# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import logging import re import shutil import time from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, List, Union import boto3 # type: ignore import botocore # type: ignore from compress_files import compress_file_fast from env_helper import ( CI, RUNNER_TEMP, S3_BUILDS_BUCKET, S3_DOWNLOAD, S3_TEST_REPORTS_BUCKET, S3_URL, ) def _flatten_list(lst): result = [] for elem in lst: if isinstance(elem, list): result += _flatten_list(elem) else: result.append(elem) return result class S3Helper: max_pool_size = 100 def __init__(self, client: Any = None, endpoint: str = S3_URL): self.host = endpoint if client is not None: self.client = client return config = botocore.config.Config(max_pool_connections=self.max_pool_size) session = boto3.session.Session(region_name="us-east-1") self.client = session.client("s3", endpoint_url=endpoint, config=config) def _upload_file_to_s3( self, bucket_name: str, file_path: Path, s3_path: str ) -> str: logging.debug( "Start uploading %s to bucket=%s path=%s", file_path, bucket_name, s3_path ) metadata = {} if file_path.stat().st_size < 64 * 1024 * 1024: if ( s3_path.endswith("txt") or s3_path.endswith("log") or s3_path.endswith("err") or s3_path.endswith("out") ): metadata["ContentType"] = "text/plain; charset=utf-8" logging.info( "Content type %s for file path %s", "text/plain; charset=utf-8", file_path, ) elif s3_path.endswith("html"): metadata["ContentType"] = "text/html; charset=utf-8" logging.info( "Content type %s for file path %s", "text/html; charset=utf-8", file_path, ) elif s3_path.endswith("css"): metadata["ContentType"] = "text/css; charset=utf-8" logging.info( "Content type %s for file path %s", "text/css; charset=utf-8", file_path, ) elif s3_path.endswith("js"): metadata["ContentType"] = "text/javascript; charset=utf-8" logging.info( "Content type %s for file path %s", "text/css; charset=utf-8", file_path, ) else: logging.info("No content type provided for %s", file_path) else: if re.search(r"\.(txt|log|err|out)$", s3_path) or re.search( r"\.log\..*(? str: if CI: return self._upload_file_to_s3(S3_TEST_REPORTS_BUCKET, file_path, s3_path) return S3Helper.copy_file_to_local(S3_TEST_REPORTS_BUCKET, file_path, s3_path) def upload_build_file_to_s3(self, file_path: Path, s3_path: str) -> str: if CI: return self._upload_file_to_s3(S3_BUILDS_BUCKET, file_path, s3_path) return S3Helper.copy_file_to_local(S3_BUILDS_BUCKET, file_path, s3_path) def upload_file( self, bucket: str, file_path: Union[Path, str], s3_path: Union[Path, str] ) -> str: return self._upload_file_to_s3(bucket, Path(file_path), str(s3_path)) def download_file( self, bucket: str, s3_path: str, local_file_path: Union[Path, str] ) -> None: if Path(local_file_path).is_dir(): local_file_path = Path(local_file_path) / s3_path.split("/")[-1] try: self.client.download_file(bucket, s3_path, local_file_path) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: if e.response and e.response["ResponseMetadata"]["HTTPStatusCode"] == 404: assert False, f"No such object [s3://{S3_BUILDS_BUCKET}/{s3_path}]" def download_files( self, bucket: str, s3_path: str, file_suffix: str, local_directory: Union[Path, str], ) -> List[str]: local_directory = Path(local_directory) local_directory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) objects = self.list_prefix_non_recursive(s3_path) res = [] for obj in objects: if obj.endswith(file_suffix): local_file_path = local_directory self.download_file(bucket, obj, local_file_path) res.append(obj.split("/")[-1]) return res def fast_parallel_upload_dir( self, dir_path: Path, s3_dir_path: str, bucket_name: str ) -> List[str]: all_files = [file for file in dir_path.rglob("*") if file.is_file()] logging.info("Files found %s", len(all_files)) counter = 0 t = time.time() sum_time = 0 def upload_task(file_path: Path) -> str: nonlocal counter nonlocal t nonlocal sum_time file_str = file_path.as_posix() try: s3_path = file_str.replace(str(dir_path), s3_dir_path) metadata = {} if s3_path.endswith("html"): metadata["ContentType"] = "text/html; charset=utf-8" elif s3_path.endswith("css"): metadata["ContentType"] = "text/css; charset=utf-8" elif s3_path.endswith("js"): metadata["ContentType"] = "text/javascript; charset=utf-8" # Retry for i in range(5): try: self.client.upload_file( file_path, bucket_name, s3_path, ExtraArgs=metadata ) break except Exception as ex: if i == 4: raise ex time.sleep(0.1 * i) counter += 1 if counter % 1000 == 0: sum_time += int(time.time() - t) print( f"Uploaded {counter}, {int(time.time()-t)}s, " f"sum time {sum_time}s", ) t = time.time() except Exception as ex: logging.critical("Failed to upload file, expcetion %s", ex) return "" return self.s3_url(bucket_name, s3_path) p = Pool(self.max_pool_size) original_level = logging.root.level logging.basicConfig(level=logging.CRITICAL) result = sorted(_flatten_list(p.map(upload_task, all_files))) logging.basicConfig(level=original_level) return result def _upload_directory_to_s3( self, directory_path: Path, s3_directory_path: str, bucket_name: str, keep_dirs_in_s3_path: bool, upload_symlinks: bool, ) -> List[str]: logging.info( "Upload directory '%s' to bucket=%s of s3 directory '%s'", directory_path, bucket_name, s3_directory_path, ) if not directory_path.exists(): return [] files = list(directory_path.iterdir()) if not files: return [] p = Pool(min(len(files), 5)) def task(file_path: Path) -> Union[str, List[str]]: full_fs_path = file_path.absolute() if keep_dirs_in_s3_path: full_s3_path = "/".join((s3_directory_path, directory_path.name)) else: full_s3_path = s3_directory_path if full_fs_path.is_dir(): return self._upload_directory_to_s3( full_fs_path, full_s3_path, bucket_name, keep_dirs_in_s3_path, upload_symlinks, ) if full_fs_path.is_symlink(): if upload_symlinks: if CI: return self._upload_file_to_s3( bucket_name, full_fs_path, full_s3_path + "/" + file_path.name, ) return S3Helper.copy_file_to_local( bucket_name, full_fs_path, full_s3_path + "/" + file_path.name ) return [] if CI: return self._upload_file_to_s3( bucket_name, full_fs_path, full_s3_path + "/" + file_path.name ) return S3Helper.copy_file_to_local( bucket_name, full_fs_path, full_s3_path + "/" + file_path.name ) return sorted(_flatten_list(list(p.map(task, files)))) def upload_build_directory_to_s3( self, directory_path: Path, s3_directory_path: str, keep_dirs_in_s3_path: bool = True, upload_symlinks: bool = True, ) -> List[str]: return self._upload_directory_to_s3( directory_path, s3_directory_path, S3_BUILDS_BUCKET, keep_dirs_in_s3_path, upload_symlinks, ) def upload_test_directory_to_s3( self, directory_path: Path, s3_directory_path: str, keep_dirs_in_s3_path: bool = True, upload_symlinks: bool = True, ) -> List[str]: return self._upload_directory_to_s3( directory_path, s3_directory_path, S3_TEST_REPORTS_BUCKET, keep_dirs_in_s3_path, upload_symlinks, ) def list_prefix( self, s3_prefix_path: str, bucket: str = S3_BUILDS_BUCKET ) -> List[str]: objects = self.client.list_objects_v2(Bucket=bucket, Prefix=s3_prefix_path) result = [] if "Contents" in objects: for obj in objects["Contents"]: result.append(obj["Key"]) return result def list_prefix_non_recursive( self, s3_prefix_path: str, bucket: str = S3_BUILDS_BUCKET ) -> List[str]: objects = self.client.list_objects_v2(Bucket=bucket, Prefix=s3_prefix_path) result = [] if "Contents" in objects: for obj in objects["Contents"]: if "/" not in obj["Key"][len(s3_prefix_path) + 1 :]: result.append(obj["Key"]) return result def url_if_exists(self, key: str, bucket: str = S3_BUILDS_BUCKET) -> str: if not CI: local_path = self.local_path(bucket, key) if local_path.exists(): return local_path.as_uri() return "" try: self.client.head_object(Bucket=bucket, Key=key) return self.s3_url(bucket, key) except Exception: return "" @staticmethod def get_url(bucket: str, key: str) -> str: if CI: return S3Helper.s3_url(bucket, key) return S3Helper.local_path(bucket, key).as_uri() @staticmethod def s3_url(bucket: str, key: str) -> str: url = f"{S3_DOWNLOAD}/{bucket}/{key}" # last two replacements are specifics of AWS urls: # https://jamesd3142.wordpress.com/2018/02/28/amazon-s3-and-the-plus-symbol/ url = url.replace("+", "%2B").replace(" ", "%20") return url @staticmethod def local_path(bucket: str, key: str) -> Path: return (Path(RUNNER_TEMP) / "s3" / bucket / key).absolute() @staticmethod def copy_file_to_local(bucket_name: str, file_path: Path, s3_path: str) -> str: local_path = S3Helper.local_path(bucket_name, s3_path) local_dir = local_path.parent local_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) shutil.copy(file_path, local_path) logging.info("Copied %s to %s", file_path, local_path) return local_path.as_uri()