#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace DB { /** Identifies WHERE expressions that can be placed in PREWHERE by calculating respective * sizes of columns used in particular expression and identifying "good" conditions of * form "column_name = constant", where "constant" is outside some `threshold` specified in advance. * * If there are "good" conditions present in WHERE, the one with minimal summary column size is * transferred to PREWHERE. * Otherwise any condition with minimal summary column size can be transferred to PREWHERE, if only * its relative size (summary column size divided by query column size) is less than `max_columns_relative_size`. */ class MergeTreeWhereOptimizer { static constexpr auto threshold = 10; static constexpr auto max_columns_relative_size = 0.25f; static constexpr auto and_function_name = "and"; static constexpr auto equals_function_name = "equals"; public: MergeTreeWhereOptimizer(const MergeTreeWhereOptimizer&) = delete; MergeTreeWhereOptimizer& operator=(const MergeTreeWhereOptimizer&) = delete; MergeTreeWhereOptimizer( ASTSelectQuery & select, const MergeTreeData & data, const Names & column_names, Logger * log) : primary_key_columns{toUnorderedSet(data.getPrimaryExpression()->getRequiredColumnsWithTypes())}, table_columns{toUnorderedSet(data.getColumnsList())}, log{log} { calculateColumnSizes(data, column_names); optimize(select); } private: void optimize(ASTSelectQuery & select) const { if (!select.where_expression || select.prewhere_expression) return; const auto function = typeid_cast(select.where_expression.get()); if (function && function->name == and_function_name) optimizeConjunction(select, function); else optimizeArbitrary(select); } void calculateColumnSizes(const MergeTreeData & data, const Names & column_names) { for (const auto & column_name : column_names) { const auto column_size = data.getColumnSize(column_name); column_sizes[column_name] = column_size; total_column_size += column_size; } } void optimizeConjunction(ASTSelectQuery & select, ASTFunction * const fun) const { /// used as max possible size and indicator that appropriate condition has not been found const auto no_such_condition = std::numeric_limits::max(); /// { first: condition index, second: summary column size } std::pair lightest_good_condition{no_such_condition, no_such_condition}; std::pair lightest_viable_condition{no_such_condition, no_such_condition}; auto & conditions = fun->arguments->children; /// remove condition by swapping it with the last one and calling ::pop_back() const auto remove_condition_at_index = [&conditions] (const std::size_t idx) { if (idx < conditions.size() - 1) std::swap(conditions[idx], conditions.back()); conditions.pop_back(); }; /// linearize conjunction and divide conditions into "good" and not-"good" ones for (std::size_t idx = 0; idx < conditions.size();) { const auto condition = conditions[idx].get(); IdentifierNameSet identifiers{}; collectIdentifiersNoSubqueries(condition, identifiers); /// do not take into consideration the conditions consisting only of primary key columns if (hasNonPrimaryKeyColumns(identifiers) && isSubsetOfTableColumns(identifiers)) { /// linearize sub-conjunctions if (const auto function = typeid_cast(condition)) { if (function->name == and_function_name) { for (auto & child : function->arguments->children) conditions.emplace_back(std::move(child)); /// remove the condition corresponding to conjunction remove_condition_at_index(idx); /// continue iterating without increment to ensure the just added conditions are processed continue; } } /// calculate size of columns involved in condition const auto cond_columns_size = getIdentifiersColumnSize(identifiers); /// place condition either in good or viable conditions set auto & good_or_viable_condition = isConditionGood(condition) ? lightest_good_condition : lightest_viable_condition; if (good_or_viable_condition.second > cond_columns_size) { good_or_viable_condition.first = idx; good_or_viable_condition.second = cond_columns_size; } } ++idx; } const auto move_condition_to_prewhere = [&] (const std::size_t idx) { select.prewhere_expression = conditions[idx]; select.children.push_back(select.prewhere_expression); LOG_DEBUG(log, "MergeTreeWhereOptimizer: condition `" << select.prewhere_expression << "` moved to PREWHERE"); /** Replace conjunction with the only remaining argument if only two conditions were present, * remove selected condition from conjunction otherwise. */ if (conditions.size() == 2) { /// find old where_expression in children of select const auto it = std::find(std::begin(select.children), std::end(select.children), select.where_expression); /// replace where_expression with the remaining argument select.where_expression = std::move(conditions[idx == 0 ? 1 : 0]); /// overwrite child entry with the new where_expression *it = select.where_expression; } else remove_condition_at_index(idx); }; /// if there is a "good" condition - move it to PREWHERE if (lightest_good_condition.first != no_such_condition) { move_condition_to_prewhere(lightest_good_condition.first); } else if (lightest_viable_condition.first != no_such_condition) { /// check that the relative column size is less than max if (total_column_size != 0) { /// calculate relative size of condition's columns const auto cond_columns_size = lightest_viable_condition.second; const auto columns_relative_size = static_cast(cond_columns_size) / total_column_size; /// do nothing if it exceeds max relative size if (columns_relative_size > max_columns_relative_size) return; } move_condition_to_prewhere(lightest_viable_condition.first); } } void optimizeArbitrary(ASTSelectQuery & select) const { auto & condition = select.where_expression; IdentifierNameSet identifiers{}; collectIdentifiersNoSubqueries(condition, identifiers); if (!hasNonPrimaryKeyColumns(identifiers) || !isSubsetOfTableColumns(identifiers)) return; /// if condition is not "good" - check that it can be moved if (!isConditionGood(condition.get()) && total_column_size != 0) { const auto cond_columns_size = getIdentifiersColumnSize(identifiers); const auto columns_relative_size = static_cast(cond_columns_size) / total_column_size; if (columns_relative_size > max_columns_relative_size) return; } /// add the condition to PREWHERE, remove it from WHERE std::swap(select.prewhere_expression, condition); LOG_DEBUG(log, "MergeTreeWhereOptimizer: condition `" << select.prewhere_expression << "` moved to PREWHERE"); } std::size_t getIdentifiersColumnSize(const IdentifierNameSet & identifiers) const { std::size_t size{}; for (const auto & identifier : identifiers) if (column_sizes.count(identifier)) size += column_sizes.find(identifier)->second; return size; } bool isConditionGood(const IAST * condition) const { const auto function = typeid_cast(condition); if (!function) return false; /** we are only considering conditions of form `equals(one, another)` or `one = another`, * especially if either `one` or `another` is ASTIdentifier */ if (function->name != equals_function_name) return false; auto left_arg = function->arguments->children.front().get(); auto right_arg = function->arguments->children.back().get(); /// try to ensure left_arg points to ASTIdentifier if (!typeid_cast(left_arg) && typeid_cast(right_arg)) std::swap(left_arg, right_arg); if (const auto identifier = typeid_cast(left_arg)) { /// condition may be "good" if only right_arg is a constant and its value is outside the threshold if (const auto literal = typeid_cast(right_arg)) { const auto & field = literal->value; const auto type = field.getType(); /// check the value with respect to threshold if (type == Field::Types::UInt64) { const auto value = field.get(); return value > threshold; } else if (type == Field::Types::Int64) { const auto value = field.get(); return value < -threshold || threshold < value; } else if (type == Field::Types::Float64) { const auto value = field.get(); return value < threshold || threshold < value; } } } return false; } static void collectIdentifiersNoSubqueries(const IAST * const ast, IdentifierNameSet & set) { if (const auto identifier = typeid_cast(ast)) return (void) set.insert(identifier->name); if (typeid_cast(ast)) return; for (const auto & child : ast->children) collectIdentifiersNoSubqueries(child.get(), set); } using string_set_t = std::unordered_set; static string_set_t toUnorderedSet(const NamesAndTypesList & columns) { string_set_t result{}; for (const auto column : columns) result.insert(column.name); return result; } bool hasNonPrimaryKeyColumns(const IdentifierNameSet & identifiers) const { for (const auto & identifier : identifiers) if (primary_key_columns.count(identifier) == 0) return true; return false; } bool isSubsetOfTableColumns(const IdentifierNameSet & identifiers) const { for (const auto & identifier : identifiers) if (table_columns.count(identifier) == 0) return false; return true; } string_set_t primary_key_columns{}; string_set_t table_columns{}; Logger * log; std::unordered_map column_sizes{}; std::size_t total_column_size{}; }; }