-- Tags: no-parallel -- no-parallel: it checks the number of threads, which can be lowered in presence of other queries drop table if exists table_01356_view_threads; create view table_01356_view_threads as select number % 10 as g, sum(number) as s from numbers_mt(1000000) group by g; set log_queries = 1; set max_threads = 16; select g % 2 as gg, sum(s) from table_01356_view_threads group by gg order by gg; system flush logs; select length(thread_ids) >= 16 from system.query_log where current_database = currentDatabase() AND event_date >= today() - 1 and lower(query) like '%select g % 2 as gg, sum(s) from table_01356_view_threads group by gg order by gg%' and type = 'QueryFinish' order by query_start_time desc limit 1; drop table if exists table_01356_view_threads;