#include "ConfigReloader.h" #include #include #include #include #include "ConfigProcessor.h" namespace DB { constexpr decltype(ConfigReloader::reload_interval) ConfigReloader::reload_interval; ConfigReloader::ConfigReloader( const std::string & path_, const std::string & include_from_path_, const std::string & preprocessed_dir_, zkutil::ZooKeeperNodeCache && zk_node_cache_, const zkutil::EventPtr & zk_changed_event_, Updater && updater_, bool already_loaded) : path(path_), include_from_path(include_from_path_) , preprocessed_dir(preprocessed_dir_) , zk_node_cache(std::move(zk_node_cache_)) , zk_changed_event(zk_changed_event_) , updater(std::move(updater_)) { if (!already_loaded) reloadIfNewer(/* force = */ true, /* throw_on_error = */ true, /* fallback_to_preprocessed = */ true); } void ConfigReloader::start() { thread = std::thread(&ConfigReloader::run, this); } ConfigReloader::~ConfigReloader() { try { quit = true; zk_changed_event->set(); if (thread.joinable()) thread.join(); } catch (...) { DB::tryLogCurrentException(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } } void ConfigReloader::run() { setThreadName("ConfigReloader"); while (true) { try { bool zk_changed = zk_changed_event->tryWait(std::chrono::milliseconds(reload_interval).count()); if (quit) return; reloadIfNewer(zk_changed, /* throw_on_error = */ false, /* fallback_to_preprocessed = */ false); } catch (...) { tryLogCurrentException(log, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); std::this_thread::sleep_for(reload_interval); } } } void ConfigReloader::reloadIfNewer(bool force, bool throw_on_error, bool fallback_to_preprocessed) { std::lock_guard lock(reload_mutex); FilesChangesTracker new_files = getNewFileList(); if (force || need_reload_from_zk || new_files.isDifferOrNewerThan(files)) { ConfigProcessor config_processor(path); ConfigProcessor::LoadedConfig loaded_config; try { LOG_DEBUG(log, "Loading config `" << path << "'"); loaded_config = config_processor.loadConfig(/* allow_zk_includes = */ true); if (loaded_config.has_zk_includes) loaded_config = config_processor.loadConfigWithZooKeeperIncludes( zk_node_cache, zk_changed_event, fallback_to_preprocessed); } catch (const Coordination::Exception & e) { if (Coordination::isHardwareError(e.code)) need_reload_from_zk = true; if (throw_on_error) throw; tryLogCurrentException(log, "ZooKeeper error when loading config from `" + path + "'"); return; } catch (...) { if (throw_on_error) throw; tryLogCurrentException(log, "Error loading config from `" + path + "'"); return; } config_processor.savePreprocessedConfig(loaded_config, preprocessed_dir); /** We should remember last modification time if and only if config was sucessfully loaded * Otherwise a race condition could occur during config files update: * File is contain raw (and non-valid) data, therefore config is not applied. * When file has been written (and contain valid data), we don't load new data since modification time remains the same. */ if (!loaded_config.loaded_from_preprocessed) { files = std::move(new_files); need_reload_from_zk = false; } try { updater(loaded_config.configuration); } catch (...) { if (throw_on_error) throw; tryLogCurrentException(log, "Error updating configuration from `" + path + "' config."); } } } struct ConfigReloader::FileWithTimestamp { std::string path; time_t modification_time; FileWithTimestamp(const std::string & path_, time_t modification_time_) : path(path_), modification_time(modification_time_) {} bool operator < (const FileWithTimestamp & rhs) const { return path < rhs.path; } static bool isTheSame(const FileWithTimestamp & lhs, const FileWithTimestamp & rhs) { return (lhs.modification_time == rhs.modification_time) && (lhs.path == rhs.path); } }; void ConfigReloader::FilesChangesTracker::addIfExists(const std::string & path_to_add) { if (!path_to_add.empty() && Poco::File(path_to_add).exists()) files.emplace(path_to_add, Poco::File(path_to_add).getLastModified().epochTime()); } bool ConfigReloader::FilesChangesTracker::isDifferOrNewerThan(const FilesChangesTracker & rhs) { return (files.size() != rhs.files.size()) || !std::equal(files.begin(), files.end(), rhs.files.begin(), FileWithTimestamp::isTheSame); } ConfigReloader::FilesChangesTracker ConfigReloader::getNewFileList() const { FilesChangesTracker file_list; file_list.addIfExists(path); file_list.addIfExists(include_from_path); for (const auto & merge_path : ConfigProcessor::getConfigMergeFiles(path)) file_list.addIfExists(merge_path); return file_list; } }