/* ****************************************************************** FSE : Finite State Entropy coder header file for static linking (only) Copyright (C) 2013-2015, Yann Collet BSD 2-Clause License (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php) Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. You can contact the author at : - Source repository : https://github.com/Cyan4973/FiniteStateEntropy - Public forum : https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/lz4c ****************************************************************** */ #ifndef FSE_STATIC_H #define FSE_STATIC_H #if defined (__cplusplus) extern "C" { #endif /* ***************************************** * Dependencies *******************************************/ #include "fse.h" #include "bitstream.h" /* ***************************************** * Static allocation *******************************************/ /* FSE buffer bounds */ #define FSE_NCOUNTBOUND 512 #define FSE_BLOCKBOUND(size) (size + (size>>7)) #define FSE_COMPRESSBOUND(size) (FSE_NCOUNTBOUND + FSE_BLOCKBOUND(size)) /* Macro version, useful for static allocation */ /* It is possible to statically allocate FSE CTable/DTable as a table of unsigned using below macros */ #define FSE_CTABLE_SIZE_U32(maxTableLog, maxSymbolValue) (1 + (1<<(maxTableLog-1)) + ((maxSymbolValue+1)*2)) #define FSE_DTABLE_SIZE_U32(maxTableLog) (1 + (1<= BIT_DStream_completed When it's done, verify decompression is fully completed, by checking both DStream and the relevant states. Checking if DStream has reached its end is performed by : BIT_endOfDStream(&DStream); Check also the states. There might be some symbols left there, if some high probability ones (>50%) are possible. FSE_endOfDState(&DState); */ /* ***************************************** * FSE unsafe API *******************************************/ static unsigned char FSE_decodeSymbolFast(FSE_DState_t* DStatePtr, BIT_DStream_t* bitD); /* faster, but works only if nbBits is always >= 1 (otherwise, result will be corrupted) */ /* ***************************************** * Implementation of inlined functions *******************************************/ typedef struct { int deltaFindState; U32 deltaNbBits; } FSE_symbolCompressionTransform; /* total 8 bytes */ MEM_STATIC void FSE_initCState(FSE_CState_t* statePtr, const FSE_CTable* ct) { const void* ptr = ct; const U16* u16ptr = (const U16*) ptr; const U32 tableLog = MEM_read16(ptr); statePtr->value = (ptrdiff_t)1<stateTable = u16ptr+2; statePtr->symbolTT = ((const U32*)ct + 1 + (tableLog ? (1<<(tableLog-1)) : 1)); statePtr->stateLog = tableLog; } MEM_STATIC void FSE_initCState2(FSE_CState_t* statePtr, const FSE_CTable* ct, U32 symbol) { FSE_initCState(statePtr, ct); { const FSE_symbolCompressionTransform symbolTT = ((const FSE_symbolCompressionTransform*)(statePtr->symbolTT))[symbol]; const U16* stateTable = (const U16*)(statePtr->stateTable); U32 nbBitsOut = (U32)((symbolTT.deltaNbBits + (1<<15)) >> 16); statePtr->value = (nbBitsOut << 16) - symbolTT.deltaNbBits; statePtr->value = stateTable[(statePtr->value >> nbBitsOut) + symbolTT.deltaFindState]; } } MEM_STATIC void FSE_encodeSymbol(BIT_CStream_t* bitC, FSE_CState_t* statePtr, U32 symbol) { const FSE_symbolCompressionTransform symbolTT = ((const FSE_symbolCompressionTransform*)(statePtr->symbolTT))[symbol]; const U16* const stateTable = (const U16*)(statePtr->stateTable); U32 nbBitsOut = (U32)((statePtr->value + symbolTT.deltaNbBits) >> 16); BIT_addBits(bitC, statePtr->value, nbBitsOut); statePtr->value = stateTable[ (statePtr->value >> nbBitsOut) + symbolTT.deltaFindState]; } MEM_STATIC void FSE_flushCState(BIT_CStream_t* bitC, const FSE_CState_t* statePtr) { BIT_addBits(bitC, statePtr->value, statePtr->stateLog); BIT_flushBits(bitC); } /*<===== Decompression =====>*/ typedef struct { U16 tableLog; U16 fastMode; } FSE_DTableHeader; /* sizeof U32 */ typedef struct { unsigned short newState; unsigned char symbol; unsigned char nbBits; } FSE_decode_t; /* size == U32 */ MEM_STATIC void FSE_initDState(FSE_DState_t* DStatePtr, BIT_DStream_t* bitD, const FSE_DTable* dt) { const void* ptr = dt; const FSE_DTableHeader* const DTableH = (const FSE_DTableHeader*)ptr; DStatePtr->state = BIT_readBits(bitD, DTableH->tableLog); BIT_reloadDStream(bitD); DStatePtr->table = dt + 1; } MEM_STATIC BYTE FSE_peekSymbol(const FSE_DState_t* DStatePtr) { FSE_decode_t const DInfo = ((const FSE_decode_t*)(DStatePtr->table))[DStatePtr->state]; return DInfo.symbol; } MEM_STATIC void FSE_updateState(FSE_DState_t* DStatePtr, BIT_DStream_t* bitD) { FSE_decode_t const DInfo = ((const FSE_decode_t*)(DStatePtr->table))[DStatePtr->state]; U32 const nbBits = DInfo.nbBits; size_t const lowBits = BIT_readBits(bitD, nbBits); DStatePtr->state = DInfo.newState + lowBits; } MEM_STATIC BYTE FSE_decodeSymbol(FSE_DState_t* DStatePtr, BIT_DStream_t* bitD) { FSE_decode_t const DInfo = ((const FSE_decode_t*)(DStatePtr->table))[DStatePtr->state]; U32 const nbBits = DInfo.nbBits; BYTE const symbol = DInfo.symbol; size_t const lowBits = BIT_readBits(bitD, nbBits); DStatePtr->state = DInfo.newState + lowBits; return symbol; } /*! FSE_decodeSymbolFast() : unsafe, only works if no symbol has a probability > 50% */ MEM_STATIC BYTE FSE_decodeSymbolFast(FSE_DState_t* DStatePtr, BIT_DStream_t* bitD) { FSE_decode_t const DInfo = ((const FSE_decode_t*)(DStatePtr->table))[DStatePtr->state]; U32 const nbBits = DInfo.nbBits; BYTE const symbol = DInfo.symbol; size_t const lowBits = BIT_readBitsFast(bitD, nbBits); DStatePtr->state = DInfo.newState + lowBits; return symbol; } MEM_STATIC unsigned FSE_endOfDState(const FSE_DState_t* DStatePtr) { return DStatePtr->state == 0; } #if defined (__cplusplus) } #endif #endif /* FSE_STATIC_H */