--- slug: /en/sql-reference/aggregate-functions/reference/uniqhll12 sidebar_position: 194 --- # uniqHLL12 Calculates the approximate number of different argument values, using the [HyperLogLog](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HyperLogLog) algorithm. ``` sql uniqHLL12(x[, ...]) ``` **Arguments** The function takes a variable number of parameters. Parameters can be `Tuple`, `Array`, `Date`, `DateTime`, `String`, or numeric types. **Returned value** - A [UInt64](../../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md)-type number. **Implementation details** Function: - Calculates a hash for all parameters in the aggregate, then uses it in calculations. - Uses the HyperLogLog algorithm to approximate the number of different argument values. 2^12 5-bit cells are used. The size of the state is slightly more than 2.5 KB. The result is not very accurate (up to ~10% error) for small data sets (<10K elements). However, the result is fairly accurate for high-cardinality data sets (10K-100M), with a maximum error of ~1.6%. Starting from 100M, the estimation error increases, and the function will return very inaccurate results for data sets with extremely high cardinality (1B+ elements). - Provides the determinate result (it does not depend on the query processing order). We do not recommend using this function. In most cases, use the [uniq](../../../sql-reference/aggregate-functions/reference/uniq.md#agg_function-uniq) or [uniqCombined](../../../sql-reference/aggregate-functions/reference/uniqcombined.md#agg_function-uniqcombined) function. **See Also** - [uniq](../../../sql-reference/aggregate-functions/reference/uniq.md#agg_function-uniq) - [uniqCombined](../../../sql-reference/aggregate-functions/reference/uniqcombined.md#agg_function-uniqcombined) - [uniqExact](../../../sql-reference/aggregate-functions/reference/uniqexact.md#agg_function-uniqexact) - [uniqTheta](../../../sql-reference/aggregate-functions/reference/uniqthetasketch.md#agg_function-uniqthetasketch)