LOG_INFO(log, "Totally will run cases " << test_info.times_to_run * query_count << " times"); UInt64 max_exec_time = calculateMaxExecTime(); if (max_exec_time != 0) LOG_INFO(log, "Test will be executed for a maximum of " << max_exec_time / 1000. << " seconds"); else LOG_INFO(log, "Test execution time cannot be determined"); for (size_t number_of_launch = 0; number_of_launch < test_info.times_to_run; ++number_of_launch) { QueriesWithIndexes queries_with_indexes; for (size_t query_index = 0; query_index < test_info.queries.size(); ++query_index) { if (queries_to_run.empty() || std::find(queries_to_run.begin(), queries_to_run.end(), query_index) != queries_to_run.end()) { size_t statistic_index = number_of_launch * test_info.queries.size() + query_index; queries_with_indexes.push_back({test_info.queries[query_index], statistic_index}); } else LOG_INFO(log, "Will skip query " << test_info.queries[query_index] << " by index"); } if (got_SIGINT) break; runQueries(queries_with_indexes, statistics_by_run); } if (got_SIGINT) { return statistics_by_run; } // Pull memory usage data from query log. The log is normally filled in // background, so we have to flush it synchronously here to see all the // previous queries. { NullBlockOutputStream null_output(Block{}); RemoteBlockInputStream flush_log(connection, "system flush logs", {} /* header */, context); copyData(flush_log, null_output); } for (auto & statistics : statistics_by_run) { if (statistics.query_id.empty()) { // We have statistics structs for skipped queries as well, so we // have to filter them out. continue; } // We run some test queries several times, specifying the same query id, // so this query to the log may return several records. Choose the // last one, because this is when the query performance has stabilized. RemoteBlockInputStream log_reader(connection, "select memory_usage, query_start_time from system.query_log " "where type = 2 and query_id = '" + statistics.query_id + "' " "order by query_start_time desc", {} /* header */, context); log_reader.readPrefix(); Block block = log_reader.read(); if (block.columns() == 0) { LOG_WARNING(log, "Query '" << statistics.query_id << "' is not found in query log."); continue; } auto column = block.getByName("memory_usage").column; statistics.memory_usage = column->get64(0); log_reader.readSuffix(); } return statistics_by_run; } void PerformanceTest::runQueries( const QueriesWithIndexes & queries_with_indexes, std::vector & statistics_by_run) { for (const auto & [query, run_index] : queries_with_indexes) { LOG_INFO(log, "[" << run_index<< "] Run query '" << query << "'"); TestStopConditions & stop_conditions = test_info.stop_conditions_by_run[run_index]; TestStats & statistics = statistics_by_run[run_index]; statistics.startWatches(); try { executeQuery(connection, query, statistics, stop_conditions, interrupt_listener, context, test_info.settings); if (test_info.exec_type == ExecutionType::Loop) { LOG_INFO(log, "Will run query in loop"); for (size_t iteration = 1; !statistics.got_SIGINT; ++iteration) { stop_conditions.reportIterations(iteration); if (stop_conditions.areFulfilled()) { LOG_INFO(log, "Stop conditions fulfilled"); break; } executeQuery(connection, query, statistics, stop_conditions, interrupt_listener, context, test_info.settings); } } } catch (const Exception & e) { statistics.exception = "Code: " + std::to_string(e.code()) + ", e.displayText() = " + e.displayText(); LOG_WARNING(log, "Code: " << e.code() << ", e.displayText() = " << e.displayText() << ", Stack trace:\n\n" << e.getStackTraceString()); } if (!statistics.got_SIGINT) statistics.ready = true; else { got_SIGINT = true; LOG_INFO(log, "Got SIGINT, will terminate as soon as possible"); break; } } } }