start time: Thu Sep 12 08:31:54 MSK 2013 monetdbd is running spawn mclient -u monetdb -d hits password: Welcome to mclient, the MonetDB/SQL interactive terminal (Feb2013-SP3) Database: MonetDB v11.15.11 (Feb2013-SP3), 'mapi:monetdb://mturlrep13:50000/hits' Type \q to quit, \? for a list of available commands auto commit mode: on sql> sql>\q spawn mclient -u monetdb -d hits password: Welcome to mclient, the MonetDB/SQL interactive terminal (Feb2013-SP3) Database: MonetDB v11.15.11 (Feb2013-SP3), 'mapi:monetdb://mturlrep13:50000/hits' Type \q to quit, \? for a list of available commands auto commit mode: on sql>set GLOBAL max_length_for_sort_data = 8388608; syntax error, unexpected GLOBAL in: "set global" sql>\q times: 1 query: create table hits_1b ( WatchID BIGINT, JavaEnable SMALLINT, Title VARCHAR(1400), GoodEvent SMALLINT, EventTime TIMESTAMP, EventDate DATE, CounterID BIGINT, ClientIP BIGINT, RegionID BIGINT, UserID BIGINT, CounterClass TINYINT, OS SMALLINT, UserAgent SMALLINT, URL VARCHAR(7800), Referer VARCHAR(3125), Refresh TINYINT, RefererCategoryID INT, RefererRegionID BIGINT, URLCategoryID INT, URLRegionID BIGINT, ResolutionWidth INT, ResolutionHeight INT, ResolutionDepth SMALLINT, FlashMajor SMALLINT, FlashMinor SMALLINT, FlashMinor2 VARCHAR(256), NetMajor SMALLINT, NetMinor SMALLINT, UserAgentMajor INT, UserAgentMinor CHAR(2), CookieEnable SMALLINT, JavascriptEnable SMALLINT, IsMobile SMALLINT, MobilePhone SMALLINT, MobilePhoneModel VARCHAR(80), Params VARCHAR(2925), IPNetworkID BIGINT, TraficSourceID SMALLINT, SearchEngineID INT, SearchPhrase VARCHAR(2008), AdvEngineID SMALLINT, IsArtifical SMALLINT, WindowClientWidth INT, WindowClientHeight INT, ClientTimeZone INTEGER, ClientEventTime TIMESTAMP, SilverlightVersion1 SMALLINT, SilverlightVersion2 SMALLINT, SilverlightVersion3 BIGINT, SilverlightVersion4 INT, PageCharset VARCHAR(80), CodeVersion BIGINT, IsLink SMALLINT, IsDownload SMALLINT, IsNotBounce SMALLINT, FUniqID BIGINT, OriginalURL VARCHAR(8181), HID BIGINT, IsOldCounter SMALLINT, IsEvent SMALLINT, IsParameter SMALLINT, DontCountHits SMALLINT, WithHash SMALLINT, HitColor CHAR(1), LocalEventTime TIMESTAMP, Age SMALLINT, Sex SMALLINT, Income SMALLINT, Interests INT, Robotness SMALLINT, RemoteIP BIGINT, WindowName INT, OpenerName INT, HistoryLength SMALLINT, BrowserLanguage CHAR(2), BrowserCountry CHAR(2), SocialNetwork VARCHAR(128), SocialAction VARCHAR(128), HTTPError INT, SendTiming BIGINT, DNSTiming BIGINT, ConnectTiming BIGINT, ResponseStartTiming BIGINT, ResponseEndTiming BIGINT, FetchTiming BIGINT, SocialSourceNetworkID SMALLINT, SocialSourcePage VARCHAR(256), ParamPrice BIGINT, ParamOrderID VARCHAR(80), ParamCurrency CHAR(3), ParamCurrencyID INT, OpenstatServiceName VARCHAR(80), OpenstatCampaignID VARCHAR(512), OpenstatAdID VARCHAR(80), OpenstatSourceID VARCHAR(256), UTMSource VARCHAR(256), UTMMedium VARCHAR(256), UTMCampaign VARCHAR(407), UTMContent VARCHAR(256), UTMTerm VARCHAR(437), FromTag VARCHAR(428), HasGCLID SMALLINT, RefererHash BIGINT, URLHash BIGINT, CLID BIGINT, UserIDHash BIGINT ); CREATE INDEX hits_1b_ind ON hits_1b(CounterID, EventDate, UserIDHash, EventTime); spawn mclient -u monetdb -d hits password: Welcome to mclient, the MonetDB/SQL interactive terminal (Feb2013-SP3) Database: MonetDB v11.15.11 (Feb2013-SP3), 'mapi:monetdb://mturlrep13:50000/hits' Type \q to quit, \? for a list of available commands auto commit mode: on sql>create table hits_1b ( WatchID BIGINT, JavaEnable SMALLINT, T < WatchID BIGINT, JavaEnable SMALLINT, Ti tle VARCHAR(1400), Go \q monetdbd is running spawn mclient -u monetdb -d hits password: Welcome to mclient, the MonetDB/SQL interactive terminal (Feb2013-SP3) Database: MonetDB v11.15.11 (Feb2013-SP3), 'mapi:monetdb://mturlrep13:50000/hits' Type \q to quit, \? for a list of available commands auto commit mode: on sql> sql>\q spawn mclient -u monetdb -d hits password: Welcome to mclient, the MonetDB/SQL interactive terminal (Feb2013-SP3) Database: MonetDB v11.15.11 (Feb2013-SP3), 'mapi:monetdb://mturlrep13:50000/hits' Type \q to quit, \? for a list of available commands auto commit mode: on sql>set GLOBAL max_length_for_sort_data = 8388608; syntax error, unexpected GLOBAL in: "set global" sql>\q times: 1 query: COPY INTO hits_1b FROM ('/opt/dump/dump_0.3/dump_hits_1b_meshed_utf8.tsv') DELIMITERS '\t'; spawn mclient -u monetdb -d hits password: Welcome to mclient, the MonetDB/SQL interactive terminal (Feb2013-SP3) Database: MonetDB v11.15.11 (Feb2013-SP3), 'mapi:monetdb://mturlrep13:50000/hits' Type \q to quit, \? for a list of available commands auto commit mode: on sql>COPY INTO hits_1b FROM ('/opt/dump/dump_0.3/dump_hits_1b_meshed_utf8.tsv' <('/opt/dump/dump_0.3/dump_hits_1b_meshed_utf8.tsv')  DELIMITERS '\t'; \q stop time: Thu Sep 12 09:25:04 MSK 2013