set(LIBNAME "PocoFoundation") set(POCO_LIBNAME "${LIBNAME}") # Sources file(GLOB SRCS_G "src/*.cpp") POCO_SOURCES_AUTO( SRCS ${SRCS_G}) # Headers file(GLOB_RECURSE HDRS_G "include/*.h" ) POCO_HEADERS_AUTO( SRCS ${HDRS_G}) # Platform Specific POCO_SOURCES_AUTO_PLAT( SRCS OPENVMS src/OpcomChannel.cpp ) POCO_HEADERS_AUTO( SRCS include/Poco/OpcomChannel.h ) POCO_SOURCES_AUTO_PLAT( SRCS UNIX src/SyslogChannel.cpp ) POCO_HEADERS_AUTO( SRCS include/Poco/SyslogChannel.h ) # For Windows CE we need to disable these if(WINCE) POCO_SOURCES_AUTO_PLAT( SRCS OFF src/WindowsConsoleChannel.cpp src/EventLogChannel.cpp ) else() POCO_SOURCES_AUTO_PLAT( SRCS WIN32 src/WindowsConsoleChannel.cpp src/EventLogChannel.cpp ) endif() # Messages POCO_MESSAGES( SRCS Logging src/ # If POCO_UNBUNDLED is enabled we try to find the required packages # The configuration will fail if the packages are not found if (POCO_UNBUNDLED) find_package(PCRE REQUIRED) set(SYSLIBS ${SYSLIBS} ${PCRE_LIBRARIES}) include_directories(${PCRE_INCLUDE_DIRS}) #HACK: Unicode.cpp requires functions from these files. The can't be taken from the library POCO_SOURCES( SRCS RegExp src/pcre_ucd.c src/pcre_tables.c ) else() # pcre POCO_SOURCES( SRCS pcre src/pcre_config.c src/pcre_byte_order.c src/pcre_chartables.c src/pcre_compile.c src/pcre_exec.c src/pcre_fullinfo.c src/pcre_globals.c src/pcre_maketables.c src/pcre_newline.c src/pcre_ord2utf8.c src/pcre_study.c src/pcre_tables.c src/pcre_dfa_exec.c src/pcre_get.c src/pcre_jit_compile.c src/pcre_refcount.c src/pcre_string_utils.c src/pcre_version.c src/pcre_ucd.c src/pcre_valid_utf8.c src/pcre_xclass.c ) endif (POCO_UNBUNDLED) # Use zlib found by clickhouse. set(SYSLIBS ${SYSLIBS} ${ZLIB_LIBRARIES}) if(WIN32) set(SYSLIBS ${SYSLIBS} iphlpapi) endif(WIN32) if (${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID} MATCHES "SunPro") set_target_properties( "${LIBNAME}" PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "-library=stlport4") endif (${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID} MATCHES "SunPro") # TODO: Why is this here? add_definitions( -DPCRE_STATIC) include_directories (BEFORE include) add_library( "${LIBNAME}" ${LIB_MODE} ${SRCS}) set_target_properties( "${LIBNAME}" PROPERTIES VERSION ${PROJECT_VERSION} SOVERSION ${SHARED_LIBRARY_VERSION} OUTPUT_NAME ${POCO_LIBNAME} DEFINE_SYMBOL Foundation_EXPORTS ) target_link_libraries( "${LIBNAME}" ${SYSLIBS}) if (POCO_ENABLE_TESTS) add_subdirectory( samples ) add_subdirectory( testsuite ) endif ()