#include "CacheDictionary.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "CacheDictionary.inc.h" #include "DictionaryBlockInputStream.h" #include "DictionaryFactory.h" namespace ProfileEvents { extern const Event DictCacheKeysRequested; extern const Event DictCacheKeysRequestedMiss; extern const Event DictCacheKeysRequestedFound; extern const Event DictCacheKeysExpired; extern const Event DictCacheKeysNotFound; extern const Event DictCacheKeysHit; extern const Event DictCacheRequestTimeNs; extern const Event DictCacheRequests; extern const Event DictCacheLockWriteNs; extern const Event DictCacheLockReadNs; } namespace CurrentMetrics { extern const Metric DictCacheRequests; } namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int CACHE_DICTIONARY_UPDATE_FAIL; extern const int TYPE_MISMATCH; extern const int BAD_ARGUMENTS; extern const int UNSUPPORTED_METHOD; extern const int TOO_SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE; extern const int TIMEOUT_EXCEEDED; } inline size_t CacheDictionary::getCellIdx(const Key id) const { const auto hash = intHash64(id); const auto idx = hash & size_overlap_mask; return idx; } CacheDictionary::CacheDictionary( const StorageID & dict_id_, const DictionaryStructure & dict_struct_, DictionarySourcePtr source_ptr_, DictionaryLifetime dict_lifetime_, size_t strict_max_lifetime_seconds_, size_t size_, bool allow_read_expired_keys_, size_t max_update_queue_size_, size_t update_queue_push_timeout_milliseconds_, size_t query_wait_timeout_milliseconds_, size_t max_threads_for_updates_) : IDictionary(dict_id_) , dict_struct(dict_struct_) , source_ptr{std::move(source_ptr_)} , dict_lifetime(dict_lifetime_) , strict_max_lifetime_seconds(strict_max_lifetime_seconds_) , allow_read_expired_keys(allow_read_expired_keys_) , max_update_queue_size(max_update_queue_size_) , update_queue_push_timeout_milliseconds(update_queue_push_timeout_milliseconds_) , query_wait_timeout_milliseconds(query_wait_timeout_milliseconds_) , max_threads_for_updates(max_threads_for_updates_) , log(&Poco::Logger::get("ExternalDictionaries")) , size{roundUpToPowerOfTwoOrZero(std::max(size_, size_t(max_collision_length)))} , size_overlap_mask{this->size - 1} , cells{this->size} , rnd_engine(randomSeed()) , update_queue(max_update_queue_size_) , update_pool(max_threads_for_updates) { if (!source_ptr->supportsSelectiveLoad()) throw Exception{full_name + ": source cannot be used with CacheDictionary", ErrorCodes::UNSUPPORTED_METHOD}; createAttributes(); for (size_t i = 0; i < max_threads_for_updates; ++i) update_pool.scheduleOrThrowOnError([this] { updateThreadFunction(); }); } CacheDictionary::~CacheDictionary() { finished = true; update_queue.clear(); for (size_t i = 0; i < max_threads_for_updates; ++i) { auto empty_finishing_ptr = std::make_shared(std::vector()); update_queue.push(empty_finishing_ptr); } update_pool.wait(); } size_t CacheDictionary::getBytesAllocated() const { /// In case of existing string arena we check the size of it. /// But the same appears in setAttributeValue() function, which is called from update() function /// which in turn is called from another thread. const ProfilingScopedReadRWLock read_lock{rw_lock, ProfileEvents::DictCacheLockReadNs}; return bytes_allocated + (string_arena ? string_arena->size() : 0); } const IDictionarySource * CacheDictionary::getSource() const { /// Mutex required here because of the getSourceAndUpdateIfNeeded() function /// which is used from another thread. std::lock_guard lock(source_mutex); return source_ptr.get(); } void CacheDictionary::toParent(const PaddedPODArray & ids, PaddedPODArray & out) const { const auto null_value = std::get(hierarchical_attribute->null_value); getItemsNumberImpl(*hierarchical_attribute, ids, out, [&](const size_t) { return null_value; }); } /// Allow to use single value in same way as array. static inline CacheDictionary::Key getAt(const PaddedPODArray & arr, const size_t idx) { return arr[idx]; } static inline CacheDictionary::Key getAt(const CacheDictionary::Key & value, const size_t) { return value; } template void CacheDictionary::isInImpl(const PaddedPODArray & child_ids, const AncestorType & ancestor_ids, PaddedPODArray & out) const { /// Transform all children to parents until ancestor id or null_value will be reached. size_t out_size = out.size(); memset(out.data(), 0xFF, out_size); /// 0xFF means "not calculated" const auto null_value = std::get(hierarchical_attribute->null_value); PaddedPODArray children(out_size, 0); PaddedPODArray parents(child_ids.begin(), child_ids.end()); for (size_t i = 0; i < DBMS_HIERARCHICAL_DICTIONARY_MAX_DEPTH; ++i) { size_t out_idx = 0; size_t parents_idx = 0; size_t new_children_idx = 0; while (out_idx < out_size) { /// Already calculated if (out[out_idx] != 0xFF) { ++out_idx; continue; } /// No parent if (parents[parents_idx] == null_value) { out[out_idx] = 0; } /// Found ancestor else if (parents[parents_idx] == getAt(ancestor_ids, parents_idx)) { out[out_idx] = 1; } /// Loop detected else if (children[new_children_idx] == parents[parents_idx]) { out[out_idx] = 1; } /// Found intermediate parent, add this value to search at next loop iteration else { children[new_children_idx] = parents[parents_idx]; ++new_children_idx; } ++out_idx; ++parents_idx; } if (new_children_idx == 0) break; /// Transform all children to its parents. children.resize(new_children_idx); parents.resize(new_children_idx); toParent(children, parents); } } void CacheDictionary::isInVectorVector( const PaddedPODArray & child_ids, const PaddedPODArray & ancestor_ids, PaddedPODArray & out) const { isInImpl(child_ids, ancestor_ids, out); } void CacheDictionary::isInVectorConstant(const PaddedPODArray & child_ids, const Key ancestor_id, PaddedPODArray & out) const { isInImpl(child_ids, ancestor_id, out); } void CacheDictionary::isInConstantVector(const Key child_id, const PaddedPODArray & ancestor_ids, PaddedPODArray & out) const { /// Special case with single child value. const auto null_value = std::get(hierarchical_attribute->null_value); PaddedPODArray child(1, child_id); PaddedPODArray parent(1); std::vector ancestors(1, child_id); /// Iteratively find all ancestors for child. for (size_t i = 0; i < DBMS_HIERARCHICAL_DICTIONARY_MAX_DEPTH; ++i) { toParent(child, parent); if (parent[0] == null_value) break; child[0] = parent[0]; ancestors.push_back(parent[0]); } /// Assuming short hierarchy, so linear search is Ok. for (size_t i = 0, out_size = out.size(); i < out_size; ++i) out[i] = std::find(ancestors.begin(), ancestors.end(), ancestor_ids[i]) != ancestors.end(); } void CacheDictionary::getString(const std::string & attribute_name, const PaddedPODArray & ids, ColumnString * out) const { auto & attribute = getAttribute(attribute_name); checkAttributeType(this, attribute_name, attribute.type, AttributeUnderlyingType::utString); const auto null_value = StringRef{std::get(attribute.null_value)}; getItemsString(attribute, ids, out, [&](const size_t) { return null_value; }); } void CacheDictionary::getString( const std::string & attribute_name, const PaddedPODArray & ids, const ColumnString * const def, ColumnString * const out) const { auto & attribute = getAttribute(attribute_name); checkAttributeType(this, attribute_name, attribute.type, AttributeUnderlyingType::utString); getItemsString(attribute, ids, out, [&](const size_t row) { return def->getDataAt(row); }); } void CacheDictionary::getString( const std::string & attribute_name, const PaddedPODArray & ids, const String & def, ColumnString * const out) const { auto & attribute = getAttribute(attribute_name); checkAttributeType(this, attribute_name, attribute.type, AttributeUnderlyingType::utString); getItemsString(attribute, ids, out, [&](const size_t) { return StringRef{def}; }); } template struct Overloaded : Ts... {using Ts::operator()...;}; template Overloaded(Ts...) -> Overloaded; std::string CacheDictionary::AttributeValuesForKey::dump() { WriteBufferFromOwnString os; for (auto & attr : values) std::visit(Overloaded { [&os](UInt8 arg) { os << "type: UInt8, value: " << std::to_string(arg) << "\n"; }, [&os](UInt16 arg) { os << "type: UInt16, value: " << std::to_string(arg) << "\n"; }, [&os](UInt32 arg) { os << "type: UInt32, value: " << std::to_string(arg) << "\n"; }, [&os](UInt64 arg) { os << "type: UInt64, value: " << std::to_string(arg) << "\n"; }, [&os](UInt128 arg) { os << "type: UInt128, value: " << arg.toHexString() << "\n"; }, [&os](Int8 arg) { os << "type: Int8, value: " << std::to_string(arg) << "\n"; }, [&os](Int16 arg) { os << "type: Int16, value: " << std::to_string(arg) << "\n"; }, [&os](Int32 arg) { os << "type: Int32, value: " << std::to_string(arg) << "\n"; }, [&os](Int64 arg) { os << "type: Int64, value: " << std::to_string(arg) << "\n"; }, [&os](Decimal32 arg) { os << "type: Decimal32, value: " << std::to_string(arg) << "\n"; }, [&os](Decimal64 arg) { os << "type: Decimal64, value: " << std::to_string(arg) << "\n"; }, [&os](Decimal128) { os << "type: Decimal128, value: ???" << "\n" ; }, [&os](Float32 arg) { os << "type: Float32, value: " << std::to_string(arg) << "\n"; }, [&os](Float64 arg) { os << "type: Float64, value: " << std::to_string(arg) << "\n"; }, [&os](String arg) { os << "type: String, value: " << arg + "\n"; } }, attr); return os.str(); }; std::string CacheDictionary::UpdateUnit::dumpFoundIds() { WriteBufferFromOwnString os; for (auto it : found_ids) { os << "Key: " << std::to_string(it.first) << "\n"; if (it.second.found) os << it.second.dump() << "\n"; } return os.str(); }; /// Returns cell_idx in handmade open addressing cache table and the state of the cell stored the key. CacheDictionary::FindResult CacheDictionary::findCellIdxForGet(const Key & id, const time_point_t now) const { auto pos = getCellIdx(id); const auto stop = pos + max_collision_length; for (; pos < stop; ++pos) { const auto cell_idx = pos & size_overlap_mask; const auto & cell = cells[cell_idx]; if (cell.id != id) continue; if (isExpiredPermanently(now, cell.expiresAt())) return {cell_idx, ResultState::FoundButExpiredPermanently}; if (isExpired(now, cell.expiresAt())) return {cell_idx, ResultState::FoundButExpired}; return {cell_idx, ResultState::FoundAndValid}; } return {pos & size_overlap_mask, ResultState::NotFound}; } /// Returns cell_idx such that cells[cell_idx].id = id or the oldest cell in bounds of max_coolision_length. size_t CacheDictionary::findCellIdxForSet(const Key & id) const { auto pos = getCellIdx(id); auto oldest_id = pos; auto oldest_time = time_point_t::max(); const auto stop = pos + max_collision_length; for (; pos < stop; ++pos) { const auto cell_idx = pos & size_overlap_mask; const auto & cell = cells[cell_idx]; if (cell.id != id) { /// maybe we already found nearest expired cell (try minimize collision_length on insert) if (cell.expiresAt() < oldest_time) { oldest_time = cell.expiresAt(); oldest_id = cell_idx; } continue; } /// We found the exact place for id. return cell_idx; } return oldest_id; } void CacheDictionary::has(const PaddedPODArray & ids, PaddedPODArray & out) const { /// There are three types of ids. /// - Valid ids. These ids are presented in local cache and their lifetime is not expired. /// - CacheExpired ids. Ids that are in local cache, but their values are rotted (lifetime is expired). /// - CacheNotFound ids. We have to go to external storage to know its value. /// Mark everything as absent. const auto rows = ext::size(ids); for (const auto row : ext::range(0, rows)) out[row] = false; /// Mapping: -> { all indices `i` of `ids` such that `ids[i]` = } std::unordered_map> cache_expired_or_not_found_ids; size_t cache_hit = 0; size_t cache_expired_count = 0; size_t cache_not_found_count = 0; { const ProfilingScopedReadRWLock read_lock{rw_lock, ProfileEvents::DictCacheLockReadNs}; const auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); /// fetch up-to-date values, decide which ones require update for (const auto row : ext::range(0, rows)) { const auto id = ids[row]; const auto [cell_idx, state] = findCellIdxForGet(id, now); auto & cell = cells[cell_idx]; auto insert_to_answer_routine = [&] () { out[row] = !cell.isDefault(); }; if (state == ResultState::FoundAndValid) { ++cache_hit; insert_to_answer_routine(); } else if (state == ResultState::NotFound || state == ResultState::FoundButExpiredPermanently) { /// Permanently expired equals to not found semantically. ++cache_not_found_count; cache_expired_or_not_found_ids[id].push_back(row); } else if (state == ResultState::FoundButExpired) { cache_expired_count++; cache_expired_or_not_found_ids[id].push_back(row); if (allow_read_expired_keys) insert_to_answer_routine(); } } } ProfileEvents::increment(ProfileEvents::DictCacheKeysExpired, cache_expired_count); ProfileEvents::increment(ProfileEvents::DictCacheKeysNotFound, cache_not_found_count); ProfileEvents::increment(ProfileEvents::DictCacheKeysHit, cache_hit); query_count.fetch_add(rows, std::memory_order_relaxed); hit_count.fetch_add(rows - cache_expired_count - cache_not_found_count, std::memory_order_release); if (!cache_not_found_count) { /// Nothing to update - return; if (!cache_expired_count) return; if (allow_read_expired_keys) { std::vector required_expired_ids; required_expired_ids.reserve(cache_expired_count); std::transform( std::begin(cache_expired_or_not_found_ids), std::end(cache_expired_or_not_found_ids), std::back_inserter(required_expired_ids), [](auto & pair) { return pair.first; }); auto update_unit_ptr = std::make_shared(std::move(required_expired_ids)); tryPushToUpdateQueueOrThrow(update_unit_ptr); /// Update is async - no need to wait. return; } } /// At this point we have two situations. /// There may be both types of keys: expired and not_found. /// We will update them all synchronously. std::vector required_ids; required_ids.reserve(cache_not_found_count + cache_expired_count); std::transform( std::begin(cache_expired_or_not_found_ids), std::end(cache_expired_or_not_found_ids), std::back_inserter(required_ids), [](auto & pair) { return pair.first; }); auto update_unit_ptr = std::make_shared(std::move(required_ids)); tryPushToUpdateQueueOrThrow(update_unit_ptr); waitForCurrentUpdateFinish(update_unit_ptr); for (auto & [key, value] : update_unit_ptr->found_ids) { if (value.found) for (const auto row : cache_expired_or_not_found_ids[key]) out[row] = true; } } void CacheDictionary::createAttributes() { const auto attributes_size = dict_struct.attributes.size(); attributes.reserve(attributes_size); bytes_allocated += size * sizeof(CellMetadata); bytes_allocated += attributes_size * sizeof(attributes.front()); for (const auto & attribute : dict_struct.attributes) { attribute_index_by_name.emplace(attribute.name, attributes.size()); attributes.push_back(createAttributeWithTypeAndName(attribute.underlying_type, attribute.name, attribute.null_value)); if (attribute.hierarchical) { hierarchical_attribute = &attributes.back(); if (hierarchical_attribute->type != AttributeUnderlyingType::utUInt64) throw Exception{full_name + ": hierarchical attribute must be UInt64.", ErrorCodes::TYPE_MISMATCH}; } } } /* For unknown reason clang-tidy wants this function to be static, but it uses bytes_allocated, which is a class member. * NOLINT(readability-convert-member-functions-to-static) */ CacheDictionary::Attribute CacheDictionary::createAttributeWithTypeAndName(const AttributeUnderlyingType type, const String & name, const Field & null_value) { Attribute attr{type, name, {}, {}}; switch (type) { /* Macro argument should be enclosed in parentheses, but if do so we cannot initialize \ * NearestFieldType which takes TYPE as a template parameter. */ #define DISPATCH(TYPE)\ case AttributeUnderlyingType::ut##TYPE:\ {\ attr.null_value = TYPE(null_value.get>()); /* NOLINT(bugprone-macro-parentheses) */ \ attr.arrays = std::make_unique>(size); /* NOLINT(bugprone-macro-parentheses) */ \ bytes_allocated += size * sizeof(TYPE);\ break;\ } DISPATCH(UInt8) DISPATCH(UInt16) DISPATCH(UInt32) DISPATCH(UInt64) DISPATCH(UInt128) DISPATCH(Int8) DISPATCH(Int16) DISPATCH(Int32) DISPATCH(Int64) DISPATCH(Decimal32) DISPATCH(Decimal64) DISPATCH(Decimal128) DISPATCH(Float32) DISPATCH(Float64) #undef DISPATCH case AttributeUnderlyingType::utString: { attr.null_value = null_value.get(); attr.arrays = std::make_unique>(size); bytes_allocated += size * sizeof(StringRef); if (!string_arena) string_arena = std::make_unique(); break; } } return attr; } void CacheDictionary::setDefaultAttributeValue(Attribute & attribute, const Key idx) const { switch (attribute.type) { /* Macro argument should be enclosed in parentheses, but if do so we cannot initialize \ * NearestFieldType which takes TYPE as a template parameter. */ #define DISPATCH(TYPE)\ case AttributeUnderlyingType::ut##TYPE:\ std::get>(attribute.arrays)[idx] = std::get(attribute.null_value); /* NOLINT(bugprone-macro-parentheses) */ \ break; DISPATCH(UInt8) DISPATCH(UInt16) DISPATCH(UInt32) DISPATCH(UInt64) DISPATCH(UInt128) DISPATCH(Int8) DISPATCH(Int16) DISPATCH(Int32) DISPATCH(Int64) DISPATCH(Decimal32) DISPATCH(Decimal64) DISPATCH(Decimal128) DISPATCH(Float32) DISPATCH(Float64) #undef DISPATCH case AttributeUnderlyingType::utString: { const auto & null_value_ref = std::get(attribute.null_value); auto & string_ref = std::get>(attribute.arrays)[idx]; if (string_ref.data != null_value_ref.data()) { if (string_ref.data) string_arena->free(const_cast(string_ref.data), string_ref.size); string_ref = StringRef{null_value_ref}; } break; } } } void CacheDictionary::setAttributeValue(Attribute & attribute, const Key idx, const Field & value) const { switch (attribute.type) { case AttributeUnderlyingType::utUInt8: std::get>(attribute.arrays)[idx] = value.get(); break; case AttributeUnderlyingType::utUInt16: std::get>(attribute.arrays)[idx] = value.get(); break; case AttributeUnderlyingType::utUInt32: std::get>(attribute.arrays)[idx] = value.get(); break; case AttributeUnderlyingType::utUInt64: std::get>(attribute.arrays)[idx] = value.get(); break; case AttributeUnderlyingType::utUInt128: std::get>(attribute.arrays)[idx] = value.get(); break; case AttributeUnderlyingType::utInt8: std::get>(attribute.arrays)[idx] = value.get(); break; case AttributeUnderlyingType::utInt16: std::get>(attribute.arrays)[idx] = value.get(); break; case AttributeUnderlyingType::utInt32: std::get>(attribute.arrays)[idx] = value.get(); break; case AttributeUnderlyingType::utInt64: std::get>(attribute.arrays)[idx] = value.get(); break; case AttributeUnderlyingType::utFloat32: std::get>(attribute.arrays)[idx] = value.get(); break; case AttributeUnderlyingType::utFloat64: std::get>(attribute.arrays)[idx] = value.get(); break; case AttributeUnderlyingType::utDecimal32: std::get>(attribute.arrays)[idx] = value.get(); break; case AttributeUnderlyingType::utDecimal64: std::get>(attribute.arrays)[idx] = value.get(); break; case AttributeUnderlyingType::utDecimal128: std::get>(attribute.arrays)[idx] = value.get(); break; case AttributeUnderlyingType::utString: { const auto & string = value.get(); auto & string_ref = std::get>(attribute.arrays)[idx]; const auto & null_value_ref = std::get(attribute.null_value); /// free memory unless it points to a null_value if (string_ref.data && string_ref.data != null_value_ref.data()) string_arena->free(const_cast(string_ref.data), string_ref.size); const auto str_size = string.size(); if (str_size != 0) { auto * string_ptr = string_arena->alloc(str_size + 1); std::copy(string.data(), string.data() + str_size + 1, string_ptr); string_ref = StringRef{string_ptr, str_size}; } else string_ref = {}; break; } } } CacheDictionary::Attribute & CacheDictionary::getAttribute(const std::string & attribute_name) const { const size_t attr_index = getAttributeIndex(attribute_name); return attributes[attr_index]; } size_t CacheDictionary::getAttributeIndex(const std::string & attribute_name) const { const auto it = attribute_index_by_name.find(attribute_name); if (it == std::end(attribute_index_by_name)) throw Exception{full_name + ": no such attribute '" + attribute_name + "'", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS}; return it->second; } bool CacheDictionary::isEmptyCell(const UInt64 idx) const { return (idx != zero_cell_idx && cells[idx].id == 0) || (cells[idx].deadline == time_point_t()); } PaddedPODArray CacheDictionary::getCachedIds() const { const ProfilingScopedReadRWLock read_lock{rw_lock, ProfileEvents::DictCacheLockReadNs}; PaddedPODArray array; for (size_t idx = 0; idx < cells.size(); ++idx) { auto & cell = cells[idx]; if (!isEmptyCell(idx) && !cells[idx].isDefault()) array.push_back(cell.id); } return array; } BlockInputStreamPtr CacheDictionary::getBlockInputStream(const Names & column_names, size_t max_block_size) const { using BlockInputStreamType = DictionaryBlockInputStream; return std::make_shared(shared_from_this(), max_block_size, getCachedIds(), column_names); } std::exception_ptr CacheDictionary::getLastException() const { const ProfilingScopedReadRWLock read_lock{rw_lock, ProfileEvents::DictCacheLockReadNs}; return last_exception; } void registerDictionaryCache(DictionaryFactory & factory) { auto create_layout = [=](const std::string & full_name, const DictionaryStructure & dict_struct, const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config, const std::string & config_prefix, DictionarySourcePtr source_ptr) -> DictionaryPtr { if (dict_struct.key) throw Exception{"'key' is not supported for dictionary of layout 'cache'", ErrorCodes::UNSUPPORTED_METHOD}; if (dict_struct.range_min || dict_struct.range_max) throw Exception{full_name + ": elements .structure.range_min and .structure.range_max should be defined only " "for a dictionary of layout 'range_hashed'", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS}; const auto & layout_prefix = config_prefix + ".layout"; const size_t size = config.getUInt64(layout_prefix + ".cache.size_in_cells"); if (size == 0) throw Exception{full_name + ": dictionary of layout 'cache' cannot have 0 cells", ErrorCodes::TOO_SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE}; const bool require_nonempty = config.getBool(config_prefix + ".require_nonempty", false); if (require_nonempty) throw Exception{full_name + ": dictionary of layout 'cache' cannot have 'require_nonempty' attribute set", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS}; const auto dict_id = StorageID::fromDictionaryConfig(config, config_prefix); const DictionaryLifetime dict_lifetime{config, config_prefix + ".lifetime"}; const size_t strict_max_lifetime_seconds = config.getUInt64(layout_prefix + ".cache.strict_max_lifetime_seconds", static_cast(dict_lifetime.max_sec)); const size_t max_update_queue_size = config.getUInt64(layout_prefix + ".cache.max_update_queue_size", 100000); if (max_update_queue_size == 0) throw Exception{full_name + ": dictionary of layout 'cache' cannot have empty update queue of size 0", ErrorCodes::TOO_SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE}; const bool allow_read_expired_keys = config.getBool(layout_prefix + ".cache.allow_read_expired_keys", false); const size_t update_queue_push_timeout_milliseconds = config.getUInt64(layout_prefix + ".cache.update_queue_push_timeout_milliseconds", 10); if (update_queue_push_timeout_milliseconds < 10) throw Exception{full_name + ": dictionary of layout 'cache' have too little update_queue_push_timeout", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS}; const size_t query_wait_timeout_milliseconds = config.getUInt64(layout_prefix + ".cache.query_wait_timeout_milliseconds", 60000); const size_t max_threads_for_updates = config.getUInt64(layout_prefix + ".max_threads_for_updates", 4); if (max_threads_for_updates == 0) throw Exception{full_name + ": dictionary of layout 'cache' cannot have zero threads for updates.", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS}; return std::make_unique( dict_id, dict_struct, std::move(source_ptr), dict_lifetime, strict_max_lifetime_seconds, size, allow_read_expired_keys, max_update_queue_size, update_queue_push_timeout_milliseconds, query_wait_timeout_milliseconds, max_threads_for_updates); }; factory.registerLayout("cache", create_layout, false); } void CacheDictionary::updateThreadFunction() { setThreadName("AsyncUpdater"); while (!finished) { UpdateUnitPtr popped; update_queue.pop(popped); if (finished) break; try { /// Update a bunch of ids. update(popped); /// Notify thread about finished updating the bunch of ids /// where their own ids were included. std::unique_lock lock(update_mutex); popped->is_done = true; is_update_finished.notify_all(); } catch (...) { std::unique_lock lock(update_mutex); popped->current_exception = std::current_exception(); is_update_finished.notify_all(); } } } void CacheDictionary::waitForCurrentUpdateFinish(UpdateUnitPtr & update_unit_ptr) const { std::unique_lock update_lock(update_mutex); bool result = is_update_finished.wait_for( update_lock, std::chrono::milliseconds(query_wait_timeout_milliseconds), [&] { return update_unit_ptr->is_done || update_unit_ptr->current_exception; }); if (!result) { throw DB::Exception(ErrorCodes::TIMEOUT_EXCEEDED, "Dictionary {} source seems unavailable, because {}ms timeout exceeded.", getDictionaryID().getNameForLogs(), toString(query_wait_timeout_milliseconds)); } if (update_unit_ptr->current_exception) { // Don't just rethrow it, because sharing the same exception object // between multiple threads can lead to weird effects if they decide to // modify it, for example, by adding some error context. try { std::rethrow_exception(update_unit_ptr->current_exception); } catch (...) { throw DB::Exception(ErrorCodes::CACHE_DICTIONARY_UPDATE_FAIL, "Update failed for dictionary '{}': {}", getDictionaryID().getNameForLogs(), getCurrentExceptionMessage(true /*with stack trace*/, true /*check embedded stack trace*/)); } } } void CacheDictionary::tryPushToUpdateQueueOrThrow(UpdateUnitPtr & update_unit_ptr) const { if (!update_queue.tryPush(update_unit_ptr, update_queue_push_timeout_milliseconds)) throw DB::Exception(ErrorCodes::CACHE_DICTIONARY_UPDATE_FAIL, "Cannot push to internal update queue in dictionary {}. " "Timelimit of {} ms. exceeded. Current queue size is {}", getDictionaryID().getNameForLogs(), std::to_string(update_queue_push_timeout_milliseconds), std::to_string(update_queue.size())); } std::vector CacheDictionary::getAttributeValuesFromBlockAtPosition(const std::vector & column_ptrs, size_t position) { std::vector answer; answer.reserve(column_ptrs.size()); for (const auto * pure_column : column_ptrs) { #define DISPATCH(TYPE) \ if (const auto * column = typeid_cast(pure_column)) { \ answer.emplace_back(column->getElement(position)); \ continue; \ } DISPATCH(UInt8) DISPATCH(UInt16) DISPATCH(UInt32) DISPATCH(UInt64) DISPATCH(UInt128) DISPATCH(Int8) DISPATCH(Int16) DISPATCH(Int32) DISPATCH(Int64) DISPATCH(Decimal) DISPATCH(Decimal) DISPATCH(Decimal) DISPATCH(Float32) DISPATCH(Float64) #undef DISPATCH if (const auto * column = typeid_cast(pure_column)) { answer.emplace_back(column->getDataAt(position).toString()); continue; } } return answer; } void CacheDictionary::update(UpdateUnitPtr & update_unit_ptr) { CurrentMetrics::Increment metric_increment{CurrentMetrics::DictCacheRequests}; ProfileEvents::increment(ProfileEvents::DictCacheKeysRequested, update_unit_ptr->requested_ids.size()); auto & map_ids = update_unit_ptr->found_ids; size_t found_num = 0; const auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); if (now > backoff_end_time.load()) { try { auto current_source_ptr = getSourceAndUpdateIfNeeded(); Stopwatch watch; BlockInputStreamPtr stream = current_source_ptr->loadIds(update_unit_ptr->requested_ids); stream->readPrefix(); while (true) { Block block = stream->read(); if (!block) break; const auto * id_column = typeid_cast(block.safeGetByPosition(0).column.get()); if (!id_column) throw Exception{ErrorCodes::TYPE_MISMATCH, "{}: id column has type different from UInt64.", getDictionaryID().getNameForLogs()}; const auto & ids = id_column->getData(); /// cache column pointers const auto column_ptrs = ext::map( ext::range(0, attributes.size()), [&block](size_t i) { return block.safeGetByPosition(i + 1).column.get(); }); found_num += ids.size(); for (const auto i : ext::range(0, ids.size())) { /// Modifying cache with write lock ProfilingScopedWriteRWLock write_lock{rw_lock, ProfileEvents::DictCacheLockWriteNs}; const auto id = ids[i]; const auto cell_idx = findCellIdxForSet(id); auto & cell = cells[cell_idx]; auto it = map_ids.find(id); /// We have some extra keys from source. Won't add them to cache. if (it == map_ids.end()) continue; auto & all_attributes = it->second; all_attributes.found = true; all_attributes.values = getAttributeValuesFromBlockAtPosition(column_ptrs, i); for (const auto attribute_idx : ext::range(0, attributes.size())) { const auto & attribute_column = *column_ptrs[attribute_idx]; auto & attribute = attributes[attribute_idx]; setAttributeValue(attribute, cell_idx, attribute_column[i]); } /// if cell id is zero and zero does not map to this cell, then the cell is unused if (cell.id == 0 && cell_idx != zero_cell_idx) element_count.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed); cell.id = id; setLifetime(cell, now); } } stream->readSuffix(); /// Lock for cache modification ProfilingScopedWriteRWLock write_lock{rw_lock, ProfileEvents::DictCacheLockWriteNs}; for (auto & [key, value] : update_unit_ptr->found_ids) { if (!value.found) { auto cell_idx = findCellIdxForSet(key); auto & cell = cells[cell_idx]; cell.id = key; setLifetime(cell, now); cell.setDefault(); } } error_count = 0; last_exception = std::exception_ptr{}; backoff_end_time = std::chrono::system_clock::time_point{}; ProfileEvents::increment(ProfileEvents::DictCacheRequestTimeNs, watch.elapsed()); } catch (...) { /// Lock just for last_exception safety ProfilingScopedWriteRWLock write_lock{rw_lock, ProfileEvents::DictCacheLockWriteNs}; ++error_count; last_exception = std::current_exception(); backoff_end_time = now + std::chrono::seconds(calculateDurationWithBackoff(rnd_engine, error_count)); tryLogException(last_exception, log, "Could not update cache dictionary '" + getDictionaryID().getNameForLogs() + "', next update is scheduled at " + ext::to_string(backoff_end_time.load())); try { std::rethrow_exception(last_exception); } catch (...) { throw DB::Exception(ErrorCodes::CACHE_DICTIONARY_UPDATE_FAIL, "Update failed for dictionary {} : {}", getDictionaryID().getNameForLogs(), getCurrentExceptionMessage(true /*with stack trace*/, true /*check embedded stack trace*/)); } } ProfileEvents::increment(ProfileEvents::DictCacheKeysRequestedMiss, update_unit_ptr->requested_ids.size() - found_num); ProfileEvents::increment(ProfileEvents::DictCacheKeysRequestedFound, found_num); ProfileEvents::increment(ProfileEvents::DictCacheRequests); } else { /// Won't request source for keys throw DB::Exception(ErrorCodes::CACHE_DICTIONARY_UPDATE_FAIL, "Query contains keys that are not present in cache or expired. Could not update cache dictionary {} now, because nearest update is scheduled at {}. Try again later.", getDictionaryID().getNameForLogs(), ext::to_string(backoff_end_time.load())); } } }