import os import uuid import time import xml.etree.ElementTree as xmltree import packaging.version as pkg_version from collections import namedtuple import testflows.settings as settings from testflows.core import * from testflows.asserts import error from import basename, parentname from testflows._core.testtype import TestSubType def check_clickhouse_version(version): """Compare ClickHouse version.""" def check(test): if getattr(test.context, "clickhouse_version", None) is None: return False clickhouse_version = pkg_version.parse(str(test.context.clickhouse_version)) if version.startswith("=="): return clickhouse_version == pkg_version.parse( str(version.split("==", 1)[-1]) ) elif version.startswith(">="): return clickhouse_version >= pkg_version.parse( str(version.split(">=", 1)[-1]) ) elif version.startswith("<="): return clickhouse_version <= pkg_version.parse( str(version.split("<=", 1)[-1]) ) elif version.startswith("="): return clickhouse_version == pkg_version.parse( str(version.split("=", 1)[-1]) ) elif version.startswith(">"): return clickhouse_version > pkg_version.parse( str(version.split(">", 1)[-1]) ) elif version.startswith("<"): return clickhouse_version < pkg_version.parse( str(version.split("<", 1)[-1]) ) else: return clickhouse_version == pkg_version.parse(str(version)) return check def getuid(with_test_name=False): if not with_test_name: return str(uuid.uuid1()).replace("-", "_") if current().subtype == TestSubType.Example: testname = ( f"{basename(parentname(current().name)).replace(' ', '_').replace(',', '')}" ) else: testname = f"{basename(current().name).replace(' ', '_').replace(',', '')}" return testname + "_" + str(uuid.uuid1()).replace("-", "_") @TestStep(Given) def instrument_clickhouse_server_log( self, node=None, test=None, clickhouse_server_log="/var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.log", always_dump=False, ): """Instrument clickhouse-server.log for the current test (default) by adding start and end messages that include test name to log of the specified node. If we are in the debug mode and the test fails then dump the messages from the log for this test. :param always_dump: always dump clickhouse log after test, default: `False` """ if test is None: test = current() if node is None: node = self.context.node with By("getting current log size"): cmd = node.command(f"stat --format=%s {clickhouse_server_log}") if ( cmd.output == f"stat: cannot stat '{clickhouse_server_log}': No such file or directory" ): start_logsize = 0 else: start_logsize = cmd.output.split(" ")[0].strip() try: with And("adding test name start message to the clickhouse-server.log"): node.command( f'echo -e "\\n-- start: {} --\\n" >> {clickhouse_server_log}' ) yield finally: if test.terminating is True: return with Finally( "adding test name end message to the clickhouse-server.log", flags=TE ): node.command( f'echo -e "\\n-- end: {} --\\n" >> {clickhouse_server_log}' ) with And("getting current log size at the end of the test"): cmd = node.command(f"stat --format=%s {clickhouse_server_log}") end_logsize = cmd.output.split(" ")[0].strip() dump_log = always_dump or (settings.debug and not self.parent.result) if dump_log: with Then("dumping clickhouse-server.log for this test"): node.command( f"tail -c +{start_logsize} {clickhouse_server_log}" f" | head -c {int(end_logsize) - int(start_logsize)}" ) xml_with_utf8 = '\n' def xml_indent(elem, level=0, by=" "): i = "\n" + level * by if len(elem): if not elem.text or not elem.text.strip(): elem.text = i + by if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip(): elem.tail = i for elem in elem: xml_indent(elem, level + 1) if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip(): elem.tail = i else: if level and (not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip()): elem.tail = i def xml_append(root, tag, text): element = xmltree.Element(tag) element.text = text root.append(element) return element class Config: def __init__(self, content, path, name, uid, preprocessed_name): self.content = content self.path = path = name self.uid = uid self.preprocessed_name = preprocessed_name class KeyWithAttributes: def __init__(self, name, attributes): """XML key with attributes. :param name: key name :param attributes: dictionary of attributes {name: value, ...} """ = name self.attributes = dict(attributes) def create_xml_config_content( entries, config_file, config_d_dir="/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d" ): """Create XML configuration file from a dictionary. :param entries: dictionary that defines xml :param config_file: name of the config file :param config_d_dir: config.d directory path, default: `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d` """ uid = getuid() path = os.path.join(config_d_dir, config_file) name = config_file root = xmltree.Element("clickhouse") root.append(xmltree.Comment(text=f"config uid: {uid}")) def create_xml_tree(entries, root): for k, v in entries.items(): if isinstance(k, KeyWithAttributes): xml_element = xmltree.Element( for attr_name, attr_value in k.attributes.items(): xml_element.set(attr_name, attr_value) if type(v) is dict: create_xml_tree(v, xml_element) elif type(v) in (list, tuple): for e in v: create_xml_tree(e, xml_element) else: xml_element.text = v root.append(xml_element) elif type(v) is dict: xml_element = xmltree.Element(k) create_xml_tree(v, xml_element) root.append(xml_element) elif type(v) in (list, tuple): xml_element = xmltree.Element(k) for e in v: create_xml_tree(e, xml_element) root.append(xml_element) else: xml_append(root, k, v) create_xml_tree(entries, root) xml_indent(root) content = xml_with_utf8 + str( xmltree.tostring(root, short_empty_elements=False, encoding="utf-8"), "utf-8" ) return Config(content, path, name, uid, "config.xml") def add_invalid_config( config, message, recover_config=None, tail=30, timeout=300, restart=True, user=None ): """Check that ClickHouse errors when trying to load invalid configuration file.""" cluster = current().context.cluster node = current().context.node try: with Given("I prepare the error log by writing empty lines into it"): node.command( 'echo -e "%s" > /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.err.log' % ("-\\n" * tail) ) with When("I add the config", description=config.path): command = f"cat < {config.path}\n{config.content}\nHEREDOC" node.command(command, steps=False, exitcode=0) with Then( f"{config.preprocessed_name} should be updated", description=f"timeout {timeout}", ): started = time.time() command = f"cat /var/lib/clickhouse/preprocessed_configs/{config.preprocessed_name} | grep {config.uid}{' > /dev/null' if not settings.debug else ''}" while time.time() - started < timeout: exitcode = node.command(command, steps=False).exitcode if exitcode == 0: break time.sleep(1) assert exitcode == 0, error() if restart: with When("I restart ClickHouse to apply the config changes"): node.restart_clickhouse(safe=False, wait_healthy=False, user=user) finally: if recover_config is None: with Finally(f"I remove {}"): with By("removing invalid configuration file"): system_config_path = os.path.join( cluster.environ["CLICKHOUSE_TESTS_DIR"], "configs",, "config.d", config.path.split("config.d/")[-1], ) cluster.command( None, f"rm -rf {system_config_path}", timeout=timeout, exitcode=0, ) if restart: with And("restarting ClickHouse"): node.restart_clickhouse(safe=False, user=user) node.restart_clickhouse(safe=False, user=user) else: with Finally(f"I change {}"): with By("changing invalid configuration file"): system_config_path = os.path.join( cluster.environ["CLICKHOUSE_TESTS_DIR"], "configs",, "config.d", config.path.split("config.d/")[-1], ) cluster.command( None, f"rm -rf {system_config_path}", timeout=timeout, exitcode=0, ) command = f"cat < {system_config_path}\n{recover_config.content}\nHEREDOC" cluster.command(None, command, timeout=timeout, exitcode=0) if restart: with And("restarting ClickHouse"): node.restart_clickhouse(safe=False, user=user) with Then("error log should contain the expected error message"): started = time.time() command = f'tail -n {tail} /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.err.log | grep "{message}"' while time.time() - started < timeout: exitcode = node.command(command, steps=False).exitcode if exitcode == 0: break time.sleep(1) assert exitcode == 0, error() def add_config( config, timeout=300, restart=False, modify=False, node=None, user=None, wait_healthy=True, check_preprocessed=True, ): """Add dynamic configuration file to ClickHouse. :param config: configuration file description :param timeout: timeout, default: 300 sec :param restart: restart server, default: False :param modify: only modify configuration file, default: False """ if node is None: node = current().context.node cluster = current().context.cluster def check_preprocessed_config_is_updated(after_removal=False): """Check that preprocessed config is updated.""" started = time.time() command = f"cat /var/lib/clickhouse/preprocessed_configs/{config.preprocessed_name} | grep {config.uid}{' > /dev/null' if not settings.debug else ''}" while time.time() - started < timeout: exitcode = node.command(command, steps=False).exitcode if after_removal: if exitcode == 1: break else: if exitcode == 0: break time.sleep(1) if settings.debug: node.command( f"cat /var/lib/clickhouse/preprocessed_configs/{config.preprocessed_name}" ) if after_removal: assert exitcode == 1, error() else: assert exitcode == 0, error() def wait_for_config_to_be_loaded(user=None): """Wait for config to be loaded.""" if restart: with When("I close terminal to the node to be restarted"): bash.close() with And("I stop ClickHouse to apply the config changes"): node.stop_clickhouse(safe=False) with And("I get the current log size"): cmd = node.cluster.command( None, f"stat --format=%s {cluster.environ['CLICKHOUSE_TESTS_DIR']}/_instances/{}/logs/clickhouse-server.log", ) logsize = cmd.output.split(" ")[0].strip() with And("I start ClickHouse back up"): node.start_clickhouse(user=user, wait_healthy=wait_healthy) with Then("I tail the log file from using previous log size as the offset"): bash.prompt = bash.__class__.prompt bash.send( f"tail -c +{logsize} -f /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.log" ) with Then("I wait for config reload message in the log file"): if restart: bash.expect( f"ConfigReloader: Loaded config '/etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml', performed update on configuration", timeout=timeout, ) else: bash.expect( f"ConfigReloader: Loaded config '/etc/clickhouse-server/{config.preprocessed_name}', performed update on configuration", timeout=timeout, ) try: with Given(f"{}"): if settings.debug: with When("I output the content of the config"): debug(config.content) with as bash: bash.expect(bash.prompt) bash.send( "tail -v -n 0 -f /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.log" ) # make sure tail process is launched and started to follow the file bash.expect("<==") bash.expect("\n") with When("I add the config", description=config.path): command = ( f"cat < {config.path}\n{config.content}\nHEREDOC" ) node.command(command, steps=False, exitcode=0) if check_preprocessed: with Then( f"{config.preprocessed_name} should be updated", description=f"timeout {timeout}", ): check_preprocessed_config_is_updated() with And("I wait for config to be reloaded"): wait_for_config_to_be_loaded(user=user) yield finally: if not modify: with Finally(f"I remove {} on {}"): with as bash: bash.expect(bash.prompt) bash.send( "tail -v -n 0 -f /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.log" ) # make sure tail process is launched and started to follow the file bash.expect("<==") bash.expect("\n") with By("removing the config file", description=config.path): node.command(f"rm -rf {config.path}", exitcode=0) with Then( f"{config.preprocessed_name} should be updated", description=f"timeout {timeout}", ): check_preprocessed_config_is_updated(after_removal=True) with And("I wait for config to be reloaded"): wait_for_config_to_be_loaded() @TestStep(When) def copy( self, dest_node, src_path, dest_path, bash=None, binary=False, eof="EOF", src_node=None, ): """Copy file from source to destination node.""" if binary: raise NotImplementedError("not yet implemented; need to use base64 encoding") bash = self.context.cluster.bash(node=src_node) cmd = bash(f"cat {src_path}") assert cmd.exitcode == 0, error() contents = cmd.output dest_node.command(f"cat << {eof} > {dest_path}\n{contents}\n{eof}") @TestStep(Given) def add_user_to_group_on_node( self, node=None, group="clickhouse", username="clickhouse" ): """Add user {username} into group {group}.""" if node is None: node = self.context.node node.command(f"usermode -g {group} {username}", exitcode=0) @TestStep(Given) def change_user_on_node(self, node=None, username="clickhouse"): """Change user on node.""" if node is None: node = self.context.node try: node.command(f"su {username}", exitcode=0) yield finally: node.command("exit", exitcode=0) @TestStep(Given) def add_user_on_node(self, node=None, groupname=None, username="clickhouse"): """Create user on node with group specifying.""" if node is None: node = self.context.node try: if groupname is None: node.command(f"useradd -s /bin/bash {username}", exitcode=0) else: node.command(f"useradd -g {groupname} -s /bin/bash {username}", exitcode=0) yield finally: node.command(f"deluser {username}", exitcode=0) @TestStep(Given) def add_group_on_node(self, node=None, groupname="clickhouse"): """Create group on node""" if node is None: node = self.context.node try: node.command(f"groupadd {groupname}", exitcode=0) yield finally: node.command(f"delgroup clickhouse") @TestStep(Given) def create_file_on_node(self, path, content, node=None): """Create file on node. :param path: file path :param content: file content """ if node is None: node = self.context.node try: with By(f"creating file {path}"): node.command(f"cat < {path}\n{content}\nHEREDOC", exitcode=0) yield path finally: with Finally(f"I remove {path}"): node.command(f"rm -rf {path}", exitcode=0) @TestStep(Given) def set_envs_on_node(self, envs, node=None): """Set environment variables on node. :param envs: dictionary of env variables key=value """ if node is None: node = self.context.node try: with By("setting envs"): for key, value in envs.items(): node.command(f"export {key}={value}", exitcode=0) yield finally: with Finally(f"I unset envs"): for key in envs: node.command(f"unset {key}", exitcode=0)