slug: /en/sql-reference/functions/bitmap-functions
sidebar_position: 25
sidebar_label: Bitmap

# Bitmap Functions

Bitmaps can be constructed in two ways. The first way is constructed by aggregation function groupBitmap with `-State`, the other way is to constructed a bitmap from an Array object.

## bitmapBuild

Builds a bitmap from an unsigned integer array.


``` sql


- `array` – Unsigned integer array.


``` sql
SELECT bitmapBuild([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) AS res, toTypeName(res);

``` text
┌─res─┬─toTypeName(bitmapBuild([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]))─────┐
│     │ AggregateFunction(groupBitmap, UInt8)        │

## bitmapToArray

Converts bitmap to an integer array.


``` sql


- `bitmap` – Bitmap object.


``` sql
SELECT bitmapToArray(bitmapBuild([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])) AS res;


``` text
│ [1,2,3,4,5] │

## bitmapSubsetInRange

Returns the subset of a bitmap with bits within a value interval.


``` sql
bitmapSubsetInRange(bitmap, range_start, range_end)


- `bitmap` – [Bitmap object](#bitmapbuild).
- `range_start` – Start of the range (inclusive). [UInt32](../data-types/int-uint.md).
- `range_end` – End of the range (exclusive). [UInt32](../data-types/int-uint.md).


``` sql
SELECT bitmapToArray(bitmapSubsetInRange(bitmapBuild([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,100,200,500]), toUInt32(30), toUInt32(200))) AS res;


``` text
│ [30,31,32,33,100] │

## bitmapSubsetLimit

Returns a subset of a bitmap with smallest bit value `range_start` and at most `cardinality_limit` elements.


``` sql
bitmapSubsetLimit(bitmap, range_start, cardinality_limit)


- `bitmap` – [Bitmap object](#bitmapbuild).
- `range_start` – Start of the range (inclusive). [UInt32](../data-types/int-uint.md).
- `cardinality_limit` – Maximum cardinality of the subset. [UInt32](../data-types/int-uint.md).


``` sql
SELECT bitmapToArray(bitmapSubsetLimit(bitmapBuild([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,100,200,500]), toUInt32(30), toUInt32(200))) AS res;


``` text
│ [30,31,32,33,100,200,500] │

## subBitmap

Returns a subset of the bitmap, starting from position `offset`. The maximum cardinality of the returned bitmap is `cardinality_limit`.


``` sql
subBitmap(bitmap, offset, cardinality_limit)


- `bitmap` – The bitmap. [Bitmap object](#bitmapbuild).
- `offset` – The position of the first element of the subset. [UInt32](../data-types/int-uint.md).
- `cardinality_limit` – The maximum number of elements in the subset. [UInt32](../data-types/int-uint.md).


``` sql
SELECT bitmapToArray(subBitmap(bitmapBuild([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,100,200,500]), toUInt32(10), toUInt32(10))) AS res;


``` text
│ [10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19] │

## bitmapContains

Checks whether the bitmap contains an element.

``` sql
bitmapContains(bitmap, needle)


- `bitmap` – [Bitmap object](#bitmapbuild).
- `needle` – Searched bit value. [UInt32](../data-types/int-uint.md).

**Returned values**

- 0 — If `bitmap` does not contain `needle`. [UInt8](../data-types/int-uint.md).
- 1 — If `bitmap` contains `needle`. [UInt8](../data-types/int-uint.md).


``` sql
SELECT bitmapContains(bitmapBuild([1,5,7,9]), toUInt32(9)) AS res;


``` text
│  1  │

## bitmapHasAny

Checks whether two bitmaps intersect.

If `bitmap2` contains exactly one element, consider using [bitmapContains](#bitmapcontains) instead as it works more efficiently.


``` sql
bitmapHasAny(bitmap1, bitmap2)


- `bitmap1` – Bitmap object 1.
- `bitmap2` – Bitmap object 2.

**Return values**

- `1`, if `bitmap1` and `bitmap2` have at least one shared element.
- `0`, otherwise.


``` sql
SELECT bitmapHasAny(bitmapBuild([1,2,3]),bitmapBuild([3,4,5])) AS res;


``` text
│  1  │

## bitmapHasAll

Returns 1 if the first bitmap contains all elements of the second bitmap, otherwise 0.
If the second bitmap is empty, returns 1.

Also see `hasAll(array, array)`.


``` sql
bitmapHasAll(bitmap1, bitmap2)


- `bitmap1` – Bitmap object 1.
- `bitmap2` – Bitmap object 2.


``` sql
SELECT bitmapHasAll(bitmapBuild([1,2,3]),bitmapBuild([3,4,5])) AS res;


``` text
│  0  │

## bitmapCardinality

Returns the cardinality of a bitmap.


``` sql


- `bitmap` – Bitmap object.


``` sql
SELECT bitmapCardinality(bitmapBuild([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])) AS res;


``` text
│   5 │

## bitmapMin

Computes the smallest bit set in a bitmap, or UINT32_MAX if the bitmap is empty.




- `bitmap` – Bitmap object.


``` sql
SELECT bitmapMin(bitmapBuild([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])) AS res;


``` text
 │   1 │

## bitmapMax

Computes the greatest bit set in a bitmap, or 0 if the bitmap is empty.




- `bitmap` – Bitmap object.


``` sql
SELECT bitmapMax(bitmapBuild([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])) AS res;


``` text
 │   5 │

## bitmapTransform

Replaces at most N bits in a bitmap. The old and new value of the i-th replaced bit is given by `from_array[i]` and `to_array[i]`.

The result depends on the array ordering if `from_array` and `to_array`.


``` sql
bitmapTransform(bitmap, from_array, to_array)


- `bitmap` – Bitmap object.
- `from_array` – UInt32 array. For idx in range \[0, from_array.size()), if bitmap contains from_array\[idx\], then replace it with to_array\[idx\].
- `to_array` – UInt32 array with the same size as `from_array`.


``` sql
SELECT bitmapToArray(bitmapTransform(bitmapBuild([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]), cast([5,999,2] as Array(UInt32)), cast([2,888,20] as Array(UInt32)))) AS res;


``` text
 │ [1,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,20] │

## bitmapAnd

Computes the logical conjunction of two bitmaps.


``` sql


- `bitmap` – Bitmap object.


``` sql
SELECT bitmapToArray(bitmapAnd(bitmapBuild([1,2,3]),bitmapBuild([3,4,5]))) AS res;


``` text
│ [3] │

## bitmapOr

Computes the logical disjunction of two bitmaps.


``` sql


- `bitmap` – Bitmap object.


``` sql
SELECT bitmapToArray(bitmapOr(bitmapBuild([1,2,3]),bitmapBuild([3,4,5]))) AS res;


``` text
│ [1,2,3,4,5] │

## bitmapXor

Xor-s two bitmaps.


``` sql


- `bitmap` – Bitmap object.


``` sql
SELECT bitmapToArray(bitmapXor(bitmapBuild([1,2,3]),bitmapBuild([3,4,5]))) AS res;


``` text
│ [1,2,4,5] │

## bitmapAndnot

Computes the logical conjunction of two bitmaps and negates the result.


``` sql


- `bitmap` – Bitmap object.


``` sql
SELECT bitmapToArray(bitmapAndnot(bitmapBuild([1,2,3]),bitmapBuild([3,4,5]))) AS res;


``` text
│ [1,2] │

## bitmapAndCardinality

Returns the cardinality of the logical conjunction of two bitmaps.


``` sql


- `bitmap` – Bitmap object.


``` sql
SELECT bitmapAndCardinality(bitmapBuild([1,2,3]),bitmapBuild([3,4,5])) AS res;


``` text
│   1 │

## bitmapOrCardinality

Returns the cardinality of the logical disjunction of two bitmaps.

``` sql


- `bitmap` – Bitmap object.


``` sql
SELECT bitmapOrCardinality(bitmapBuild([1,2,3]),bitmapBuild([3,4,5])) AS res;


``` text
│   5 │

## bitmapXorCardinality

Returns the cardinality of the XOR of two bitmaps.

``` sql


- `bitmap` – Bitmap object.


``` sql
SELECT bitmapXorCardinality(bitmapBuild([1,2,3]),bitmapBuild([3,4,5])) AS res;


``` text
│   4 │

## bitmapAndnotCardinality

Returns the cardinality of the AND-NOT operation of two bitmaps.

``` sql


- `bitmap` – Bitmap object.


``` sql
SELECT bitmapAndnotCardinality(bitmapBuild([1,2,3]),bitmapBuild([3,4,5])) AS res;


``` text
│   2 │