import time import pytest import subprocess from helpers.cluster import ClickHouseCluster from helpers.test_tools import assert_eq_with_retry from helpers.client import QueryRuntimeException from helpers.test_tools import TSV cluster = ClickHouseCluster(__file__) def _fill_nodes(nodes, table_name): for node in nodes: node.query( ''' CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS test; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {0}(date Date, id UInt32) ENGINE = ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/tables/test/{0}', '{1}') ORDER BY id PARTITION BY toYYYYMM(date); '''.format(table_name, ) node1 = cluster.add_instance('node1', main_configs=['configs/listen_host.xml'], with_zookeeper=True, ipv6_address='2001:3984:3989::1:1111') node2 = cluster.add_instance('node2', main_configs=['configs/listen_host.xml', 'configs/dns_update_long.xml'], with_zookeeper=True, ipv6_address='2001:3984:3989::1:1112') @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def cluster_without_dns_cache_update(): try: cluster.start() _fill_nodes([node1, node2], 'test_table_drop') yield cluster except Exception as ex: print ex finally: cluster.shutdown() pass # node1 is a source, node2 downloads data # node2 has long dns_cache_update_period, so dns cache update wouldn't work def test_ip_change_drop_dns_cache(cluster_without_dns_cache_update): # First we check, that normal replication works node1.query("INSERT INTO test_table_drop VALUES ('2018-10-01', 1), ('2018-10-02', 2), ('2018-10-03', 3)") assert node1.query("SELECT count(*) from test_table_drop") == "3\n" assert_eq_with_retry(node2, "SELECT count(*) from test_table_drop", "3") # We change source node ip cluster.restart_instance_with_ip_change(node1, "2001:3984:3989::1:7777") # Put some data to source node1 node1.query("INSERT INTO test_table_drop VALUES ('2018-10-01', 5), ('2018-10-02', 6), ('2018-10-03', 7)") # Check that data is placed on node1 assert node1.query("SELECT count(*) from test_table_drop") == "6\n" # Because of DNS cache dest node2 cannot download data from node1 with pytest.raises(Exception): assert_eq_with_retry(node2, "SELECT count(*) from test_table_drop", "6") # drop DNS cache node2.query("SYSTEM DROP DNS CACHE") # Data is downloaded assert_eq_with_retry(node2, "SELECT count(*) from test_table_drop", "6") # Just to be sure check one more time node1.query("INSERT INTO test_table_drop VALUES ('2018-10-01', 8)") assert node1.query("SELECT count(*) from test_table_drop") == "7\n" assert_eq_with_retry(node2, "SELECT count(*) from test_table_drop", "7") node3 = cluster.add_instance('node3', main_configs=['configs/listen_host.xml'], with_zookeeper=True, ipv6_address='2001:3984:3989::1:1113') node4 = cluster.add_instance('node4', main_configs=['configs/remote_servers.xml', 'configs/listen_host.xml', 'configs/dns_update_short.xml'], with_zookeeper=True, ipv6_address='2001:3984:3989::1:1114') @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def cluster_with_dns_cache_update(): try: cluster.start() _fill_nodes([node3, node4], 'test_table_update') yield cluster except Exception as ex: print ex finally: cluster.shutdown() pass # node3 is a source, node4 downloads data # node4 has short dns_cache_update_period, so testing update of dns cache def test_ip_change_update_dns_cache(cluster_with_dns_cache_update): # First we check, that normal replication works node3.query("INSERT INTO test_table_update VALUES ('2018-10-01', 1), ('2018-10-02', 2), ('2018-10-03', 3)") assert node3.query("SELECT count(*) from test_table_update") == "3\n" assert_eq_with_retry(node4, "SELECT count(*) from test_table_update", "3") # We change source node ip cluster.restart_instance_with_ip_change(node3, "2001:3984:3989::1:8888") # Put some data to source node3 node3.query("INSERT INTO test_table_update VALUES ('2018-10-01', 5), ('2018-10-02', 6), ('2018-10-03', 7)") # Check that data is placed on node3 assert node3.query("SELECT count(*) from test_table_update") == "6\n" # Because of DNS cache update, ip of node3 would be updated assert_eq_with_retry(node4, "SELECT count(*) from test_table_update", "6") # Just to be sure check one more time node3.query("INSERT INTO test_table_update VALUES ('2018-10-01', 8)") assert node3.query("SELECT count(*) from test_table_update") == "7\n" assert_eq_with_retry(node4, "SELECT count(*) from test_table_update", "7") def test_dns_cache_update(cluster_with_dns_cache_update): node4.exec_in_container(['bash', '-c', 'echo localhost > /etc/hosts'], privileged=True, user='root') node4.exec_in_container(['bash', '-c', 'echo ::1 localhost >> /etc/hosts'], privileged=True, user='root') node4.exec_in_container(['bash', '-c', 'echo lost_host >> /etc/hosts'], privileged=True, user='root') with pytest.raises(QueryRuntimeException): node4.query("SELECT * FROM remote('lost_host', 'system', 'one')") node4.query("CREATE TABLE distributed_lost_host (dummy UInt8) ENGINE = Distributed(lost_host_cluster, 'system', 'one')") with pytest.raises(QueryRuntimeException): node4.query("SELECT * FROM distributed_lost_host") node4.exec_in_container(['bash', '-c', 'echo localhost > /etc/hosts'], privileged=True, user='root') node4.exec_in_container(['bash', '-c', 'echo ::1 localhost >> /etc/hosts'], privileged=True, user='root') node4.exec_in_container(['bash', '-c', 'echo lost_host >> /etc/hosts'], privileged=True, user='root') # Wait a bit until dns cache will be updated assert_eq_with_retry(node4, "SELECT * FROM remote('lost_host', 'system', 'one')", "0") assert_eq_with_retry(node4, "SELECT * FROM distributed_lost_host", "0") assert TSV(node4.query("SELECT DISTINCT host_name, host_address FROM system.clusters WHERE cluster='lost_host_cluster'")) == TSV("lost_host\t127.0.0.1\n") assert TSV(node4.query("SELECT hostName()")) == TSV("node4")