--- slug: /en/sql-reference/functions/url-functions sidebar_position: 54 sidebar_label: URLs --- # Functions for Working with URLs All these functions do not follow the RFC. They are maximally simplified for improved performance. ## Functions that Extract Parts of a URL If the relevant part isn’t present in a URL, an empty string is returned. ### protocol Extracts the protocol from a URL. Examples of typical returned values: http, https, ftp, mailto, tel, magnet… ### domain Extracts the hostname from a URL. ``` sql domain(url) ``` **Arguments** - `url` — URL. Type: [String](../../sql-reference/data-types/string.md). The URL can be specified with or without a scheme. Examples: ``` text svn+ssh://some.svn-hosting.com:80/repo/trunk some.svn-hosting.com:80/repo/trunk https://clickhouse.com/time/ ``` For these examples, the `domain` function returns the following results: ``` text some.svn-hosting.com some.svn-hosting.com clickhouse.com ``` **Returned values** - Host name. If ClickHouse can parse the input string as a URL. - Empty string. If ClickHouse can’t parse the input string as a URL. Type: `String`. **Example** ``` sql SELECT domain('svn+ssh://some.svn-hosting.com:80/repo/trunk'); ``` ``` text ┌─domain('svn+ssh://some.svn-hosting.com:80/repo/trunk')─┐ │ some.svn-hosting.com │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ``` ### domainWithoutWWW Returns the domain and removes no more than one ‘www.’ from the beginning of it, if present. ### topLevelDomain Extracts the the top-level domain from a URL. ``` sql topLevelDomain(url) ``` **Arguments** - `url` — URL. Type: [String](../../sql-reference/data-types/string.md). The URL can be specified with or without a scheme. Examples: ``` text svn+ssh://some.svn-hosting.com:80/repo/trunk some.svn-hosting.com:80/repo/trunk https://clickhouse.com/time/ ``` **Returned values** - Domain name. If ClickHouse can parse the input string as a URL. - Empty string. If ClickHouse cannot parse the input string as a URL. Type: `String`. **Example** ``` sql SELECT topLevelDomain('svn+ssh://www.some.svn-hosting.com:80/repo/trunk'); ``` ``` text ┌─topLevelDomain('svn+ssh://www.some.svn-hosting.com:80/repo/trunk')─┐ │ com │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ``` ### firstSignificantSubdomain Returns the “first significant subdomain”. The first significant subdomain is a second-level domain if it is ‘com’, ‘net’, ‘org’, or ‘co’. Otherwise, it is a third-level domain. For example, `firstSignificantSubdomain (‘https://news.clickhouse.com/’) = ‘clickhouse’, firstSignificantSubdomain (‘https://news.clickhouse.com.tr/’) = ‘clickhouse’`. The list of “insignificant” second-level domains and other implementation details may change in the future. ### cutToFirstSignificantSubdomain Returns the part of the domain that includes top-level subdomains up to the “first significant subdomain” (see the explanation above). For example: - `cutToFirstSignificantSubdomain('https://news.clickhouse.com.tr/') = 'clickhouse.com.tr'`. - `cutToFirstSignificantSubdomain('www.tr') = 'tr'`. - `cutToFirstSignificantSubdomain('tr') = ''`. ### cutToFirstSignificantSubdomainWithWWW Returns the part of the domain that includes top-level subdomains up to the “first significant subdomain”, without stripping "www". For example: - `cutToFirstSignificantSubdomain('https://news.clickhouse.com.tr/') = 'clickhouse.com.tr'`. - `cutToFirstSignificantSubdomain('www.tr') = 'www.tr'`. - `cutToFirstSignificantSubdomain('tr') = ''`. ### cutToFirstSignificantSubdomainCustom Returns the part of the domain that includes top-level subdomains up to the first significant subdomain. Accepts custom [TLD list](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Internet_top-level_domains) name. Can be useful if you need fresh TLD list or you have custom. Configuration example: ```xml public_suffix_list.dat ``` **Syntax** ``` sql cutToFirstSignificantSubdomain(URL, TLD) ``` **Parameters** - `URL` — URL. [String](../../sql-reference/data-types/string.md). - `TLD` — Custom TLD list name. [String](../../sql-reference/data-types/string.md). **Returned value** - Part of the domain that includes top-level subdomains up to the first significant subdomain. Type: [String](../../sql-reference/data-types/string.md). **Example** Query: ```sql SELECT cutToFirstSignificantSubdomainCustom('bar.foo.there-is-no-such-domain', 'public_suffix_list'); ``` Result: ```text ┌─cutToFirstSignificantSubdomainCustom('bar.foo.there-is-no-such-domain', 'public_suffix_list')─┐ │ foo.there-is-no-such-domain │ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ``` **See Also** - [firstSignificantSubdomain](#firstsignificantsubdomain). ### cutToFirstSignificantSubdomainCustomWithWWW Returns the part of the domain that includes top-level subdomains up to the first significant subdomain without stripping `www`. Accepts custom TLD list name. Can be useful if you need fresh TLD list or you have custom. Configuration example: ```xml public_suffix_list.dat ``` **Syntax** ```sql cutToFirstSignificantSubdomainCustomWithWWW(URL, TLD) ``` **Parameters** - `URL` — URL. [String](../../sql-reference/data-types/string.md). - `TLD` — Custom TLD list name. [String](../../sql-reference/data-types/string.md). **Returned value** - Part of the domain that includes top-level subdomains up to the first significant subdomain without stripping `www`. Type: [String](../../sql-reference/data-types/string.md). **Example** Query: ```sql SELECT cutToFirstSignificantSubdomainCustomWithWWW('www.foo', 'public_suffix_list'); ``` Result: ```text ┌─cutToFirstSignificantSubdomainCustomWithWWW('www.foo', 'public_suffix_list')─┐ │ www.foo │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ``` **See Also** - [firstSignificantSubdomain](#firstsignificantsubdomain). ### firstSignificantSubdomainCustom Returns the first significant subdomain. Accepts customs TLD list name. Can be useful if you need fresh TLD list or you have custom. Configuration example: ```xml public_suffix_list.dat ``` **Syntax** ```sql firstSignificantSubdomainCustom(URL, TLD) ``` **Parameters** - `URL` — URL. [String](../../sql-reference/data-types/string.md). - `TLD` — Custom TLD list name. [String](../../sql-reference/data-types/string.md). **Returned value** - First significant subdomain. Type: [String](../../sql-reference/data-types/string.md). **Example** Query: ```sql SELECT firstSignificantSubdomainCustom('bar.foo.there-is-no-such-domain', 'public_suffix_list'); ``` Result: ```text ┌─firstSignificantSubdomainCustom('bar.foo.there-is-no-such-domain', 'public_suffix_list')─┐ │ foo │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ``` **See Also** - [firstSignificantSubdomain](#firstsignificantsubdomain). ### port(URL\[, default_port = 0\]) Returns the port or `default_port` if there is no port in the URL (or in case of validation error). ### path Returns the path. Example: `/top/news.html` The path does not include the query string. ### pathFull The same as above, but including query string and fragment. Example: /top/news.html?page=2#comments ### queryString Returns the query string. Example: page=1&lr=213. query-string does not include the initial question mark, as well as # and everything after #. ### fragment Returns the fragment identifier. fragment does not include the initial hash symbol. ### queryStringAndFragment Returns the query string and fragment identifier. Example: page=1#29390. ### extractURLParameter(URL, name) Returns the value of the ‘name’ parameter in the URL, if present. Otherwise, an empty string. If there are many parameters with this name, it returns the first occurrence. This function works under the assumption that the parameter name is encoded in the URL exactly the same way as in the passed argument. ### extractURLParameters(URL) Returns an array of name=value strings corresponding to the URL parameters. The values are not decoded in any way. ### extractURLParameterNames(URL) Returns an array of name strings corresponding to the names of URL parameters. The values are not decoded in any way. ### URLHierarchy(URL) Returns an array containing the URL, truncated at the end by the symbols /,? in the path and query-string. Consecutive separator characters are counted as one. The cut is made in the position after all the consecutive separator characters. ### URLPathHierarchy(URL) The same as above, but without the protocol and host in the result. The / element (root) is not included. ``` text URLPathHierarchy('https://example.com/browse/CONV-6788') = [ '/browse/', '/browse/CONV-6788' ] ``` ### encodeURLComponent(URL) Returns the encoded URL. Example: ``` sql SELECT encodeURLComponent(' 1;') AS EncodedURL; ``` ``` text ┌─EncodedURL───────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ http%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3A8123%2F%3Fquery%3DSELECT%201%3B │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ``` ### decodeURLComponent(URL) Returns the decoded URL. Example: ``` sql SELECT decodeURLComponent('') AS DecodedURL; ``` ``` text ┌─DecodedURL─────────────────────────────┐ │ 1; │ └────────────────────────────────────────┘ ``` ### encodeURLFormComponent(URL) Returns the encoded URL. Follows rfc-1866, space(` `) is encoded as plus(`+`). Example: ``` sql SELECT encodeURLFormComponent(' 1 2+3') AS EncodedURL; ``` ``` text ┌─EncodedURL────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ http%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3A8123%2F%3Fquery%3DSELECT+1+2%2B3 │ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ``` ### decodeURLFormComponent(URL) Returns the decoded URL. Follows rfc-1866, plain plus(`+`) is decoded as space(` `). Example: ``` sql SELECT decodeURLFormComponent('') AS DecodedURL; ``` ``` text ┌─DecodedURL────────────────────────────────┐ │ 1 2+3 │ └───────────────────────────────────────────┘ ``` ### netloc Extracts network locality (`username:password@host:port`) from a URL. **Syntax** ``` sql netloc(URL) ``` **Arguments** - `url` — URL. [String](../../sql-reference/data-types/string.md). **Returned value** - `username:password@host:port`. Type: `String`. **Example** Query: ``` sql SELECT netloc('http://paul@www.example.com:80/'); ``` Result: ``` text ┌─netloc('http://paul@www.example.com:80/')─┐ │ paul@www.example.com:80 │ └───────────────────────────────────────────┘ ``` ## Functions that Remove Part of a URL If the URL does not have anything similar, the URL remains unchanged. ### cutWWW Removes no more than one ‘www.’ from the beginning of the URL’s domain, if present. ### cutQueryString Removes query string. The question mark is also removed. ### cutFragment Removes the fragment identifier. The number sign is also removed. ### cutQueryStringAndFragment Removes the query string and fragment identifier. The question mark and number sign are also removed. ### cutURLParameter(URL, name) Removes the ‘name’ URL parameter, if present. This function works under the assumption that the parameter name is encoded in the URL exactly the same way as in the passed argument.