#include "TestHint.h" #include "ConnectionParameters.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if USE_READLINE #include "Suggest.h" // Y_IGNORE #endif #ifndef __clang__ #pragma GCC optimize("-fno-var-tracking-assignments") #endif /// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code /// Similar codes \e[s, \e[u don't work in VT100 and Mosh. #define SAVE_CURSOR_POSITION "\e7" #define RESTORE_CURSOR_POSITION "\e8" #define CLEAR_TO_END_OF_LINE "\033[K" /// This codes are possibly not supported everywhere. #define DISABLE_LINE_WRAPPING "\033[?7l" #define ENABLE_LINE_WRAPPING "\033[?7h" namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int NETWORK_ERROR; extern const int NO_DATA_TO_INSERT; extern const int BAD_ARGUMENTS; extern const int CANNOT_READ_HISTORY; extern const int CANNOT_APPEND_HISTORY; extern const int UNKNOWN_PACKET_FROM_SERVER; extern const int UNEXPECTED_PACKET_FROM_SERVER; extern const int CLIENT_OUTPUT_FORMAT_SPECIFIED; extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR; extern const int CANNOT_SET_SIGNAL_HANDLER; extern const int CANNOT_READLINE; } class Client : public Poco::Util::Application { public: Client() {} private: using StringSet = std::unordered_set; StringSet exit_strings { "exit", "quit", "logout", "учше", "йгше", "дщпщге", "exit;", "quit;", "logout;", "учшеж", "йгшеж", "дщпщгеж", "q", "й", "\\q", "\\Q", "\\й", "\\Й", ":q", "Жй" }; bool is_interactive = true; /// Use either readline interface or batch mode. bool need_render_progress = true; /// Render query execution progress. bool echo_queries = false; /// Print queries before execution in batch mode. bool ignore_error = false; /// In case of errors, don't print error message, continue to next query. Only applicable for non-interactive mode. bool print_time_to_stderr = false; /// Output execution time to stderr in batch mode. bool stdin_is_not_tty = false; /// stdin is not a terminal. winsize terminal_size {}; /// Terminal size is needed to render progress bar. std::unique_ptr connection; /// Connection to DB. String query_id; /// Current query_id. String query; /// Current query. String format; /// Query results output format. bool is_default_format = true; /// false, if format is set in the config or command line. size_t format_max_block_size = 0; /// Max block size for console output. String insert_format; /// Format of INSERT data that is read from stdin in batch mode. size_t insert_format_max_block_size = 0; /// Max block size when reading INSERT data. size_t max_client_network_bandwidth = 0; /// The maximum speed of data exchange over the network for the client in bytes per second. bool has_vertical_output_suffix = false; /// Is \G present at the end of the query string? Context context = Context::createGlobal(); /// Buffer that reads from stdin in batch mode. ReadBufferFromFileDescriptor std_in {STDIN_FILENO}; /// Console output. WriteBufferFromFileDescriptor std_out {STDOUT_FILENO}; std::unique_ptr pager_cmd; /// The user can specify to redirect query output to a file. std::optional out_file_buf; BlockOutputStreamPtr block_out_stream; /// The user could specify special file for server logs (stderr by default) std::unique_ptr out_logs_buf; String server_logs_file; BlockOutputStreamPtr logs_out_stream; String home_path; String current_profile; String prompt_by_server_display_name; /// Path to a file containing command history. String history_file; /// How many rows have been read or written. size_t processed_rows = 0; /// Parsed query. Is used to determine some settings (e.g. format, output file). ASTPtr parsed_query; /// The last exception that was received from the server. Is used for the return code in batch mode. std::unique_ptr last_exception; /// If the last query resulted in exception. bool got_exception = false; int expected_server_error = 0; int expected_client_error = 0; int actual_server_error = 0; int actual_client_error = 0; UInt64 server_revision = 0; String server_version; String server_display_name; Stopwatch watch; /// The server periodically sends information about how much data was read since last time. Progress progress; bool show_progress_bar = false; size_t written_progress_chars = 0; bool written_first_block = false; /// External tables info. std::list external_tables; ConnectionParameters connection_parameters; void initialize(Poco::Util::Application & self) { Poco::Util::Application::initialize(self); const char * home_path_cstr = getenv("HOME"); if (home_path_cstr) home_path = home_path_cstr; std::string config_path; if (config().has("config-file")) config_path = config().getString("config-file"); else if (Poco::File("./clickhouse-client.xml").exists()) config_path = "./clickhouse-client.xml"; else if (!home_path.empty() && Poco::File(home_path + "/.clickhouse-client/config.xml").exists()) config_path = home_path + "/.clickhouse-client/config.xml"; else if (Poco::File("/etc/clickhouse-client/config.xml").exists()) config_path = "/etc/clickhouse-client/config.xml"; if (!config_path.empty()) { ConfigProcessor config_processor(config_path); auto loaded_config = config_processor.loadConfig(); config().add(loaded_config.configuration); } context.setApplicationType(Context::ApplicationType::CLIENT); /// settings and limits could be specified in config file, but passed settings has higher priority #define EXTRACT_SETTING(TYPE, NAME, DEFAULT, DESCRIPTION) \ if (config().has(#NAME) && !context.getSettingsRef().NAME.changed) \ context.setSetting(#NAME, config().getString(#NAME)); APPLY_FOR_SETTINGS(EXTRACT_SETTING) #undef EXTRACT_SETTING } int main(const std::vector & /*args*/) { try { return mainImpl(); } catch (const Exception & e) { bool print_stack_trace = config().getBool("stacktrace", false); std::string text = e.displayText(); /** If exception is received from server, then stack trace is embedded in message. * If exception is thrown on client, then stack trace is in separate field. */ auto embedded_stack_trace_pos = text.find("Stack trace"); if (std::string::npos != embedded_stack_trace_pos && !print_stack_trace) text.resize(embedded_stack_trace_pos); std::cerr << "Code: " << e.code() << ". " << text << std::endl << std::endl; /// Don't print the stack trace on the client if it was logged on the server. /// Also don't print the stack trace in case of network errors. if (print_stack_trace && e.code() != ErrorCodes::NETWORK_ERROR && std::string::npos == embedded_stack_trace_pos) { std::cerr << "Stack trace:" << std::endl << e.getStackTrace().toString(); } /// If exception code isn't zero, we should return non-zero return code anyway. return e.code() ? e.code() : -1; } catch (...) { std::cerr << getCurrentExceptionMessage(false) << std::endl; return getCurrentExceptionCode(); } } /// Should we celebrate a bit? bool isNewYearMode() { time_t current_time = time(nullptr); /// It's bad to be intrusive. if (current_time % 3 != 0) return false; LocalDate now(current_time); return (now.month() == 12 && now.day() >= 20) || (now.month() == 1 && now.day() <= 5); } int mainImpl() { UseSSL use_ssl; registerFunctions(); registerAggregateFunctions(); /// Batch mode is enabled if one of the following is true: /// - -e (--query) command line option is present. /// The value of the option is used as the text of query (or of multiple queries). /// If stdin is not a terminal, INSERT data for the first query is read from it. /// - stdin is not a terminal. In this case queries are read from it. stdin_is_not_tty = !isatty(STDIN_FILENO); if (stdin_is_not_tty || config().has("query")) is_interactive = false; std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3); std::cerr << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3); if (is_interactive) showClientVersion(); is_default_format = !config().has("vertical") && !config().has("format"); if (config().has("vertical")) format = config().getString("format", "Vertical"); else format = config().getString("format", is_interactive ? "PrettyCompact" : "TabSeparated"); format_max_block_size = config().getInt("format_max_block_size", context.getSettingsRef().max_block_size); insert_format = "Values"; /// Setting value from cmd arg overrides one from config if (context.getSettingsRef().max_insert_block_size.changed) insert_format_max_block_size = context.getSettingsRef().max_insert_block_size; else insert_format_max_block_size = config().getInt("insert_format_max_block_size", context.getSettingsRef().max_insert_block_size); if (!is_interactive) { need_render_progress = config().getBool("progress", false); echo_queries = config().getBool("echo", false); ignore_error = config().getBool("ignore-error", false); } connect(); /// Initialize DateLUT here to avoid counting time spent here as query execution time. DateLUT::instance(); if (!context.getSettingsRef().use_client_time_zone) { const auto & time_zone = connection->getServerTimezone(); if (!time_zone.empty()) { try { DateLUT::setDefaultTimezone(time_zone); } catch (...) { std::cerr << "Warning: could not switch to server time zone: " << time_zone << ", reason: " << getCurrentExceptionMessage(/* with_stacktrace = */ false) << std::endl << "Proceeding with local time zone." << std::endl << std::endl; } } else { std::cerr << "Warning: could not determine server time zone. " << "Proceeding with local time zone." << std::endl << std::endl; } } Strings keys; prompt_by_server_display_name = config().getRawString("prompt_by_server_display_name.default", "{display_name} :) "); config().keys("prompt_by_server_display_name", keys); for (const String & key : keys) { if (key != "default" && server_display_name.find(key) != std::string::npos) { prompt_by_server_display_name = config().getRawString("prompt_by_server_display_name." + key); break; } } /// Prompt may contain escape sequences including \e[ or \x1b[ sequences to set terminal color. { String unescaped_prompt_by_server_display_name; ReadBufferFromString in(prompt_by_server_display_name); readEscapedString(unescaped_prompt_by_server_display_name, in); prompt_by_server_display_name = std::move(unescaped_prompt_by_server_display_name); } /// Prompt may contain the following substitutions in a form of {name}. std::map prompt_substitutions { {"host", connection_parameters.host}, {"port", toString(connection_parameters.port)}, {"user", connection_parameters.user}, {"display_name", server_display_name}, }; /// Quite suboptimal. for (const auto & [key, value]: prompt_substitutions) boost::replace_all(prompt_by_server_display_name, "{" + key + "}", value); if (is_interactive) { if (!query_id.empty()) throw Exception("query_id could be specified only in non-interactive mode", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS); if (print_time_to_stderr) throw Exception("time option could be specified only in non-interactive mode", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS); #if USE_READLINE if (server_revision >= Suggest::MIN_SERVER_REVISION && !config().getBool("disable_suggestion", false)) { /// Load suggestion data from the server. Suggest::instance().load(connection_parameters, config().getInt("suggestion_limit")); /// Added '.' to the default list. Because it is used to separate database and table. rl_basic_word_break_characters = " \t\n\r\"\\'`@$><=;|&{(."; /// Not append whitespace after single suggestion. Because whitespace after function name is meaningless. rl_completion_append_character = '\0'; rl_completion_entry_function = Suggest::generator; } else /// Turn tab completion off. rl_bind_key('\t', rl_insert); #endif /// Load command history if present. if (config().has("history_file")) history_file = config().getString("history_file"); else if (!home_path.empty()) history_file = home_path + "/.clickhouse-client-history"; if (!history_file.empty()) { if (Poco::File(history_file).exists()) { #if USE_READLINE int res = read_history(history_file.c_str()); if (res) throwFromErrno("Cannot read history from file " + history_file, ErrorCodes::CANNOT_READ_HISTORY); #endif } else /// Create history file. Poco::File(history_file).createFile(); } #if USE_READLINE /// Install Ctrl+C signal handler that will be used in interactive mode. if (rl_initialize()) throw Exception("Cannot initialize readline", ErrorCodes::CANNOT_READLINE); auto clear_prompt_or_exit = [](int) { /// This is signal safe. ssize_t res = write(STDOUT_FILENO, "\n", 1); /// Allow to quit client while query is in progress by pressing Ctrl+C twice. /// (First press to Ctrl+C will try to cancel query by InterruptListener). if (res == 1 && rl_line_buffer[0] && !RL_ISSTATE(RL_STATE_DONE)) { rl_replace_line("", 0); if (rl_forced_update_display()) _exit(0); } else { /// A little dirty, but we struggle to find better way to correctly /// force readline to exit after returning from the signal handler. _exit(0); } }; if (signal(SIGINT, clear_prompt_or_exit) == SIG_ERR) throwFromErrno("Cannot set signal handler.", ErrorCodes::CANNOT_SET_SIGNAL_HANDLER); #endif loop(); std::cout << (isNewYearMode() ? "Happy new year." : "Bye.") << std::endl; return 0; } else { query_id = config().getString("query_id", ""); nonInteractive(); /// If exception code isn't zero, we should return non-zero return code anyway. if (last_exception) return last_exception->code() != 0 ? last_exception->code() : -1; return 0; } } void connect() { connection_parameters = ConnectionParameters(config()); if (is_interactive) std::cout << "Connecting to " << (!connection_parameters.default_database.empty() ? "database " + connection_parameters.default_database + " at " : "") << connection_parameters.host << ":" << connection_parameters.port << (!connection_parameters.user.empty() ? " as user " + connection_parameters.user : "") << "." << std::endl; connection = std::make_unique( connection_parameters.host, connection_parameters.port, connection_parameters.default_database, connection_parameters.user, connection_parameters.password, connection_parameters.timeouts, "client", connection_parameters.compression, connection_parameters.security); String server_name; UInt64 server_version_major = 0; UInt64 server_version_minor = 0; UInt64 server_version_patch = 0; if (max_client_network_bandwidth) { ThrottlerPtr throttler = std::make_shared(max_client_network_bandwidth, 0, ""); connection->setThrottler(throttler); } connection->getServerVersion(server_name, server_version_major, server_version_minor, server_version_patch, server_revision); server_version = toString(server_version_major) + "." + toString(server_version_minor) + "." + toString(server_version_patch); if (server_display_name = connection->getServerDisplayName(); server_display_name.length() == 0) { server_display_name = config().getString("host", "localhost"); } if (is_interactive) { std::cout << "Connected to " << server_name << " server version " << server_version << " revision " << server_revision << "." << std::endl << std::endl; } } /// Check if multi-line query is inserted from the paste buffer. /// Allows delaying the start of query execution until the entirety of query is inserted. static bool hasDataInSTDIN() { timeval timeout = { 0, 0 }; fd_set fds; FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(STDIN_FILENO, &fds); return select(1, &fds, nullptr, nullptr, &timeout) == 1; } inline const String prompt() const { return boost::replace_all_copy(prompt_by_server_display_name, "{database}", config().getString("database", "default")); } void loop() { String query; String prev_query; while (char * line_ = readline(query.empty() ? prompt().c_str() : ":-] ")) { String line = line_; free(line_); size_t ws = line.size(); while (ws > 0 && isWhitespaceASCII(line[ws - 1])) --ws; if (ws == 0 || line.empty()) continue; bool ends_with_semicolon = line[ws - 1] == ';'; bool ends_with_backslash = line[ws - 1] == '\\'; has_vertical_output_suffix = (ws >= 2) && (line[ws - 2] == '\\') && (line[ws - 1] == 'G'); if (ends_with_backslash) line = line.substr(0, ws - 1); query += line; if (!ends_with_backslash && (ends_with_semicolon || has_vertical_output_suffix || (!config().has("multiline") && !hasDataInSTDIN()))) { if (query != prev_query) { /// Replace line breaks with spaces to prevent the following problem. /// Every line of multi-line query is saved to history file as a separate line. /// If the user restarts the client then after pressing the "up" button /// every line of the query will be displayed separately. std::string logged_query = query; std::replace(logged_query.begin(), logged_query.end(), '\n', ' '); add_history(logged_query.c_str()); #if USE_READLINE && HAVE_READLINE_HISTORY if (!history_file.empty() && append_history(1, history_file.c_str())) throwFromErrno("Cannot append history to file " + history_file, ErrorCodes::CANNOT_APPEND_HISTORY); #endif prev_query = query; } if (has_vertical_output_suffix) query = query.substr(0, query.length() - 2); try { /// Determine the terminal size. ioctl(0, TIOCGWINSZ, &terminal_size); if (!process(query)) break; } catch (const Exception & e) { actual_client_error = e.code(); if (!actual_client_error || actual_client_error != expected_client_error) { std::cerr << std::endl << "Exception on client:" << std::endl << "Code: " << e.code() << ". " << e.displayText() << std::endl << std::endl; } /// Client-side exception during query execution can result in the loss of /// sync in the connection protocol. /// So we reconnect and allow to enter the next query. connect(); } query = ""; } else { query += '\n'; } } } void nonInteractive() { String text; if (config().has("query")) text = config().getString("query"); else { /// If 'query' parameter is not set, read a query from stdin. /// The query is read entirely into memory (streaming is disabled). ReadBufferFromFileDescriptor in(STDIN_FILENO); readStringUntilEOF(text, in); } process(text); } bool process(const String & text) { const bool test_mode = config().has("testmode"); if (config().has("multiquery")) { /// Several queries separated by ';'. /// INSERT data is ended by the end of line, not ';'. String query; const char * begin = text.data(); const char * end = begin + text.size(); while (begin < end) { const char * pos = begin; ASTPtr ast = parseQuery(pos, end, true); if (!ast) { if (ignore_error) { Tokens tokens(begin, end); TokenIterator token_iterator(tokens); while (token_iterator->type != TokenType::Semicolon && token_iterator.isValid()) ++token_iterator; begin = token_iterator->end; continue; } return true; } ASTInsertQuery * insert = typeid_cast(ast.get()); if (insert && insert->data) { pos = find_first_symbols<'\n'>(insert->data, end); insert->end = pos; } query = text.substr(begin - text.data(), pos - begin); begin = pos; while (isWhitespaceASCII(*begin) || *begin == ';') ++begin; TestHint test_hint(test_mode, query); expected_client_error = test_hint.clientError(); expected_server_error = test_hint.serverError(); try { if (!processSingleQuery(query, ast) && !ignore_error) return false; } catch (...) { last_exception = std::make_unique(getCurrentExceptionMessage(true), getCurrentExceptionCode()); actual_client_error = last_exception->code(); if (!ignore_error && (!actual_client_error || actual_client_error != expected_client_error)) std::cerr << "Error on processing query: " << query << std::endl << last_exception->message(); got_exception = true; } if (!test_hint.checkActual(actual_server_error, actual_client_error, got_exception, last_exception)) connection->forceConnected(); if (got_exception && !ignore_error) { if (is_interactive) break; else return false; } } return true; } else { return processSingleQuery(text); } } bool processSingleQuery(const String & line, ASTPtr parsed_query_ = nullptr) { if (exit_strings.end() != exit_strings.find(trim(line, [](char c){ return isWhitespaceASCII(c) || c == ';'; }))) return false; resetOutput(); got_exception = false; if (echo_queries) { writeString(line, std_out); writeChar('\n', std_out); std_out.next(); } watch.restart(); query = line; /// Some parts of a query (result output and formatting) are executed client-side. /// Thus we need to parse the query. parsed_query = parsed_query_; if (!parsed_query) { const char * begin = query.data(); parsed_query = parseQuery(begin, begin + query.size(), false); } if (!parsed_query) return true; processed_rows = 0; progress.reset(); show_progress_bar = false; written_progress_chars = 0; written_first_block = false; const ASTSetQuery * set_query = typeid_cast(&*parsed_query); const ASTUseQuery * use_query = typeid_cast(&*parsed_query); /// INSERT query for which data transfer is needed (not an INSERT SELECT) is processed separately. const ASTInsertQuery * insert = typeid_cast(&*parsed_query); connection->forceConnected(); if (insert && !insert->select) processInsertQuery(); else processOrdinaryQuery(); /// Do not change context (current DB, settings) in case of an exception. if (!got_exception) { if (set_query) { /// Save all changes in settings to avoid losing them if the connection is lost. for (const auto & change : set_query->changes) { if (change.name == "profile") current_profile = change.value.safeGet(); else context.setSetting(change.name, change.value); } } if (use_query) { const String & new_database = use_query->database; /// If the client initiates the reconnection, it takes the settings from the config. config().setString("database", new_database); /// If the connection initiates the reconnection, it uses its variable. connection->setDefaultDatabase(new_database); } } if (is_interactive) { std::cout << std::endl << processed_rows << " rows in set. Elapsed: " << watch.elapsedSeconds() << " sec. "; if (progress.rows >= 1000) writeFinalProgress(); std::cout << std::endl << std::endl; } else if (print_time_to_stderr) { std::cerr << watch.elapsedSeconds() << "\n"; } return true; } /// Convert external tables to ExternalTableData and send them using the connection. void sendExternalTables() { auto * select = typeid_cast(&*parsed_query); if (!select && !external_tables.empty()) throw Exception("External tables could be sent only with select query", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS); std::vector data; for (auto & table : external_tables) data.emplace_back(table.getData(context)); connection->sendExternalTablesData(data); } /// Process the query that doesn't require transfering data blocks to the server. void processOrdinaryQuery() { connection->sendQuery(query, query_id, QueryProcessingStage::Complete, &context.getSettingsRef(), nullptr, true); sendExternalTables(); receiveResult(); } /// Process the query that requires transfering data blocks to the server. void processInsertQuery() { /// Send part of query without data, because data will be sent separately. const ASTInsertQuery & parsed_insert_query = typeid_cast(*parsed_query); String query_without_data = parsed_insert_query.data ? query.substr(0, parsed_insert_query.data - query.data()) : query; if (!parsed_insert_query.data && (is_interactive || (stdin_is_not_tty && std_in.eof()))) throw Exception("No data to insert", ErrorCodes::NO_DATA_TO_INSERT); connection->sendQuery(query_without_data, query_id, QueryProcessingStage::Complete, &context.getSettingsRef(), nullptr, true); sendExternalTables(); /// Receive description of table structure. Block sample; if (receiveSampleBlock(sample)) { /// If structure was received (thus, server has not thrown an exception), /// send our data with that structure. sendData(sample); receiveEndOfQuery(); } } ASTPtr parseQuery(const char * & pos, const char * end, bool allow_multi_statements) { ParserQuery parser(end, true); ASTPtr res; const auto ignore_error = config().getBool("ignore-error", false); if (is_interactive || ignore_error) { String message; res = tryParseQuery(parser, pos, end, message, true, "", allow_multi_statements, 0); if (!res) { std::cerr << std::endl << message << std::endl << std::endl; return nullptr; } } else res = parseQueryAndMovePosition(parser, pos, end, "", allow_multi_statements, 0); if (is_interactive) { std::cout << std::endl; formatAST(*res, std::cout); std::cout << std::endl << std::endl; } return res; } void sendData(Block & sample) { /// If INSERT data must be sent. const ASTInsertQuery * parsed_insert_query = typeid_cast(&*parsed_query); if (!parsed_insert_query) return; if (parsed_insert_query->data) { /// Send data contained in the query. ReadBufferFromMemory data_in(parsed_insert_query->data, parsed_insert_query->end - parsed_insert_query->data); sendDataFrom(data_in, sample); } else if (!is_interactive) { /// Send data read from stdin. sendDataFrom(std_in, sample); } else throw Exception("No data to insert", ErrorCodes::NO_DATA_TO_INSERT); } void sendDataFrom(ReadBuffer & buf, Block & sample) { String current_format = insert_format; /// Data format can be specified in the INSERT query. if (ASTInsertQuery * insert = typeid_cast(&*parsed_query)) if (!insert->format.empty()) current_format = insert->format; BlockInputStreamPtr block_input = context.getInputFormat( current_format, buf, sample, insert_format_max_block_size); BlockInputStreamPtr async_block_input = std::make_shared(block_input); async_block_input->readPrefix(); while (true) { Block block = async_block_input->read(); connection->sendData(block); processed_rows += block.rows(); /// Check if server send Log packet auto packet_type = connection->checkPacket(); if (packet_type && *packet_type == Protocol::Server::Log) receiveAndProcessPacket(); if (!block) break; } async_block_input->readSuffix(); } /// Flush all buffers. void resetOutput() { block_out_stream.reset(); logs_out_stream.reset(); if (pager_cmd) { pager_cmd->in.close(); pager_cmd->wait(); } pager_cmd = nullptr; if (out_file_buf) { out_file_buf->next(); out_file_buf.reset(); } if (out_logs_buf) { out_logs_buf->next(); out_logs_buf.reset(); } std_out.next(); } /// Receives and processes packets coming from server. /// Also checks if query execution should be cancelled. void receiveResult() { InterruptListener interrupt_listener; bool cancelled = false; while (true) { /// Has the Ctrl+C been pressed and thus the query should be cancelled? /// If this is the case, inform the server about it and receive the remaining packets /// to avoid losing sync. if (!cancelled) { if (interrupt_listener.check()) { connection->sendCancel(); cancelled = true; if (is_interactive) std::cout << "Cancelling query." << std::endl; /// Pressing Ctrl+C twice results in shut down. interrupt_listener.unblock(); } else if (!connection->poll(1000000)) continue; /// If there is no new data, continue checking whether the query was cancelled after a timeout. } if (!receiveAndProcessPacket()) break; } if (cancelled && is_interactive) std::cout << "Query was cancelled." << std::endl; } /// Receive a part of the result, or progress info or an exception and process it. /// Returns true if one should continue receiving packets. bool receiveAndProcessPacket() { Connection::Packet packet = connection->receivePacket(); switch (packet.type) { case Protocol::Server::Data: onData(packet.block); return true; case Protocol::Server::Progress: onProgress(packet.progress); return true; case Protocol::Server::ProfileInfo: onProfileInfo(packet.profile_info); return true; case Protocol::Server::Totals: onTotals(packet.block); return true; case Protocol::Server::Extremes: onExtremes(packet.block); return true; case Protocol::Server::Exception: onException(*packet.exception); last_exception = std::move(packet.exception); return false; case Protocol::Server::Log: onLogData(packet.block); return true; case Protocol::Server::EndOfStream: onEndOfStream(); return false; default: throw Exception("Unknown packet from server", ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_PACKET_FROM_SERVER); } } /// Receive the block that serves as an example of the structure of table where data will be inserted. bool receiveSampleBlock(Block & out) { while (true) { Connection::Packet packet = connection->receivePacket(); switch (packet.type) { case Protocol::Server::Data: out = packet.block; return true; case Protocol::Server::Exception: onException(*packet.exception); last_exception = std::move(packet.exception); return false; case Protocol::Server::Log: onLogData(packet.block); break; default: throw NetException("Unexpected packet from server (expected Data, Exception or Log, got " + String(Protocol::Server::toString(packet.type)) + ")", ErrorCodes::UNEXPECTED_PACKET_FROM_SERVER); } } } /// Process Log packets, exit when recieve Exception or EndOfStream bool receiveEndOfQuery() { while (true) { Connection::Packet packet = connection->receivePacket(); switch (packet.type) { case Protocol::Server::EndOfStream: onEndOfStream(); return true; case Protocol::Server::Exception: onException(*packet.exception); last_exception = std::move(packet.exception); return false; case Protocol::Server::Log: onLogData(packet.block); break; default: throw NetException("Unexpected packet from server (expected Exception, EndOfStream or Log, got " + String(Protocol::Server::toString(packet.type)) + ")", ErrorCodes::UNEXPECTED_PACKET_FROM_SERVER); } } } void initBlockOutputStream(const Block & block) { if (!block_out_stream) { WriteBuffer * out_buf = nullptr; String pager = config().getString("pager", ""); if (!pager.empty()) { signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); pager_cmd = ShellCommand::execute(pager, true); out_buf = &pager_cmd->in; } else { out_buf = &std_out; } String current_format = format; /// The query can specify output format or output file. if (ASTQueryWithOutput * query_with_output = dynamic_cast(&*parsed_query)) { if (query_with_output->out_file != nullptr) { const auto & out_file_node = typeid_cast(*query_with_output->out_file); const auto & out_file = out_file_node.value.safeGet(); out_file_buf.emplace(out_file, DBMS_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, O_WRONLY | O_EXCL | O_CREAT); out_buf = &*out_file_buf; // We are writing to file, so default format is the same as in non-interactive mode. if (is_interactive && is_default_format) current_format = "TabSeparated"; } if (query_with_output->format != nullptr) { if (has_vertical_output_suffix) throw Exception("Output format already specified", ErrorCodes::CLIENT_OUTPUT_FORMAT_SPECIFIED); const auto & id = typeid_cast(*query_with_output->format); current_format = id.name; } } if (has_vertical_output_suffix) current_format = "Vertical"; block_out_stream = context.getOutputFormat(current_format, *out_buf, block); block_out_stream->writePrefix(); } } void initLogsOutputStream() { if (!logs_out_stream) { WriteBuffer * wb = out_logs_buf.get(); if (!out_logs_buf) { if (server_logs_file.empty()) { /// Use stderr by default out_logs_buf = std::make_unique(STDERR_FILENO); wb = out_logs_buf.get(); } else if (server_logs_file == "-") { /// Use stdout if --server_logs_file=- specified wb = &std_out; } else { out_logs_buf = std::make_unique(server_logs_file, DBMS_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, O_WRONLY | O_APPEND | O_CREAT); wb = out_logs_buf.get(); } } logs_out_stream = std::make_shared(*wb); logs_out_stream->writePrefix(); } } void onData(Block & block) { if (written_progress_chars) clearProgress(); if (!block) return; processed_rows += block.rows(); initBlockOutputStream(block); /// The header block containing zero rows was used to initialize block_out_stream, do not output it. if (block.rows() != 0) { block_out_stream->write(block); written_first_block = true; } /// Received data block is immediately displayed to the user. block_out_stream->flush(); } void onLogData(Block & block) { initLogsOutputStream(); logs_out_stream->write(block); logs_out_stream->flush(); } void onTotals(Block & block) { initBlockOutputStream(block); block_out_stream->setTotals(block); } void onExtremes(Block & block) { initBlockOutputStream(block); block_out_stream->setExtremes(block); } void onProgress(const Progress & value) { progress.incrementPiecewiseAtomically(value); if (block_out_stream) block_out_stream->onProgress(value); writeProgress(); } void clearProgress() { std::cerr << RESTORE_CURSOR_POSITION CLEAR_TO_END_OF_LINE; written_progress_chars = 0; } void writeProgress() { if (!need_render_progress) return; static size_t increment = 0; static const char * indicators[8] = { "\033[1;30m→\033[0m", "\033[1;31m↘\033[0m", "\033[1;32m↓\033[0m", "\033[1;33m↙\033[0m", "\033[1;34m←\033[0m", "\033[1;35m↖\033[0m", "\033[1;36m↑\033[0m", "\033[1m↗\033[0m", }; if (written_progress_chars) clearProgress(); else std::cerr << SAVE_CURSOR_POSITION; std::stringstream message; message << indicators[increment % 8] << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3) << " Progress: "; message << formatReadableQuantity(progress.rows) << " rows, " << formatReadableSizeWithDecimalSuffix(progress.bytes); size_t elapsed_ns = watch.elapsed(); if (elapsed_ns) message << " (" << formatReadableQuantity(progress.rows * 1000000000.0 / elapsed_ns) << " rows/s., " << formatReadableSizeWithDecimalSuffix(progress.bytes * 1000000000.0 / elapsed_ns) << "/s.) "; else message << ". "; written_progress_chars = message.str().size() - (increment % 8 == 7 ? 10 : 13); std::cerr << DISABLE_LINE_WRAPPING << message.rdbuf(); /// If the approximate number of rows to process is known, we can display a progress bar and percentage. if (progress.total_rows > 0) { size_t total_rows_corrected = std::max(progress.rows, progress.total_rows); /// To avoid flicker, display progress bar only if .5 seconds have passed since query execution start /// and the query is less than halfway done. if (elapsed_ns > 500000000) { /// Trigger to start displaying progress bar. If query is mostly done, don't display it. if (progress.rows * 2 < total_rows_corrected) show_progress_bar = true; if (show_progress_bar) { ssize_t width_of_progress_bar = static_cast(terminal_size.ws_col) - written_progress_chars - strlen(" 99%"); if (width_of_progress_bar > 0) { std::string bar = UnicodeBar::render(UnicodeBar::getWidth(progress.rows, 0, total_rows_corrected, width_of_progress_bar)); std::cerr << "\033[0;32m" << bar << "\033[0m"; if (width_of_progress_bar > static_cast(bar.size() / UNICODE_BAR_CHAR_SIZE)) std::cerr << std::string(width_of_progress_bar - bar.size() / UNICODE_BAR_CHAR_SIZE, ' '); } } } /// Underestimate percentage a bit to avoid displaying 100%. std::cerr << ' ' << (99 * progress.rows / total_rows_corrected) << '%'; } std::cerr << ENABLE_LINE_WRAPPING; ++increment; } void writeFinalProgress() { std::cout << "Processed " << formatReadableQuantity(progress.rows) << " rows, " << formatReadableSizeWithDecimalSuffix(progress.bytes); size_t elapsed_ns = watch.elapsed(); if (elapsed_ns) std::cout << " (" << formatReadableQuantity(progress.rows * 1000000000.0 / elapsed_ns) << " rows/s., " << formatReadableSizeWithDecimalSuffix(progress.bytes * 1000000000.0 / elapsed_ns) << "/s.) "; else std::cout << ". "; } void onException(const Exception & e) { resetOutput(); got_exception = true; actual_server_error = e.code(); if (expected_server_error) { if (actual_server_error == expected_server_error) return; std::cerr << "Expected error code: " << expected_server_error << " but got: " << actual_server_error << "." << std::endl; } std::string text = e.displayText(); auto embedded_stack_trace_pos = text.find("Stack trace"); if (std::string::npos != embedded_stack_trace_pos && !config().getBool("stacktrace", false)) text.resize(embedded_stack_trace_pos); std::cerr << "Received exception from server (version " << server_version << "):" << std::endl << "Code: " << e.code() << ". " << text << std::endl; } void onProfileInfo(const BlockStreamProfileInfo & profile_info) { if (profile_info.hasAppliedLimit() && block_out_stream) block_out_stream->setRowsBeforeLimit(profile_info.getRowsBeforeLimit()); } void onEndOfStream() { if (block_out_stream) block_out_stream->writeSuffix(); if (logs_out_stream) logs_out_stream->writeSuffix(); resetOutput(); if (is_interactive && !written_first_block) std::cout << "Ok." << std::endl; } void showClientVersion() { std::cout << DBMS_NAME << " client version " << VERSION_STRING << "." << std::endl; } public: void init(int argc, char ** argv) { /// Don't parse options with Poco library. We need more sophisticated processing. stopOptionsProcessing(); /** We allow different groups of arguments: * - common arguments; * - arguments for any number of external tables each in form "--external args...", * where possible args are file, name, format, structure, types. * Split these groups before processing. */ using Arguments = std::vector; Arguments common_arguments{""}; /// 0th argument is ignored. std::vector external_tables_arguments; bool in_external_group = false; for (int arg_num = 1; arg_num < argc; ++arg_num) { const char * arg = argv[arg_num]; if (0 == strcmp(arg, "--external")) { in_external_group = true; external_tables_arguments.emplace_back(Arguments{""}); } /// Options with value after equal sign. else if (in_external_group && (0 == strncmp(arg, "--file=", strlen("--file=")) || 0 == strncmp(arg, "--name=", strlen("--name=")) || 0 == strncmp(arg, "--format=", strlen("--format=")) || 0 == strncmp(arg, "--structure=", strlen("--structure=")) || 0 == strncmp(arg, "--types=", strlen("--types=")))) { external_tables_arguments.back().emplace_back(arg); } /// Options with value after whitespace. else if (in_external_group && (0 == strcmp(arg, "--file") || 0 == strcmp(arg, "--name") || 0 == strcmp(arg, "--format") || 0 == strcmp(arg, "--structure") || 0 == strcmp(arg, "--types"))) { if (arg_num + 1 < argc) { external_tables_arguments.back().emplace_back(arg); ++arg_num; arg = argv[arg_num]; external_tables_arguments.back().emplace_back(arg); } else break; } else { in_external_group = false; common_arguments.emplace_back(arg); } } ioctl(0, TIOCGWINSZ, &terminal_size); namespace po = boost::program_options; unsigned line_length = po::options_description::m_default_line_length; unsigned min_description_length = line_length / 2; if (!stdin_is_not_tty) { line_length = std::max(3U, static_cast(terminal_size.ws_col)); min_description_length = std::min(min_description_length, line_length - 2); } #define DECLARE_SETTING(TYPE, NAME, DEFAULT, DESCRIPTION) (#NAME, po::value(), DESCRIPTION) /// Main commandline options related to client functionality and all parameters from Settings. po::options_description main_description("Main options", line_length, min_description_length); main_description.add_options() ("help", "produce help message") ("config-file,c", po::value(), "config-file path") ("host,h", po::value()->default_value("localhost"), "server host") ("port", po::value()->default_value(9000), "server port") ("secure,s", "Use TLS connection") ("user,u", po::value()->default_value("default"), "user") ("password", po::value(), "password") ("ask-password", "ask-password") ("query_id", po::value(), "query_id") ("query,q", po::value(), "query") ("database,d", po::value(), "database") ("pager", po::value(), "pager") ("disable_suggestion,A", "Disable loading suggestion data. Note that suggestion data is loaded asynchronously through a second connection to ClickHouse server. Also it is reasonable to disable suggestion if you want to paste a query with TAB characters. Shorthand option -A is for those who get used to mysql client.") ("suggestion_limit", po::value()->default_value(10000), "Suggestion limit for how many databases, tables and columns to fetch.") ("multiline,m", "multiline") ("multiquery,n", "multiquery") ("format,f", po::value(), "default output format") ("testmode,T", "enable test hints in comments") ("ignore-error", "do not stop processing in multiquery mode") ("vertical,E", "vertical output format, same as --format=Vertical or FORMAT Vertical or \\G at end of command") ("time,t", "print query execution time to stderr in non-interactive mode (for benchmarks)") ("stacktrace", "print stack traces of exceptions") ("progress", "print progress even in non-interactive mode") ("version,V", "print version information and exit") ("version-clean", "print version in machine-readable format and exit") ("echo", "in batch mode, print query before execution") ("max_client_network_bandwidth", po::value(), "the maximum speed of data exchange over the network for the client in bytes per second.") ("compression", po::value(), "enable or disable compression") ("log-level", po::value(), "client log level") ("server_logs_file", po::value(), "put server logs into specified file") APPLY_FOR_SETTINGS(DECLARE_SETTING) ; #undef DECLARE_SETTING /// Commandline options related to external tables. po::options_description external_description("External tables options"); external_description.add_options() ("file", po::value(), "data file or - for stdin") ("name", po::value()->default_value("_data"), "name of the table") ("format", po::value()->default_value("TabSeparated"), "data format") ("structure", po::value(), "structure") ("types", po::value(), "types") ; /// Parse main commandline options. po::parsed_options parsed = po::command_line_parser( common_arguments.size(), common_arguments.data()).options(main_description).run(); po::variables_map options; po::store(parsed, options); if (options.count("version") || options.count("V")) { showClientVersion(); exit(0); } if (options.count("version-clean")) { std::cout << VERSION_STRING; exit(0); } /// Output of help message. if (options.count("help") || (options.count("host") && options["host"].as() == "elp")) /// If user writes -help instead of --help. { std::cout << main_description << "\n"; std::cout << external_description << "\n"; exit(0); } if (options.count("log-level")) Poco::Logger::root().setLevel(options["log-level"].as()); size_t number_of_external_tables_with_stdin_source = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < external_tables_arguments.size(); ++i) { /// Parse commandline options related to external tables. po::parsed_options parsed = po::command_line_parser( external_tables_arguments[i].size(), external_tables_arguments[i].data()).options(external_description).run(); po::variables_map external_options; po::store(parsed, external_options); try { external_tables.emplace_back(external_options); if (external_tables.back().file == "-") ++number_of_external_tables_with_stdin_source; if (number_of_external_tables_with_stdin_source > 1) throw Exception("Two or more external tables has stdin (-) set as --file field", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS); } catch (const Exception & e) { std::string text = e.displayText(); std::cerr << "Code: " << e.code() << ". " << text << std::endl; std::cerr << "Table №" << i << std::endl << std::endl; exit(e.code()); } } /// Extract settings from the options. #define EXTRACT_SETTING(TYPE, NAME, DEFAULT, DESCRIPTION) \ if (options.count(#NAME)) \ context.setSetting(#NAME, options[#NAME].as()); APPLY_FOR_SETTINGS(EXTRACT_SETTING) #undef EXTRACT_SETTING /// Save received data into the internal config. if (options.count("config-file")) config().setString("config-file", options["config-file"].as()); if (options.count("host") && !options["host"].defaulted()) config().setString("host", options["host"].as()); if (options.count("query_id")) config().setString("query_id", options["query_id"].as()); if (options.count("query")) config().setString("query", options["query"].as()); if (options.count("database")) config().setString("database", options["database"].as()); if (options.count("pager")) config().setString("pager", options["pager"].as()); if (options.count("port") && !options["port"].defaulted()) config().setInt("port", options["port"].as()); if (options.count("secure")) config().setBool("secure", true); if (options.count("user") && !options["user"].defaulted()) config().setString("user", options["user"].as()); if (options.count("password")) config().setString("password", options["password"].as()); if (options.count("ask-password")) config().setBool("ask-password", true); if (options.count("multiline")) config().setBool("multiline", true); if (options.count("multiquery")) config().setBool("multiquery", true); if (options.count("testmode")) config().setBool("testmode", true); if (options.count("ignore-error")) config().setBool("ignore-error", true); if (options.count("format")) config().setString("format", options["format"].as()); if (options.count("vertical")) config().setBool("vertical", true); if (options.count("stacktrace")) config().setBool("stacktrace", true); if (options.count("progress")) config().setBool("progress", true); if (options.count("echo")) config().setBool("echo", true); if (options.count("time")) print_time_to_stderr = true; if (options.count("max_client_network_bandwidth")) max_client_network_bandwidth = options["max_client_network_bandwidth"].as(); if (options.count("compression")) config().setBool("compression", options["compression"].as()); if (options.count("server_logs_file")) server_logs_file = options["server_logs_file"].as(); if (options.count("disable_suggestion")) config().setBool("disable_suggestion", true); if (options.count("suggestion_limit")) config().setInt("suggestion_limit", options["suggestion_limit"].as()); } }; } int mainEntryClickHouseClient(int argc, char ** argv) { DB::Client client; try { client.init(argc, argv); } catch (const boost::program_options::error & e) { std::cerr << "Bad arguments: " << e.what() << std::endl; return 1; } catch (...) { std::cerr << DB::getCurrentExceptionMessage(true) << std::endl; return 1; } return client.run(); }