*** Test expected failures *** Updating partition key should fail Updating primary key should fail Updating MATERIALIZED column should fail Updating with non-UInt8 predicate should fail *** Test updating according to a predicate *** 2000-01-01 123 aaa 101 2000-01-01 234 cde 2 *** Test several UPDATE commands with common subexpressions *** 2000-01-01 123 abc 26 *** Test predicates with IN operator *** 2000-01-01 234 cdeccc 20 2000-01-01 345 fghccc 30 2000-01-01 456 iii 40 *** Test UPDATE of columns that DELETE depends on *** 2000-01-01 234 cde 30 *** Test complex mixture of UPDATEs and DELETEs *** 2000-01-01 456 ijk_materialized_47 40 *** Test updating columns that MATERIALIZED columns depend on *** Updating column that MATERIALIZED key column depends on should fail 17 materialized_24 27 materialized_34 30 materialized_37 40 materialized_47