#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define DBMS_STORAGE_LOG_DATA_FILE_EXTENSION ".bin" namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int EMPTY_LIST_OF_COLUMNS_PASSED; extern const int CANNOT_CREATE_DIRECTORY; extern const int CANNOT_READ_ALL_DATA; extern const int DUPLICATE_COLUMN; extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR; extern const int INCORRECT_FILE_NAME; extern const int NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS_DOESNT_MATCH; } class TinyLogBlockInputStream final : public IBlockInputStream { public: TinyLogBlockInputStream(size_t block_size_, const NamesAndTypesList & columns_, StorageTinyLog & storage_, size_t max_read_buffer_size_) : block_size(block_size_), columns(columns_), storage(storage_), lock(storage_.rwlock), max_read_buffer_size(max_read_buffer_size_) {} String getName() const override { return "TinyLog"; } Block getHeader() const override { Block res; for (const auto & name_type : columns) res.insert({ name_type.type->createColumn(), name_type.type, name_type.name }); return Nested::flatten(res); } protected: Block readImpl() override; private: size_t block_size; NamesAndTypesList columns; StorageTinyLog & storage; std::shared_lock lock; bool finished = false; size_t max_read_buffer_size; struct Stream { Stream(const DiskPtr & disk, const String & data_path, size_t max_read_buffer_size_) : plain(disk->readFile(data_path, std::min(max_read_buffer_size_, disk->getFileSize(data_path)))), compressed(*plain) { } std::unique_ptr plain; CompressedReadBuffer compressed; }; using FileStreams = std::map>; FileStreams streams; using DeserializeState = IDataType::DeserializeBinaryBulkStatePtr; using DeserializeStates = std::map; DeserializeStates deserialize_states; void readData(const String & name, const IDataType & type, IColumn & column, UInt64 limit); }; class TinyLogBlockOutputStream final : public IBlockOutputStream { public: explicit TinyLogBlockOutputStream(StorageTinyLog & storage_) : storage(storage_), lock(storage_.rwlock) { } ~TinyLogBlockOutputStream() override { try { writeSuffix(); } catch (...) { tryLogCurrentException(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } } Block getHeader() const override { return storage.getSampleBlock(); } void write(const Block & block) override; void writeSuffix() override; private: StorageTinyLog & storage; std::unique_lock lock; bool done = false; struct Stream { Stream(const DiskPtr & disk, const String & data_path, CompressionCodecPtr codec, size_t max_compress_block_size) : plain(disk->writeFile(data_path, max_compress_block_size, WriteMode::Append)), compressed(*plain, std::move(codec), max_compress_block_size) { } std::unique_ptr plain; CompressedWriteBuffer compressed; void finalize() { compressed.next(); plain->finalize(); } }; using FileStreams = std::map>; FileStreams streams; using SerializeState = IDataType::SerializeBinaryBulkStatePtr; using SerializeStates = std::map; SerializeStates serialize_states; using WrittenStreams = std::set; IDataType::OutputStreamGetter createStreamGetter(const String & name, WrittenStreams & written_streams); void writeData(const String & name, const IDataType & type, const IColumn & column, WrittenStreams & written_streams); }; Block TinyLogBlockInputStream::readImpl() { Block res; if (finished || (!streams.empty() && streams.begin()->second->compressed.eof())) { /** Close the files (before destroying the object). * When many sources are created, but simultaneously reading only a few of them, * buffers don't waste memory. */ finished = true; streams.clear(); return res; } /// if there are no files in the folder, it means that the table is empty if (storage.disk->isDirectoryEmpty(storage.table_path)) return res; for (const auto & name_type : columns) { MutableColumnPtr column = name_type.type->createColumn(); try { readData(name_type.name, *name_type.type, *column, block_size); } catch (Exception & e) { e.addMessage("while reading column " + name_type.name + " at " + fullPath(storage.disk, storage.table_path)); throw; } if (column->size()) res.insert(ColumnWithTypeAndName(std::move(column), name_type.type, name_type.name)); } if (!res || streams.begin()->second->compressed.eof()) { finished = true; streams.clear(); } return Nested::flatten(res); } void TinyLogBlockInputStream::readData(const String & name, const IDataType & type, IColumn & column, UInt64 limit) { IDataType::DeserializeBinaryBulkSettings settings; /// TODO Use avg_value_size_hint. settings.getter = [&] (const IDataType::SubstreamPath & path) -> ReadBuffer * { String stream_name = IDataType::getFileNameForStream(name, path); if (!streams.count(stream_name)) streams[stream_name] = std::make_unique(storage.disk, storage.files[stream_name].data_file_path, max_read_buffer_size); return &streams[stream_name]->compressed; }; if (deserialize_states.count(name) == 0) type.deserializeBinaryBulkStatePrefix(settings, deserialize_states[name]); type.deserializeBinaryBulkWithMultipleStreams(column, limit, settings, deserialize_states[name]); } IDataType::OutputStreamGetter TinyLogBlockOutputStream::createStreamGetter(const String & name, WrittenStreams & written_streams) { return [&] (const IDataType::SubstreamPath & path) -> WriteBuffer * { String stream_name = IDataType::getFileNameForStream(name, path); if (!written_streams.insert(stream_name).second) return nullptr; const auto & columns = storage.getColumns(); if (!streams.count(stream_name)) streams[stream_name] = std::make_unique(storage.disk, storage.files[stream_name].data_file_path, columns.getCodecOrDefault(name), storage.max_compress_block_size); return &streams[stream_name]->compressed; }; } void TinyLogBlockOutputStream::writeData(const String & name, const IDataType & type, const IColumn & column, WrittenStreams & written_streams) { IDataType::SerializeBinaryBulkSettings settings; settings.getter = createStreamGetter(name, written_streams); if (serialize_states.count(name) == 0) type.serializeBinaryBulkStatePrefix(settings, serialize_states[name]); type.serializeBinaryBulkWithMultipleStreams(column, 0, 0, settings, serialize_states[name]); } void TinyLogBlockOutputStream::writeSuffix() { if (done) return; done = true; /// If nothing was written - leave the table in initial state. if (streams.empty()) return; WrittenStreams written_streams; IDataType::SerializeBinaryBulkSettings settings; for (const auto & column : getHeader()) { auto it = serialize_states.find(column.name); if (it != serialize_states.end()) { settings.getter = createStreamGetter(column.name, written_streams); column.type->serializeBinaryBulkStateSuffix(settings, it->second); } } /// Finish write. for (auto & stream : streams) stream.second->finalize(); Strings column_files; for (auto & pair : streams) column_files.push_back(storage.files[pair.first].data_file_path); storage.file_checker.update(column_files.begin(), column_files.end()); streams.clear(); } void TinyLogBlockOutputStream::write(const Block & block) { storage.check(block, true); /// The set of written offset columns so that you do not write shared columns for nested structures multiple times WrittenStreams written_streams; for (size_t i = 0; i < block.columns(); ++i) { const ColumnWithTypeAndName & column = block.safeGetByPosition(i); writeData(column.name, *column.type, *column.column, written_streams); } } StorageTinyLog::StorageTinyLog( DiskPtr disk_, const String & relative_path_, const StorageID & table_id_, const ColumnsDescription & columns_, const ConstraintsDescription & constraints_, bool attach, size_t max_compress_block_size_) : IStorage(table_id_) , disk(std::move(disk_)) , table_path(relative_path_) , max_compress_block_size(max_compress_block_size_) , file_checker(disk, table_path + "sizes.json") , log(&Logger::get("StorageTinyLog")) { setColumns(columns_); setConstraints(constraints_); if (relative_path_.empty()) throw Exception("Storage " + getName() + " requires data path", ErrorCodes::INCORRECT_FILE_NAME); if (!attach) { /// create directories if they do not exist disk->createDirectories(table_path); } for (const auto & col : getColumns().getAllPhysical()) addFiles(col.name, *col.type); } void StorageTinyLog::addFiles(const String & column_name, const IDataType & type) { if (files.end() != files.find(column_name)) throw Exception("Duplicate column with name " + column_name + " in constructor of StorageTinyLog.", ErrorCodes::DUPLICATE_COLUMN); IDataType::StreamCallback stream_callback = [&] (const IDataType::SubstreamPath & substream_path) { String stream_name = IDataType::getFileNameForStream(column_name, substream_path); if (!files.count(stream_name)) { ColumnData column_data; files.insert(std::make_pair(stream_name, column_data)); files[stream_name].data_file_path = table_path + stream_name + DBMS_STORAGE_LOG_DATA_FILE_EXTENSION; } }; IDataType::SubstreamPath substream_path; type.enumerateStreams(stream_callback, substream_path); } void StorageTinyLog::rename(const String & new_path_to_table_data, const String & new_database_name, const String & new_table_name, TableStructureWriteLockHolder &) { std::unique_lock lock(rwlock); disk->moveDirectory(table_path, new_path_to_table_data); table_path = new_path_to_table_data; file_checker.setPath(table_path + "sizes.json"); for (auto & file : files) file.second.data_file_path = table_path + fileName(file.second.data_file_path); renameInMemory(new_database_name, new_table_name); } BlockInputStreams StorageTinyLog::read( const Names & column_names, const SelectQueryInfo & /*query_info*/, const Context & context, QueryProcessingStage::Enum /*processed_stage*/, const size_t max_block_size, const unsigned /*num_streams*/) { check(column_names); // When reading, we lock the entire storage, because we only have one file // per column and can't modify it concurrently. return BlockInputStreams(1, std::make_shared( max_block_size, Nested::collect(getColumns().getAllPhysical().addTypes(column_names)), *this, context.getSettingsRef().max_read_buffer_size)); } BlockOutputStreamPtr StorageTinyLog::write( const ASTPtr & /*query*/, const Context & /*context*/) { return std::make_shared(*this); } CheckResults StorageTinyLog::checkData(const ASTPtr & /* query */, const Context & /* context */) { std::shared_lock lock(rwlock); return file_checker.check(); } void StorageTinyLog::truncate(const ASTPtr &, const Context &, TableStructureWriteLockHolder &) { std::unique_lock lock(rwlock); disk->clearDirectory(table_path); files.clear(); file_checker = FileChecker{disk, table_path + "sizes.json"}; for (const auto &column : getColumns().getAllPhysical()) addFiles(column.name, *column.type); } void StorageTinyLog::drop(TableStructureWriteLockHolder &) { std::unique_lock lock(rwlock); disk->remove(table_path, true); files.clear(); } void registerStorageTinyLog(StorageFactory & factory) { factory.registerStorage("TinyLog", [](const StorageFactory::Arguments & args) { if (!args.engine_args.empty()) throw Exception( "Engine " + args.engine_name + " doesn't support any arguments (" + toString(args.engine_args.size()) + " given)", ErrorCodes::NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS_DOESNT_MATCH); return StorageTinyLog::create( args.context.getDefaultDisk(), args.relative_data_path, args.table_id, args.columns, args.constraints, args.attach, args.context.getSettings().max_compress_block_size); }); } }