#!/bin/bash set -ex set -o pipefail trap "exit" INT TERM trap 'kill $(jobs -pr) ||:' EXIT mkdir db0 ||: mkdir left ||: left_pr=$1 left_sha=$2 # right_pr=$3 not used for now right_sha=$4 datasets=${CHPC_DATASETS:-"hits1 hits10 hits100 values"} declare -A dataset_paths dataset_paths["hits10"]="https://s3.mds.yandex.net/clickhouse-private-datasets/hits_10m_single/partitions/hits_10m_single.tar" dataset_paths["hits100"]="https://s3.mds.yandex.net/clickhouse-private-datasets/hits_100m_single/partitions/hits_100m_single.tar" dataset_paths["hits1"]="https://clickhouse-datasets.s3.yandex.net/hits/partitions/hits_v1.tar" dataset_paths["values"]="https://clickhouse-datasets.s3.yandex.net/values_with_expressions/partitions/test_values.tar" function download { # Historically there were various paths for the performance test package. # Test all of them. for path in "https://clickhouse-builds.s3.yandex.net/$left_pr/$left_sha/"{,clickhouse_build_check/}"performance/performance.tgz" do if curl --fail --head "$path" then left_path="$path" fi done # Might have the same version on left and right (for testing) -- in this case we just copy # already downloaded 'right' to the 'left. There is the third case when we don't have to # download anything, for example in some manual runs. In this case, SHAs are not set. if ! [ "$left_sha" = "$right_sha" ] then wget -nv -nd -c "$left_path" -O- | tar -C left --strip-components=1 -zxv & elif [ "$right_sha" != "" ] then mkdir left ||: cp -an right/* left & fi for dataset_name in $datasets do dataset_path="${dataset_paths[$dataset_name]}" if [ "$dataset_path" = "" ] then >&2 echo "Unknown dataset '$dataset_name'" exit 1 fi cd db0 && wget -nv -nd -c "$dataset_path" -O- | tar -xv & done mkdir ~/fg ||: ( cd ~/fg wget -nv -nd -c "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/brendangregg/FlameGraph/master/flamegraph.pl" wget -nv -nd -c "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/brendangregg/FlameGraph/master/difffolded.pl" chmod +x ~/fg/difffolded.pl chmod +x ~/fg/flamegraph.pl ) & wait } download