DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test; -- You can create a table with the {server_uuid} substituted. CREATE TABLE test (x UInt8) ENGINE = ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/tables/{database}/test', 'replica-{server_uuid}') ORDER BY x; -- The server UUID is correctly substituted. SELECT engine_full LIKE ('%replica-' || serverUUID()::String || '%') FROM system.tables WHERE database = currentDatabase() AND name = 'test'; -- An attempt to create a second table with the same UUID results in error. CREATE TABLE test2 (x UInt8) ENGINE = ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/tables/{database}/test', 'replica-{server_uuid}') ORDER BY x; -- { serverError REPLICA_ALREADY_EXISTS } -- The macro {server_uuid} is special, not a configuration-type macro. It's normal that it is inaccessible with the getMacro function. SELECT getMacro('server_uuid'); -- { serverError NO_ELEMENTS_IN_CONFIG } DROP TABLE test NO DELAY;