#pragma once #include #include #include #include namespace DB { /// If output stream set dumps node with indents and some additional info. Do nothing otherwise. /// Allow to print key-value pairs inside of tree dump. class DumpASTNode { public: DumpASTNode(const IAST & ast_, std::ostream * ostr_, size_t & depth, const char * label_ = nullptr) : ast(ast_), ostr(ostr_), indent(depth), visit_depth(depth), label(label_) { if (!ostr) return; if (label && visit_depth == 0) (*ostr) << "-- " << label << std::endl; ++visit_depth; (*ostr) << String(indent, ' '); printNode(); (*ostr) << std::endl; } ~DumpASTNode() { if (!ostr) return; --visit_depth; if (label && visit_depth == 0) (*ostr) << "--" << std::endl; } template void print(const T & name, const U & value, const char * str_indent = nullptr) const { if (!ostr) return; (*ostr) << (str_indent ? String(str_indent) : String(indent, ' ')); (*ostr) << '(' << name << ' ' << value << ')'; if (!str_indent) (*ostr) << std::endl; } size_t & getDepth() { return visit_depth; } private: const IAST & ast; std::ostream * ostr; size_t indent; size_t & visit_depth; /// shared with children const char * label; String nodeId() const { return ast.getID(' '); } void printNode() const { (*ostr) << nodeId(); String alias = ast.tryGetAlias(); if (!alias.empty()) print("alias", alias, " "); if (!ast.children.empty()) print("children", ast.children.size(), " "); } }; inline void dumpAST(const IAST & ast, std::ostream & ostr, DumpASTNode * parent = nullptr) { size_t depth = 0; DumpASTNode dump(ast, &ostr, (parent ? parent->getDepth() : depth)); for (const auto & child : ast.children) dumpAST(*child, ostr, &dump); } /// String stream dumped in dtor template class DebugASTLog { public: DebugASTLog() : log(nullptr) { if constexpr (_enable) log = &Poco::Logger::get("AST"); } ~DebugASTLog() { if constexpr (_enable) LOG_DEBUG(log, ss.str()); } std::ostream * stream() { return (_enable ? &ss : nullptr); } private: Poco::Logger * log; std::stringstream ss; }; }