--- title: 'ClickHouse Lecture at Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Science on June 11, 2019' image: 'https://blog-images.clickhouse.com/en/2019/clickhouse-lecture-at-institute-of-computing-technology-chinese-academy-of-science-on-june-11-2019/main.jpg' tags: ['lecture', 'events', 'China', 'Beijing', 'university', 'academy', 'institute'] date: '2019-06-14' --- Alexey Milovidov, head of ClickHouse development group at Yandex, have given an open two-part lecture at [Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Science](http://english.ict.cas.cn/): - ClickHouse history and evolution of Yandex.Metrica storage system - Internal implementation of ClickHouse and reasoning behind design decisions The event has been organised by [Amos Bird](https://github.com/amosbird), who is one of the most active ClickHouse community members and contributors, at the same time being a last year PhD student at this institution. Alexey with the event announcement: ![Alexey with the event announcement](https://blog-images.clickhouse.com/en/2019/clickhouse-lecture-at-institute-of-computing-technology-chinese-academy-of-science-on-june-11-2019/1.jpg)