--- sidebar_label: INTO OUTFILE --- # INTO OUTFILE Clause `INTO OUTFILE` clause redirects the result of a `SELECT` query to a file on the **client** side. Compressed files are supported. Compression type is detected by the extension of the file name (mode `'auto'` is used by default). Or it can be explicitly specified in a `COMPRESSION` clause. Compression level for a certain compression type can be specified in a `LEVEL` clause. **Syntax** ```sql SELECT INTO OUTFILE file_name [COMPRESSION type [LEVEL level]] ``` `file_name` and `type` are string literals. Supported compression types are: `'none'`, `'gzip'`, `'deflate'`, `'br'`, `'xz'`, `'zstd'`, `'lz4'`, `'bz2'`. `level` is a numeric literal. Positive integers in following ranges are supported: `1-12` for `lz4` type, `1-22` for `zstd` type and `1-9` for other compression types. ## Implementation Details - This functionality is available in the [command-line client](../../../interfaces/cli.md) and [clickhouse-local](../../../operations/utilities/clickhouse-local.md). Thus a query sent via [HTTP interface](../../../interfaces/http.md) will fail. - The query will fail if a file with the same file name already exists. - The default [output format](../../../interfaces/formats.md) is `TabSeparated` (like in the command-line client batch mode). Use [FORMAT](format.md) clause to change it. **Example** Execute the following query using [command-line client](../../../interfaces/cli.md): ```bash clickhouse-client --query="SELECT 1,'ABC' INTO OUTFILE 'select.gz' FORMAT CSV;" zcat select.gz ``` Result: ```text 1,"ABC" ```