--- slug: /en/operations/system-tables/dashboards --- # dashboards Contains queries used by `/dashboard` page accessible though [HTTP interface](/docs/en/interfaces/http.md). This table can be useful for monitoring and troubleshooting. The table contains a row for every chart in a dashboard. :::note `/dashboard` page can render queries not only from `system.dashboards`, but from any table with the same schema. This can be useful to create custom dashboards. ::: Example: ``` sql SELECT * FROM system.dashboards WHERE title ILIKE '%CPU%' ``` ``` text Row 1: ────── dashboard: overview title: CPU Usage (cores) query: SELECT toStartOfInterval(event_time, INTERVAL {rounding:UInt32} SECOND)::INT AS t, avg(ProfileEvent_OSCPUVirtualTimeMicroseconds) / 1000000 FROM system.metric_log WHERE event_date >= toDate(now() - {seconds:UInt32}) AND event_time >= now() - {seconds:UInt32} GROUP BY t ORDER BY t WITH FILL STEP {rounding:UInt32} Row 2: ────── dashboard: overview title: CPU Wait query: SELECT toStartOfInterval(event_time, INTERVAL {rounding:UInt32} SECOND)::INT AS t, avg(ProfileEvent_OSCPUWaitMicroseconds) / 1000000 FROM system.metric_log WHERE event_date >= toDate(now() - {seconds:UInt32}) AND event_time >= now() - {seconds:UInt32} GROUP BY t ORDER BY t WITH FILL STEP {rounding:UInt32} Row 3: ────── dashboard: overview title: OS CPU Usage (Userspace) query: SELECT toStartOfInterval(event_time, INTERVAL {rounding:UInt32} SECOND)::INT AS t, avg(value) FROM system.asynchronous_metric_log WHERE event_date >= toDate(now() - {seconds:UInt32}) AND event_time >= now() - {seconds:UInt32} AND metric = 'OSUserTimeNormalized' GROUP BY t ORDER BY t WITH FILL STEP {rounding:UInt32} Row 4: ────── dashboard: overview title: OS CPU Usage (Kernel) query: SELECT toStartOfInterval(event_time, INTERVAL {rounding:UInt32} SECOND)::INT AS t, avg(value) FROM system.asynchronous_metric_log WHERE event_date >= toDate(now() - {seconds:UInt32}) AND event_time >= now() - {seconds:UInt32} AND metric = 'OSSystemTimeNormalized' GROUP BY t ORDER BY t WITH FILL STEP {rounding:UInt32} ``` Columns: - `dashboard` (`String`) - The dashboard name. - `title` (`String`) - The title of a chart. - `query` (`String`) - The query to obtain data to be displayed.