--- title: How to import JSON into ClickHouse? toc_hidden: true sidebar_position: 11 --- # How to Import JSON Into ClickHouse? {#how-to-import-json-into-clickhouse} ClickHouse supports a wide range of [data formats for input and output](../../en/interfaces/formats/). There are multiple JSON variations among them, but the most commonly used for data ingestion is [JSONEachRow](../../en/interfaces/formats/#jsoneachrow). It expects one JSON object per row, each object separated by a newline. ## Examples {#examples} Using [HTTP interface](../../en/interfaces/http/): ``` bash $ echo '{"foo":"bar"}' | curl 'http://localhost:8123/?query=INSERT%20INTO%20test%20FORMAT%20JSONEachRow' --data-binary @- ``` Using [CLI interface](../../en/interfaces/cli/): ``` bash $ echo '{"foo":"bar"}' | clickhouse-client --query="INSERT INTO test FORMAT JSONEachRow" ``` Instead of inserting data manually, you might consider to use one of [client libraries](../../en/interfaces/) instead. ## Useful Settings {#useful-settings} - `input_format_skip_unknown_fields` allows to insert JSON even if there were additional fields not present in table schema (by discarding them). - `input_format_import_nested_json` allows to insert nested JSON objects into columns of [Nested](../../en/sql-reference/data-types/nested-data-structures/nested/) type. :::note Settings are specified as `GET` parameters for the HTTP interface or as additional command-line arguments prefixed with `--` for the `CLI` interface. :::